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<br /> � _i06549
<br /> NON-UNIFURM COVBNAN7'S. Barrowor md I.tsnder fuAhet covtnmt and�gr�co w tollow�: ��
<br /> 17. Fondqwro Protydara. If Lender uire�immedirtc payment in fu0 undarparr�rpph 9,l.ender may involco tha
<br /> - - ---- �awer of splo and amy a1i�mnodies itaed�y ap�iicrbio frw. Zx��sA�►tE bc erditkd i�r,�ll�,:t i!1 cx�:n�s leetttsrd .
<br /> -- In purwing 1he rcmedier provided in is pua�raph 17.includin�,!wt rtat limited to.rcA�on�btc nnomeyi'fee�and cact�oY
<br /> UUo ovidenoe.
<br /> II Ib��ow�u�a�M 4 invaked,71�wa vull record�aoHce o�defidt in eNCY couet�la wbk6 aay p�rt ot tbe
<br /> P�Y ir7ocsbd wd�II nwU copt�of wch notla in t6e manner pre�cribed by apDlknble law to Borrmrer aad
<br /> ` , to otber pcnwu pnscribed by nppl�cwble I�w. After I�e Ilme raquired by appi�ble Is�w�'i�uslco shal! ve .-
<br /> �w Wic aollce af wM W the perwn��na�n the au�aaer presc�lbed�by�pplk�bte bw 7Ywtee,wilbout oa
<br /> Borrower,�hall rell ll�e�'naperty at public�uctloa to We hi hest 6Wder�t t4e linne�nd place And under the teraa�
<br /> dalj�ted la!he notice a�ale In oae or moreps�rcele aad�o any order 7tuetee deterndaes. 7tustee auypo�t�aae
<br /> �M a��II or an p�nel of Ihe PropertY by public aaaoWaicea�eai H the llma aud pl�ce W�ay previourly rcbeduled
<br /> We. Lender or�ta desi�ee nuy euchaee Ihe Pr�uperty�t�Aay a�k.
<br /> Upoa recelpt otpa ma�t�the prke bld�7Fuetee elwll deliver to the purcbsser'i�ustee's dad coaveying tbe
<br /> Property. The redWa�o the'ik�nst�a�s dad s6�l1�prima fock evldeuce ot Iruth at Iloe�kmenta a�ade Ihcreln.
<br /> "���--�� - 7Fwtx ebW appty the proceeds of the�le in the fol owiaQ arder: (w) to all eods And expenoer ot exercisinR the
<br /> power ot�le,and!be ede.lacludiu�Ihe pwyment o�Ihe 7Y�ustee'e fee�acluolly lacurred,nat to e:atid g�,ve� �
<br /> ot the cip�l amount of the aole st the time ot the declwraUon of defaulf, wnd reasonabk attorneya fees ao
<br /> �y� eotitkd�tWO it�.b) W�II wau sxured by thts Security leutrumeati Aad(¢1 say eu�to!Ae perron or perww
<br /> 1& ttecoavey�nce. Upon payment of all suma securcd by this Secu�ity Instrumen�Lender shell request 7lustce to
<br /> reconvey Ihe Property And shell surrender�his Security Inspument and all notes evidencing debt securcd by thia Security
<br /> inatrumcnt w 7tu�tex. 7tustce shall mconvey tho Property without waROnty and without cluu�e lo the person or pe�son�
<br /> � le�slly eaNded ta it. Such person or persnns sh�ll pay uny recordation costs. -
<br /> 19. Sub�t(tuf�7Yustee. Lender,at its option.may from dme to time remove 7tustee and eppolnt a succ ssor uuslec
<br /> ro any 7lvatee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which thia Security lnstniment�A recorded.
<br /> -- Without comeyance of the Property,the successor ttivstee chwll succeed to all the titlo,power and duties confemed upon
<br /> 7tuctee herein and bp applicable IAw.
<br /> 3p Request (or Notiaa Borrowcr requeats that copier of the noticea of deiault and sala be rent to Bomowerl�
<br /> _ oddteas which ir tho Property Addresc.
<br /> Ridere lo this Security Inatrumeat If one or more ddera are cxecuted by Brnrower and recorded togcther with thia
<br /> Security lnstrument,the covenants of eacb such rider ahell be incorporated imo and shall emend and supplement the
<br /> __ -- covenwnts and agreementa of this Security Inswment ea if the ridor(e�)were in a part of this Security lnewme��
<br /> � [Check applicable boa(es)1•
<br /> �Condomlaium Rider �(3raduated Peyment Rider �Cirowln�Nqwry luder
<br /> '�'�,�:,� �planned Unit Development Rider �01her(Specifyj
<br /> -�lvr•�. .�;,,�:�
<br /> �:.,s.:�..v.�rig;�.,
<br /> " '�' BY S!(3NINC3 BELOW, Borrower accepts end agrees to�he terms contuined in pages I through 4 of this Securlry
<br /> s�_riv r:�L:r,.
<br /> """`���`� Inctrument and in any ridcr(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> _�:,�-�r-��
<br /> �;-�-�'f;1.���'Bi
<br /> --_. esses:
<br /> ��:�: -�`�_'4! �
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<br /> -•° L,.,„�. Bormwa
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<br /> ' -."�- STATE OF NEBRASKA, �LL County rs:
<br />''°--_r?:�'�=
<br /> �: • p��iy 28th �ay ot•Jul q, 1992 ,hefurc me,the undersigned,a Notary -
<br />_._�._:4.. . � •� --
<br /> -.-i�;;,.. , Public duly commissioned And quulified for suid county,penonully cam�
<br /> uV o; � �� ,to mc known to bc the =_
<br /> � V _
<br /> ,�, ' , i cul person(s)whose numcls)ure subscrilx�J to the tiircgoing inurument und acknowledged the execution thereof to be �
<br /> .. ���f r volunlury act nnd decd. P
<br /> .�,. . .. Witncs+my hand and noturiai scal ut dRMiD ISWND in s•rid county, thc
<br /> _' � date aforesaid. -
<br /> --.�.:�..�,,..�.. �1 l� K\ �
<br /> r.i� e. .
<br /> �:.�_--`' u"`-- - M Co nmission expires: v � ���L =
<br /> ROB TA L RBBD �— - NO1°ry�"��k _
<br /> ., � 6ENEA�L MOiARII-SI�U W Neaaskl
<br /> ' - ' M1�Cm�m.E�0.luly 30.199/ -
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<br /> '1'hc undersig�xd ic Ihc holdcr nf�hr notr��r m.�tr�crcurrd hy thi.fAr�•d of'1}u.�. Suid no�r�ir n�i�r�.�uerthrr with sdl �
<br /> o='�`�'�-- ' other indebicdnexx secureJ by ihis DeeJ ol"Ihu�i, havr Ixen paid in I'ull. Yuu are hcreby diRCt¢d lu ranc�l �niJ note ur -
<br /> .. �� notrs und this Dccd nf'Itu.t,which urc drlivrrrd hrrchy.and t��rcr�Nivey.withuut wurrunty.ull th�e.tulr nuw hcld by you '-
<br /> �� ° �t under this Deed ot'1Fust to the person or persons Icgully entNlcd ihrn�w. =
<br /> .. �,:;; '�"? Dulc: ------------ - --- - �-
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