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��.,._. �,.�_� <br /> _ ,., . .,.. , <br /> � � - - . ... - <br /> , L...' ' a'•-��—___�_ <br /> ��M/M!r�lP ey. •.. � � .. ' �.' '-��'�t'�«•��Fe..._.� . . . �. ��'+M__ .,���`�i"`�„v'� <br /> .. ��•�r�n,i. .},, , . . � � ..t1. ;�g:_ ' s`--�-.� _-- — �,`— -. <br /> • . • ' W ---.. <br /> I <br /> ' • v�us4 0��0 9 ` �U�1.:�'� - <br /> 'CFfiS TRUST�EED.m�dc And eniero�iaAi thia. :�••� day of_ NQVEMBBR. �14 96 by aa3 _ <br /> y�� _��uK VoBAVQNG_�_THQHS�L�S2Z'l;►_`�.4�AVONG. HU5BANU 6 WY�B AS Ji ,'ilvator, <br /> — _��w!RT���Ti�R �IIA�T�.C.�P�Y..,-----_.w . _. .. �,�ti1�ID0� <br /> aad 6GNBFiC3AL NE�RASKA INC.d/b/i BfiNEFICiAl.MOR1 OA(3E CO..a Nebc�k�oapot�►cion. BooeF�ci�ry, __ <br /> W I'1'TVESSETH•Tl�t.'ptustot.bY ehese p�+eseats.cloes�not,bu��in�nd cell,convey wd amfum wittr f'uwer oF Sr3o uaio 7tu�iee the <br /> rta]ptopetty,ir�cluditt�tll buildin�s,imprvMement�.aaxl t�x�e��eveiy ict�od aow or beitaf�er aticeod � 5b0o of�rr�r• <br /> (6ese�tter rc�ernd ta as the "P�+opr�rty,)citwoe ia • <br /> THE SOUTFI � Or THB E � OF LOT 10. OF VANSINE'S 5UBDIVISION� LOCATEA ON PART THB THE NW� _ <br /> OF SECTION 22, 10WNSHIP 11 :i0&TH. RANGE 10 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.� IN Tti.E CITY OF GRAND <br /> ISLAND. HA1.L COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> � . . ,���....� �3!�*�a�n i!+.+:�nn' <br /> N{ YA rl t W� NV�+� - <br /> 3d�Qithi�baoc u cbeciced.this'tYust IIeed is sub}xt to a prioc mrst deod dated—�/OS/90 19 e�ect�tcd by <br /> � vn • nur b �rtxri TANF vORAVONG. HIIQ��'�'n � VI� � -'!�s�� <br /> �--- <br /> NATIOHAI. BANR OF CO244?RCE TRUST � SAVINGS ASs"Ci _ __ .as u��ee foe <br /> . thG 6Caefit Of O .R1.AND NATIUtaAT. a�13R +��Y• <br /> ,ec�;,�p�,s,eaR of�p�+mii:,o�y nae ;a me pru�r.�i:amounc of S ��Qn�_afl .7�c prior uuu cSaod w�s reoo�+3ed o0 <br /> ?IS1an , 19 with tbe �iocatd�.r of T.T. _ Camtp.. Nebcadca ia Hooi� <br /> � pye�p�1pp59.1. ASSIGNBE: FIRST COi�RCE MOBTGAGB CA 2/5/90 AFC 2/14/90 INS90–I00752 <br /> 11D NAYE AND 70 HOLD tbe s�me,with all ri�bb.pivikga aad+�PWr�ce+b wch Pt'°�rty b�o�i�°'Ihmee.�sd <br /> 'e�eculo�s,a�inima�lon.6eit:,s�ooesto�s�od�for 7kua�ee�r.Aad T�u:1oi in tltis'l�wt Deed acpeedy�ves.x�e�e� <br /> aad reii�q�bba imw 1h�Nx�11 ri�k,title�claim,ia�erest,beaefit aod eswe Mha�ev�er,i�oi�od oo tbe Propaty whic6 is pv�ea by or <br /> �ttam all la�vi of the 5nle of P1cbw:tca psit�ioi�q�t�d�e exemptian of homa�ead.Aad 7hu�or caNeo�aitb'lf�tee tL�t!�e Mill <br /> fioa►�es+anaat�od defead tbe title oo the Pnopaty aYaia�t d�e 4wiW cWmt of all peesoo��amso�- <br /> IN 1'RUS'T HOOVEVFR, �'a ttre PurPwes descr�ed+ as tdlo�vs: 1lruqor oa t6is d�e Wt e�r�oc.�ed a pnomi��ay Na1e a�Lan <br /> ���t°�[LC�[!IR'�.WhiCjf CV1dCOCCi a lO�o ia dIC ACt0�1 AII1GftOt af 1.0�=1 Of� 14795_�7 (hCR�tE�C11�Od <br /> b i1111E PlinCt�l�s W��Yit11 iOD�2Lit 00 L1A�SRtd'b�dOCi Of ibC P[IDCiQYI flli�tiIDG(0 ftmC 01�$��!C RYC Of�.�I�C!Ct <br /> t�in d�e Agnemeat.@,e Fiaal Due Dak being 111�ni�nos . 19_,aU of w��pay�;�tbo af�oe of <br /> �Y• <br /> Ia 16e e�et of d�e dea�of ooe of tl�e 1'n�stas,at ttre optioe of B�aef�c�ary.the unpdd b�t�ce ctf tbe Actusl Amount of La�a.eo�atber <br /> wit6 aan�ed,im�diaQelY maY bavme dne md pyabk- <br /> LTotil tbo fi1in�of a Natice of Dofwlt,lti,�uor�:(i)p•y.n�r�e�c aoa�o�w�a�a.���aa speaai.a�c <br /> �e Fr�o�oaty�etore the�es became+leliaq�at ar actioo�t,i�:f23����m d�e Pmpesty ine��e�ed as a�be <br /> requirod from time to time by He�eSdarY apio�ie�bY fin�ud.a�a I�uard�,cawaida aod voaa�o�acia.m suca amr,usi�aoG:u� <br /> - suc�periods��re rwoo�bie�ad m�y be requined by.HeaeSciarY.�ad o01�all poiicies o�wc6 iosmaoa m fo�+ce u�el6ect upo�d�e <br /> p�p��'�ottY+�iEnod�ad deliv�er�d to BeoeSc�ry.aod(3)P�Y�o�WY witL all the lerms nid caaditioo�of aoy�m <br /> a ie6eboedow thst m�y be uaior w or nioe p�ce of this 1tu�t Dood s�soon�aay wch paymeat o0 or of a�lieo.ct�aim a <br /> iadebiedoe:s�ll bocame due.Upoo 6ilure of'dh�sloc tu l�aep anS'ag�oemean m�de in thia'huu Dood.Beaefic+aq►m�►pbi�oc+ued . <br /> ta�w amd iowrmx ptemiums or P�Y off any lie�oe cl�ims or indebledaess, �s the c�e mry be. 'i'he wooey �o upa�ded bN <br /> HexSciuy for t�purpo�e shdl bar i�enat at the Rate of Char�e aad�hall be�ewted by thu'hust Dood.'Ii�ustor�nees to e�epry tbe <br /> a,�me upoa deaotod.iJpon fiilure so to do.the lao imm�ed� shall became due and pryabic,at tbe option of Heeef c�ry.71vMor <br /> specit-xalfy 000fen upon'i�uslee tlut Pba�er of S�k as pwided in Netxaska law,aad sh�U ret�in posscesion of tbe Pi+uperry and caibd• <br /> tbe reat�aod r�v�ea�ues tb�xfrom�ntil filiag of such Natia. <br /> Zruswn w;u py ana icoep cursaot t6e moomly inw�imea�s oo the pria erust aea�aoa te p�eveac.ay aefwtt thenuaaa. 7tuia�s <br /> f�utber aSroe th�t�6ould aay defwk 6e m�de in tbe pymeat of�ay insbUn�att of priacipal or�ay iala+est oo tHe prior tn�t deed.or <br /> sLoukl�oy�uit be cooan�wced oc dher action tairea to foceclose the prior wst deed.thea the�mouat socwed by dils'I1ru�t Doed W�all <br /> became aad be due aad peyalrle ia fi�ll at at�y time d� tbe optiaa of BeaeSciary�n ia �cco�d�nce avitL tbe A�raeanat. <br /> itt oQtiou,�Y PrY the scbodu3ed modhty insqlmeats ao dfe prior truu doed aad.w the exteat of�e�ajoutit w ptid. <br /> beccnoe�+u�to the ri�of the bexfic+uY ideatifiod ia tbe prior tnut deod.All pymeats made by BtaeBciary oa tLe{o�a <br /> secuced by tbe prior mut deeb s!n!1 besr iatereu at d�e Woe of cl�rge uatil paid m full. <br /> Hor�xa l3�ls.Fa.LIr,�'41 <br />