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E��IT"A 20�104673 <br />A tract of Iand camprising �Il of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2NW1/4} of Sect3on Three (3), <br />Townshfp T�velve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Connty, Nebraska EXCEPTING <br />therefrom the Sou�erly 360 Acres af said Secbton Three (3), sa�td tracaat being more partlenlarly descrfbed as <br />follows: <br />Beglnning at the Northwest corner of said West Hal! of the Northwest Quarter (W1l2NW2/4}; thence South <br />00°24'13" East along and upon fhe West line of said West Half of the Northwest Qnarter (W1I2NW1/4) a <br />distance of Two Thousand Two Hundred Faurteen and Twelve Hnndredths {2,214.12) feet to a po�nt on the north <br />line af the Southerly 360 acres of said Section Three (3); thence North 89°38'16" East alang and upon the Nortfl <br />line af the San#herly 360 acres af said Secfian Three (3} a distance of One Thous�nd Three Hundred Tweniy and <br />Thirty Eight Hundredths {1,320.38) feet to a gaint an fhe East line of said West Half af the Northwest Qu�rtrter <br />(W1/2NW1/�; tI�ence North OQ°25'19" �Vest along and upon the East line af sa�id West Half of the Northwest <br />Qnarter ('44�112NWI/4) a distance of Two Thousamd T�va Hundred Sig and Seven Tenths (Z,206.70) feet to the <br />1V'ortheast corner ot said VPest Half of the N'arthwest Quarter (W1/2NW1l4) said point along being on the 3rd <br />Standard Parallei; thence Santh 89°S7'2$" West along and npon the north 1�Uni.e of said West Half of the <br />Northwest Qnarter (W1i2NW1/4) and alsa being along and upon said 3rd 8ta.ndard Parallel, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Fifteen and Fift�► Three Hundredths {515.53) feet to the Soufhwest corner of the Sontheast Qnarter <br />{SE1l4} of Section '1'1�rty Five {35), Township Thirteen (13) Narth, Range 1'�velve (12) West of the 6th P.M., <br />Howard County, Nebraska; thence Sonth 89°57'40" West along and upon fhe NorEh l�ine of said West Half of the <br />Nor#hwest Qnarter (W1.12NW1/4} �nd also be�tng along and upon said 3rd Standard Parallei a dfstance of Eight <br />Hnndred Four and Si�teen Hnndredths ($U4.16} feet to the point of beginning. <br />� <br />
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