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<br /> � .,.u�.�•��� 7�n addstia► to ths aov�esr� a�d ag�Nments mad� in Ch� Saeuri�► xs�stxvmen�� 8osrvwer and .�,.,t,..
<br /> - �` d: ;- ;i-- -�- ieader fisrNher ar�svessor►t a�d �5�� to amand Parag�eapb 9 0£' tiha Modn�. �rtaage Forat.
<br /> +CS � 11dditi4rial �cvvnd� foY � :-T.
<br /> : antitled Gramds for AaaolArdCiaq a! A4+b�" +I� by dd3�t� ��
<br /> � ...T, _• �aceLeratioa a� foilan t . ' , ' .
<br /> .. .. " ,, so A�a is�stxvan�nt as�vmo �":'.---
<br /> � I.�etider or suCh o� i�s �uaaessox� aar asa�ls as maY � P� �.�_
<br /> . . raspvs:aibi�i�y For aasu�ing aaafpl�sia� b� tht Borroorar th ths pr�ovisio�:ia aP thia �x,-.
<br /> . ..,.. }•,� Tax-8�ampt �3s�aaain8 Ri,ctex► m�►Y raq�ir� itimediat� psy�m�en� is� �i11. oF all aums ssnvrad by ----
<br /> . thi�: 8eawrity Itli�ttt i�Es .
<br /> . :,� �.. A7.� or part o� �he prqpet�C� is aold aae oth�xais� tra�sfex�zed by Aorroare�,to a _--_
<br /> � -�J �putat�sser ar other tssna���+��s „`�
<br /> " ° ., � ,tr (i) wlto c�tna� �s��aably b� �speatod to��au�tsa��ar� a1]. as a a�v�,�dad�ix �.
<br /> E .�. residenaa wi�t►it1 � e¢eottisb a Cims a�� ttL� r Pr
<br /> . __ __ - -- - — gaa�itrt 143(a� and �#,)�i) a� �� Iur�a� �+�a,�8; ar
<br /> ---
<br /> ,. ° , . °: (ii) tfia tias tuatd �a pseaer►t a�ttta�ahip imtarast 3!i a pr�ncipol r�sidenca d�s3ng any _�
<br /> � w;. pariC of ths threa-ya� �esLod a�!�g aa tb4 da�a Q�'� �dla 4r tire+�sfer� all as _
<br /> ° . , .. �ro�rided in �eatiion �.49(d) +cnd (i)��) o�' tha In��raaL�RQVeua�a Codv (e�ccapt that
<br /> 100 pex�Tetlb^ 81t�t11 �a �tibstitutad go�e "98 'p�r�out ax� mora" elsexs ths La�tex
<br /> "�" .. � ' �,ppaars iu SeutLoa 143(d)(1�: or . • -
<br /> � , , ° � . p�abesa� pr�iaea��ata�r �ost MhiO �=�n� ��t qe�ed ar�ea sasidenaesj,�a@.l�as
<br /> ;, � ' , psovided itt S�aaCian�43(o) ��i3C�y of tho Iatos�na].�enue Qoda; or � .�5�:;
<br /> :Y.....'-.,=
<br /> ��, � ~ °� (iv) Wtw has a ss famiip l�ncamn �t eacaQau ot� ehe apAliaable peronnta�a o�' � -
<br /> , ' a�rp1 1 C e.b l e q s e d i n ri ��1 3 1� i t s e a m s ss , ps�a�idod in 9oction i�i3(i) and (i.)(2) o rlie '
<br /> �. ° ° . . Ix"��YCf�i R�voru� Cads; or ' _.�.,"
<br /> � __ . • �:�_•.�;
<br /> - {M�:,�.: . : b. 8arro�r �aila Co aa�upy tha doacae�.bad in the Sacusl.t.y hzat�►ant v.t.rk�our _ _--
<br /> zt
<br /> �.� :� � . iar rrioC��►is Tax�re�pt �airg &id��� �aoaaors or c��ig� de�ar�.bed az the _�
<br /> . .. . �g�� ..��.�
<br /> ' : �. SQrscwer wil.tat or misre ra�eats a faat that •is matasiel wi.th seapecc za ehe l
<br /> . provis3,on9 ot Seatiott 143 0� ths �tez�al �4vett+se Code �,t� +ut appl�,aativa fuz tlta ioasi �,,`�-
<br /> �` - � aacurad by t.�tis eecuri�► 7ssst��menq. - -�
<br /> � � Bs�drartces ara to th4 Titteriul ILtrvattwe �od� � ���d '� � ��sat oa r.�►e Oate o� "�
<br /> .�� � issuxanae og bsmds. e.proaoad9 0� �+hich=+�l.1]. �ad eo l3s�artao tha Seauri�r Lsss�umettt � -�
<br /> .�,:,,;.�. arid ars daraAed to i3scl�o fiha implam�a ing Bula
<br /> ' gX g=C,�11NQ � Bgd�(74T 8osrower accnpts and ag�eaa to the texms arid pzaviaivna isz *.his � .
<br /> . Taue-8xampt 1�l,xwnaiet� R�des��
<br /> . �, � rrarer �,. .
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<br /> "'�""� If so loti as the I�Sortgage is trut��anding� a11 or a� the ro ia oold �
<br /> or trana�`erred bg Bvz�owar witfiout Iend�z''s pr�.or vritt�tt consent� other tt�an a tr�ansfer
<br /> yy davisn� deaaetl� or by oper�aei o � lu�x,�d���iender ma � ayaLbe�nder's ap�ion� declare all
<br /> _ �: t�e sums s�cu�rod by tho M�ar�g g Y �, /�,/
<br /> Gf 4-
<br /> � ' L'rOSte� D AN6 E UPL ,J
<br /> JULY 27r1992 ��� - �
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