<br /> � .
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<br /> ` � ��„� � 92- �O6.S45
<br /> --�- — TO(iETHRR W[TH�111he impmvements now or hereafter erectod on tho Property.u�d ell eacemente.appurtenrnce��ord c -
<br /> - tixtures now or hercaRer a part af tlu property. All replacements and additians shall �Ico bo covercd by thir Sowrity
<br /> Imtrument.All of tho foregoing is rcferned ro in this Secut�ty Instrument�the"PropeRy."
<br /> _ _�,�_,_�, HORROWER COVEN/1NTS that Borrower ia lawfully ceisad of the estate hereby canveyed and has the right to grant and
<br /> = convey tho Propercy a»d that the Property is unencumberod,except far encumbrances of nxard. 8orrower wnrrwntr+uki w111
<br /> defe�d generally the title to the Prop¢ny against ell cleims and demonds,subJect to any encumbrances of rocard.
<br /> - - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform cavenants for netfonal use and mn-uniform coverwnt�with limited .
<br /> o secur�t ins�rument coverin real ro rt .
<br /> -',r.� ___-__ _-- -_ - variati�ns�y jurisdicti�n t�c�nstitute n unif rm y j M Pe Y
<br /> =,�� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender covenant ru►d agree a4 followa: °" "
<br /> • 1. Paymeat ot Principwl And Interectt �l�yment nnd Late Chwrges. Borrower ahall promptly pay when duc ti�e
<br /> pdncipal of artd interest on t6e debt evidcnced by tMc Notc and any prepayment and late charges due under tha Note.
<br /> — _--- 2. Funds[or Taxes and Itu�urance. SubJect to applicoble law or to a written waiver by Lender, Bortower shall pay to
<br /> �:i�,�,� L.ender on the day monthly payments are due unQer the Note,until the Nute is paid in full,a sum("Funds'?for:(a)yearly lauea
<br /> — ""—"'� and assessments which mny attain priority ovcr this Securlty Instrument as a lien an the I'roperty; (b)yearly leasehold payment�
<br /> �� �="'"�"'"�..� or graund rents on the Propeny. ff nny;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insu�a�x premiums,
<br /> ��� if any; (e)yearly martgage insurance premiums, if any;and(�nny sums payable by Bcxrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> ;�a;a�;rr�;z:=,a�� the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage tnsurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items.'
<br /> .., Len►ier may. at any time. collect a��d hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum amouat a lender for a fedorally
<br /> � �"' relstvd mortgage loan may require for BoROwer's escrow rucount under the federal Real Estate Sctdement Procedures Act of
<br /> _ �„ ,ti 1974 as arr►ended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.5ection 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law thet applies to the Punds
<br /> �' , secs a lesser emount. If so, l.ender may, at any time. coliect and hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the I�sser amount. _
<br /> ��`•_x�;�:.'" .
<br /> :=:�.�-� "� '� - L.ender may estimatc the amount of Funds due an 1he basis of current daw and reasonuble estimates af eapenditures of future
<br /> _ �.,.,;�r..�.^.,::°:ri�c•::- �
<br /> ^�°:,�..�:L. .�`:;�^`':� Frscrow ltems or athenvise in accordance with applirable luw,
<br /> --�'•`-`"'�L�• �°� 'r'` The Funds shall be held fn an institution whose deposits are iosured by a fcderni ngency, instrurnentality. ar entiry
<br /> �• .:•� t ���.,.
<br /> =},:;'�'�+�,�:'��+�' (including Lender,if C.ender is such an insti�ution)or in any Federnl Hame Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay thc
<br /> . — :�k��;a��: �ts�:
<br /> _""..�;,:...'t.. <,-. . .,r Escrow Items.I.ender muy nat charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escraw account. ar
<br />..,;�• "�'�{y�x � vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funcis and applicable law permits l.ender to meke such
<br /> � :�;•�•��A:" *^� a charge.However. Lender may require Horrower to pny a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> ;;�;�� '� :i:..>.� ?'���• used by I.ender in connectian with this loan, unless applicuble Isw provides otherwise. Unless un agrecment is mude or
<br /> � .-`�'`�����`c,;-._���" epplicable law requires interest to be paid.I.ender shall not bc required to pay Borrower any inte�est or eamings on the Funda.
<br /> _ BoROwer und Lender may agree in writing, however. that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> —.y:::R`�?'��� withcwt cherge, an annunl necount�ng of the Funds,showinR credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> �,.� ,;„ =,:::::;�-y
<br /> .�„�� ' debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged us additionvl.r•ecurity for all suma secured by�his Security Instrument.
<br /> --�..•• ' If the Funds held by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted to 6e held by applicable law,I.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> ��'� '�,� , for the excess Funds in accord:ince with the requirements oi applics�ble law. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender u�any
<br />--�— �b time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bonower in writing, und,in such ense Barrower
<br />--� 'A"'' shall pay to Lender tlie umount necessary to make up the deficicncy. Borrower shall tnalce up the deficiency in no more than _
<br /> ; .�,.. • _ . ; -
<br /> -- . . ., . twelve manthly puyments,nt l.ender's solc discretion.
<br /> • 'eh ' Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instniment. Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> '_•_.� a . ' ---
<br /> " ti'.. Funds held by I..ender. If,undcr paragraph 21,Lender shul I acquire or sell the Property, l.cnder, prior to the ucquisition or sale
<br /> of the Pmperty, shull apply any Funds held hy l.ender at the time of ecquisition ar anle ns a credi�agninst Ihe sumg secure� by
<br /> �' •. • —
<br /> ._��� �,7;,°� tbis Security Instrument. �__
<br />_ � , 3.Applkation of Paymenl�.Unlc+s upplicuMle law providcs othcrwise,ull paynknts rcceived by l.ender undcr paragruphs ��
<br /> �•�- � 1 und 2 shvll be upplicd: first, to uny prepayment churges duc undcr the Notr; second, to umuunts payable undcr paragruph 2;
<br />-Y-_� ��`:�+*�"•` - third,to interest due;founh,lo principal due:und last,to uny late churgex due.under the Note. �_�
<br /> _. _� '°"�'7°`' �.,"!�"' 4. ClutrRes: Liens. Borrower shull puy ull taxcti,asses,ments, rharge�, tines uixi impositions auributable to the Property
<br /> "' which may atwin priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument, und Ieu�ehold puymcnts or grounJ rents, if uny. &xrower shull pay
<br /> -�=� � aai',:i . •
<br /> --_- _,;:£.., these obligations in the manner pr�►videci in puruFruph 2,or if not paiJ in that munner.Aorr�iwer+hull pay them on time direcUy
<br />'i1�. • ° ° to the penon owed payment.Borrower shAll pmmptly furnish to Lendcr ull noticcs of umnunts t�t+c paid under this purugruph.
<br />-� . •�1`•� ' .. If Borrower makes these puyments directly.Burcower.hull prompdy t'urnish to LcnJer reccipts eviJencing the paymems.
<br /> '• • �� Borrowcr ahull promptly dischurge any lien whirh has priority ovcr�hi,S��curity Ins�niment unlcsx Borrowcr: (u)u�rees in �_
<br /> ..:�_.
<br /> i;�j o, ;;� , � writing to thc pAymcnt oF ihcobligation securc�i by�hc lien in a manncr ncceptuble tu l.endcr;lb)c��ntcsts in g�xid fnith the lien --�
<br /> by, or defends against entiirccment of Uic lien in, Icgul pnk���Jing� which in thc Lcndcr'. upinii►n uperute to prevent the
<br /> � "����y enforcement of thc lien; or(r) secures frnm the h��lder uf tlx licn an ugrcement snti�fuctnry t�► l.cnder+ulxirdinating tl►c lien to �'''
<br /> �'_ ,
<br /> � ..
<br /> '' . �'"�'�`f°1°"`„ this Securiry Instrument. If Lender detrnninc�thut uny p:iN of thr Proprny is.ubject t��a lien which m•ry utwin priority��ver .:
<br /> t :l.,. , this 5ccuriry In.trument, Lcndcr muy givc Burrowcr a nntire identifying thc lien. &�rr���vc:r tihall .utixl'y the lien or take une or
<br /> , `� •I more of the action�set forth ubove within 10 dnyti ol'thc givin�uf no�icr. �'`�".
<br /> �._
<br />_ , o- �� Fam 3028 8/80
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