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",'C'� . ., " ' : .-- <br /> • . � Ox� ..'s.....- �..'*I.--°°- ,.,.�,-+s.n.�.... <br /> . - �'r . .. y.;t�►�rp'V'`;.:;9".� ..,t.. <br /> M �-: <br /> �` ' --_-_-- - -_ _- _-- . <br /> - _ � 92_ 1,065�4�5 _ <br /> �7.�'ranoPer ot tl�Property or v BeneAcinl Inter�st in Borrower.If ell ar any pan�f the Pmperty ar any inlerect in it <br /> �'- i�s�ald or�i�ansferrod(or if a beneficiel inlcrest in Borrawcr iti suid�r trunafeR�nnd Barrawcr is nc►t A mwrul persan)wlthaut <br /> �;,Y„ i Ler�der's pcior writtcn consent, Lsnder may, ut itx aplion. rcquirc immediote paymcnt in full of ull sums secured by this <br /> Secudty lnstrumont.However.this optian ahall not be eacrcise�by t.ender if exercise ia prohibited by federal luw ax of the date <br />__ . of thie Sxurlty I�tru�nent. � <br /> ° If I.ender exercises�his option.I.ender shall give Borrawer natice of wccelern�ion.The nodce+hull pmride a perlod�►f not <br /> • less �hat� 30 days from the date the notice is delivereci ar nwiled within which Borruwer muyt pay all xums secural by thix _ <br /> =;? Sccu�ity Instrument.lf Borrower fuils to pAy these aum.g pri�r ta the expimdon of this peri��d, i.ender tnuy invokc uny remedios <br /> �' .R �" �' � permitted by this Sccurlry Instrument wlthout further natire or dcmund on Bnrrowcr. <br /> °� 18. Bormwer's Rlght to Reinstatc. li' ecavowcr meets certuin canditians, k�rrowcr shall huvc the rigln tu have � <br /> ^ " enforcement of this Security Instniment discontinued at uny time prior to thc eurlier of: (u) S days (ar such aher pe�od as <br /> applicable luw mny specify for reinstatemenU hefore wilc af the Praperty pursunnt to any power of solc rnntainal in tfiih <br /> �� Security In�trument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are thut Borrower:(u)puys �- <br /> � Lender all sums which then would be due under thia Securlty Instrument und the Nate as if no s�ccelera�ian hud nccurred; (b) <br /> —�°" �'r� cure4 nny default of sny other covenants or ugrecments; (c)pays ull expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Securiry Instrument, � <br /> ___ ����'��,� " including,but not limited to. reasorwble attorneys' fees; und(d)takes surh action as L.ender may reasonably require to ascure �__ <br /> .�+�t>p�;<t,;,: • that the licn of this Securiry Instrument, l.ender's rights fn the Property and Borrower's obligation la puy the sums,ec:urcxi by �_ <br /> ���r=:.+�;;� this Security Instrument shnll continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bc�rrower, this Sccurfry Instrument and the <br /> ����r � .,.,.2,; • • abligations secured I�ereby shall remein fully effective uq if no accelerution had c,ccurred. However,this nght ta reinslute shall <br /> '',?, .` , not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> ° •'* r 19, Sale oP Note; Cfwn�e �f LoAn Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (mgether with this Security _ <br /> ' Instrument)muy be sold one or more time.ti without p�ior notice to Borcower.A sale may result in�change in the entity(known _,,. <br /> � ''{�:���• as the"Loan Servic�er")that collects monthly payments due under ttie Note end this Securlty Instrument. There alsu moy be one __ <br /> '�`�' � � or more change.a of the Loan Servicer unrelated tu a sale of the Note.lf there is a change af the I.aan Servicer, Botmwer w111 be <br /> .,.� � 4�'�'�''; :.' ``•' r'° given written notice of the change in accordance with pamgruph 14 ubove and applicablc law. The notice will swte the name ancl <br /> "=° �� eddre�s of the new Loan Servicer and the acld�sa tu which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other � <br /> , . �•. ,.. <br /> ;;;a:. ��'•��-'-- ��• � •• inforn�ation required by applicable law. -- <br /> = n � � " '' , 20. Hazardous SubsWnces. Borrower shull not cuuse ar permit the presence, use,disposal, storage, or relcase of any �' <br /> :� ° j;,'�F•••^' •�.•�r NazArdous Substances an or in the Property. Borrower sball not do, nor ellaw anyane else to do, anything affecting the -_ <br /> �'� Pruperty that is in vialation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pre.+ence, use, or ' <br /> • •:r•4.- �.. �. storage on the Propeny af small yuantities nf Hazardous Substances that are genernlly recognized�o be appropriatc ro norn�al �-� <br /> -_ � , ' ::;, residentiul uses and to maintenance of the Property. d� <br /> _ ' Horrower shnll prompdy give i.ender w�itten notice of any investigation. claim.demund.Istwsuit or other uction by any <br /> � ^ � guvernmental or regulatory ugency or privute party involving the Praperty end any Hazardous Subslance or Environmental �'_ <br /> ,:.,;r •'� '` of which Horrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any governmental or regulatory uuthorit , that _ <br /> WN, � .;,rr..•.'. . <br /> ��.._ � <br />_-�,-'„ .,• ,� , any removal or other remediation of any Hnzardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary. Borrower shall prompt y take <br /> -.-_ , .'��.��'�_ �� �PSCnry remediel actions in accardi+nce with Environmemnl Law. <br /> '"''"'�'"� � " As used in this puragraph 20, "Hazurdous Substanrec"are those substances defined as toaic or hazardoux subswnces by <br /> , . � . ' Environmentnl Law und thc following substunces: gasoline, kcrosene, othcr flumtnuble ar toxic petroleum Qroducts, toxic �_ <br /> . pesticides und herbicidcs,volatile solvents,matcrials containing usbestos or formaldehyde,and radiouctive rnutenals. As uscd in ��_ <br /> ' a� . �his purugruph 20, "EnvironmentAl l.�w" means federal laws and laws of �he jurisdiction where the Propcny is lacated that <br /> � � ;��,� � relate to heulth,sufety or enviranmcntnl protection. __. <br /> ��; NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower und Lcndcr Purthercovenunt and ugrce u.ti follows: --- <br /> ' 21.Accelemtion:RemedieR. I.ender shall give nodce to Borrower prlor to acceleration Pollow•inR Borrower's brNach _ <br /> • ' �`'�• of Any covenant or a�reemeot in this Securlty Instrument (but not prlor to acceleration under paragraph 17 unles.s <br /> . . '• �" "" uppllcable law provldes otherwice).The notice shall speclPy: (u)the default: (b) the action required to cure the default; _ <br /> • � �'�t� (c)A date,not I�.�Ihan 30 deyb Prom the dwte the noUce is given to Borrower, by whlch the dcfault must be cared;and _y <br /> �� d � •�� (d) thet failure tu cure the dcfault on or before the d�te specified in the nutice may rcsult in acccleration of thc sums <br /> ��• �•'"; . : •"�.� secured by thls Security lnstrument�nd wle of the Property. The nntice shall further inPi�rm fMrrower of thc ri�ht to `�"' <br /> `'' �� reinstate afYer uccelemNon and the rlght to brink u courl action to atisert the non-existenre of a default or any other � <br /> ).,,.. . �, . . �.� <br /> A ' � dei'ense of Burrower to acceleration and sale. If thc default i�s nnt cured on or hefore 1Be d�te speciiied In the notice, �_ <br /> ' � "��•��, I.endcr. at its opdon. may mquire immediatc payment in t'ull oi alf xums recured b�• this tiecurlty Inctrument without =-'= <br />; .;�•� .����° ;- aw ° turlhcr demand and may invokc the powcr of sulc and any other remcdlcs permitted b�• appltcable law. Lendcr chall be ��"" <br /> i..• � �� entitled to collect a0 expenses incurred in punuinR the remedlrs provided in this paraKraph 21,includlna�but not limited �_ <br /> �� ,, to.rcusonable attorneys'fees und costs of'titic evldencc. _ <br /> �• ,y�R IP the power oP sale is invnkrd. Trustec shnll r��cord a notke of dePuuli in cuch cuunty in whlrh vny part of the _ _ <br /> �'�=-.� Property is I��cated and chall mui!cupies oP surh notice in the m�nner prcwcrilx�d by uppltcable la�v to Borrower�nd to _ <br /> '�,w " the other persons pre�ribed by applicable lu��•.After the Ume reyuired b}•upplicablc law.Trust�r,hall�ive public notice <br /> } -�af;_ • �; � oP sale to the pensons und in the munncr pn�cril�ed by upplicable I�x•. 7'rustec. ��Ithuut dcmand nn Bnrrow•cr,ah�ll sell �:u <br /> ;�' the Property ut public auctinn to the hlghest biddcr at thc Nmc and plarc and under the tenns desianated in the notice ot <br />,� " � sale In une or mnrc purccls und in ony orcicr Trustec detcrmin�w.Trust�r muy pnstp�mc u+le oP all nr any pancl of'thc <br /> x � '.�„�,,.. „ `� property by pubNc aonouncement at the t�me end plare oP nny prevlou5ly schedulcd xak. Lender or its d�iRnNC mey �"�' <br /> .. •.'�,. purihase the Property wt any�le. - <br /> ��„ <br /> .��. <br /> . ., ' . , . .,' � <br /> � • Fam 3028 9/90 <br /> a � P�9e 6 0�6 - �r'_ <br /> ., i . <br /> E. ..--_ _, _ . . ..a ,. ..; . . . , ..,...,.C. . . - .-..... <br /> � <br /> . . . . . ._ .. .-�-� --- - <br /> �. _ �ae.—.__'--- - _=--_� . .:_-°-.-__-°.- ..--- <br /> l .. <br /> 1: �,,..,. � <br /> . .. . � <br /> . ' .. .�,.` ` . � <br /> T <br /> ,. , <br /> } ., i <br /> ; <br /> __. - __- - <br />