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. <br /> . + .� '�` . .�ki` <br /> -{_ � _ _ ._ ..._ <br /> • y .�..._.,- � . . _ � . f#SY� _ <br /> � .._—__—___ _ -__—___---.—_. <br /> . �_ --. ." __' • . �..-.�.�...�.�.�._ _� '"_' _" _ _ _ _ __ <br /> _' �- -. ... . . - . .� . - �--. <br /> t'1��+'M '" . ....,�.,. -- --- --°-- ^=- <br /> s, t �....�., rr'-"` _ <br /> ' �;- " `� t �,---r-- - <br /> �N !'� � Pv . '"_ __ ' <br /> � FVd� ' . <br /> ,� rrmr! n�"•'p��-- �M,�.'_..i; . .� . �^t-?�__��-. <br /> . • <br /> . �,�� <br /> . �, . <br /> . , <br /> -- .. � fa�t�... , 'rM 1.� iV� <br /> ' V <br /> rnsiataiano� ot wW pt�miw�. ar 1or tsw or ��wan�ab a�iwt tlu wau�� and for �ny otb�r pwpw �INw6w <br /> �``:� �uthoriz�d henueda. Said aot� oe no1M dull 6� seaund hmby oa � p�rity wflb �nd u lully � ii tb� �dt�ap <br /> -•-�_ <br /> -�--�� <br /> ' - �v�ac�d tha�by w�n inolud�d in tda ooU tirat dMOribd abov�. �M suppUm�ntd oot� ar aotw �iuii bNr iaiKat ° <br /> ." �t th� r�Ur prorWd tor in tbs priaoiMl ind�bGdn�rv �nd �hdl b� �y�bb in �pptoximddy qwl moalhlY P�Y°M°� <br /> lor �uah pariod ar may b�o�r«d upon by th� Mort���M �ad MortQa�or. F�iliaQ to aQn� ae th� awturity, th� �hoM <br /> �� �� 01 1IM iNW OP N�/D YIYa00KI �h�ll te dw md p�yabb thirty (30) d�y��itK d�maad by 1h� Mart���N. !n ao mat <br /> �.'!°., �� �hall t6�aaatarity �tad Myoad th�ultlmat� an�turily ot th�ral� firrl dMOeib�d �bon. <br /> . � <br /> ` w; �� 8. HNsh� h�raby wiQro, inn�lan md wb ov�r to tlw MortQi�M, W M �ppli�d towud tb� p�yan►t of t!M <br /> �t' pOlY Yt11I �II am� ranur�d h�r�by in oaw ot a d�tvult in tha p�rtormaaao ot u►y ot tlu tKms and oaaditiau o! t6i� <br /> •�h;��:;e,;�;�� mort�age or tha soid aote� oU ths renta� rovsnuM and income to be darived irom Ih� mort����d pr�mi� duriaQ aah <br /> .�� �j;k�—___•�;.. <br /> -;�.,�;�,�,;� � tima � tha awrtQoQa indebiodaaia ch�ll romain unpaid; aad the MortQe�e� shvll b�va powsr to �ppoiot �ay s�at or <br /> �`� �'`•C�, �Q�oto it may d�cira tor tha pu�poc�of rentinQ th�amo �nd colboting th�t�ob, nrawM �ad laoom�. wd it maY P�Y <br /> •_�.. ;���.. <br /> .�,�,,; i;�;..� out ot eaid incomw �Q e�cwsary commisoio�u and eYp�nwr inaurrad in rnntin� �ad maa�Qin� tlN s�m� rnd ot <br /> �;�+��'� ,;,;, �':•�"` colleotinQ reatau thareirom; tb� bwUna nawioin�� if wy� to b� applied towacd t!a disohuQe ot wid mort� <br /> ._��.,.��; iad�btodaraa. <br /> _,�:� . . . '.'�4,' <br />_ ... - t', . :,,n. . 9. Hdahe aiU coatiauou�ly maint�fn haz�rd in�unna�, of�uah ty� ar typ�r aad anaunfa u MorlgaQM may <br /> ° � " � trom tim� to time requiro, on th� improv�m�nts now or heresiter oa aid pnmisa snd e:capt wMn p�ym�at tor �II <br /> ° " �`" �"'',' wah proaaiums hw tha�tofon bam m�d� und�r (�) oI paaaraph 2 iNt�of� will p�Y peomptiy whai dw aay pnmiuoo� <br /> � theretor. Upoa d�tault 1!►enof, Mort¢aQes may pay tA�same. All iaeunac� slull 6a cacried in compaoiM apprond by <br /> ; " A.�•,..,`;�•, lh� MorlQa� and tlu polEoiw �nd nn�wala tMraof �holl lw h�id by 41u MortgaQN aod Iwv� �ttaobd ih�r�to low <br /> . ,;__' � payeble alau�er ia tavor ot oad fn torm acxeptabl� to tha MorlgaQe�. ln �vsut oi {as Mort�a Will 4ive imm�diat� <br /> • �� � • �'.f. . notiw by auil to th� Moet�Qa�, w6o may m�ka praot of IaM it not mx�promptly by Mat�gor, �nd Mo1 iaar� <br /> .•,.,' .. � company conceraed is hereby autlwrized aad direoted to mpice payment tw auoh laa dinatiy to tb� MatQaQes iortMd <br /> • ' �'. ` of to th� Mort�a�or �nd tiM Mort�aQM jointly, w�d th� innuanc� peoo»d�� or�ay pu�t Wmot m�y b�ppli�d by t6� <br /> � • . . • MorteaQw at it�optioa elth�r to th�reduotioa ot /Le fndebtedn� hereby �cund or to th�rMtoration or r�ir oi tb� <br /> ,a;r�,.:et�,r__ ' _'_ prop�rty damaQed. ln �v�nt oi toreolooure ol thu mortga�e, or oth�e tran�for of titl� to 11w mortQa�d prop�rty in <br /> � �""''""""'� sxtinQuishment ot the indabtednsa aeoured h�roby, �U right, titln �nd (nt�at of tb� Mort���oe ia wd to �ay <br /> � .. iaauranas polioiM th� W lorc� �hall paes to th�puraluc�r or�rontM. <br /> � '-IrL� n. ., <br /> ^� , . 10. As additionel aad collat�r�l ieaurity for th� paym�nt ot th� note drnril»d, �nd �11 aaoi to 6�com� dw <br /> �" . �� under this morlQage, tha Mact�ogo� heraby acaigna to the Morigagea oll leacs bonusea, prolib, rov�nwa, roysltiu, <br /> 'f 'i� rights, and other t»nefita eccruing to the MwtgaQo� under any and all oil end Qu 1�� now, or durfnQ We lif�of thia <br /> ^ � '' moetgage, ox�autad on aaid pnmiaa, with the right to racefve and receipt tor th� am� and apply tMm to �aW <br /> � d���,� �'��� indebtedner� a� well botore aQ atler do(ault in the conditions of thia mortgags, and tha Mo�tQa� msy d�mand� we tor <br /> , ...,, . , �..a►�,. <br /> �' , 6..a.r;-. and rsco��r oay wch paymenfr when dus ond payabls, but tholt not b� nquicad w to do, Tbit wf�nm�ol (� to <br /> , „ tarminat� and b�como null ond void upon release of thia mort�eQe. . <br /> �n J ''.� 11. He/�he ahall not commit or pormit waate; ead ehvll mointain iha property iA ao Qood conditlon ec at <br /> , � ' � � �� � praMnt� nawnebla wear and t�or except�d. Upon ony taflur� to io malnlain, Morigaga�, �t ib option. may oaua <br /> .` . � ��'��' � re�onable mointenance wark to be performed ut the coet oi Mortgegor. Any amount� paid theretor by MoetgaQee a6t11 <br /> �• r ;:t- bwr inbreot at th� rota provided Ior in tho prinoipal indobtedneya, o6all thoraupon bocomo o part of !ha ind�bt�daw <br /> �` �" • eecured by tbie instrument, ratobly and on e parity with ell ot6er IIIfIlblillllaa seourad h�raby� and elwll b� p�y�bb <br /> e u� � .. thirty <30) doys after domand. <br /> '. ,«'�-;`� �. .� 12, It tha premicea, or eny part thereof, be condamned under the power of �IpjpBpl dOI�Y�11, ar acquir�d tor � <br /> ,�:.,,�nr4 ' public uce, tlw domaQes aworded, the prxeeds to� the takinQ ot, ar tho coneiderotton for cuch ecquisition, to tlw esteat <br /> ,� ��A'F`"� ot tho tull omount ot the remeining unpuid indebtednoQS securod by thia moNgoge, o� henby wigaed to the : <br /> . • MortQagee, end shall bo paid torlhwith to said Mort�aQno, to be epplied on acwunt of the last matutin� inotellawnta oi <br /> �uch ind�btednoar. <br /> �w �' <br /> � „ 13. II the Mortgogor taila to mnko any p�ymonts whon duo, or to contorm to and comply with any ot the <br /> „ conditions o� agreemonts containad in this mortgage, or tho notes which it secures, then the entire principal sum and <br /> . occrued fntorast shall at onev 6ocomo duo und poyablo, ot iho olection o( tho Mortgageo; and Ihia morlgoge mey <br /> � •� <br /> � thereupon be toreclosal immedintely tor tho wholo ot tho indebtedness heraby secured, includinQ �he coot ot exfendinQ <br /> the obatroct o( titb Irom Ihs delo o( thia mortgego to the tima ot commancing �uch auit, a roasonoble attornay'o fM, <br /> , �. • and any sums paid by tho Dopartment o( Velorans �ltlnirs on uccount ot the guaronty or ineurance ot the fndebtednec4 ' <br /> � � � securod horoby, all of which rhnll be included in tho dec�ao o( loreclosure. <br /> ^ � 14. 11 fhe indobtednecs secured horoby bo guarantaed or insured undor Title 38, Unitod Statos Codo,such Title <br /> • und Rogulntions issucd thereunder ond in etlect on tho duta hercot shall gorern tho rights, dutios and liabilitiea of the <br /> • �� parties hereto, and any provisiona of this or othor instrumonfs oxeculed in connection with said indebtodnoss which ere <br /> ' . t <br /> incon�ictent wilh soid Titlo or Rogulotions ara haroby umendad to conlorm theroto. <br /> The corenants horoin contoincd sholl bind, und lho bonotita and advontegea ehell inuro to, the roopoclive heira, <br /> executors, edminiatratara, successore and assigns ot the parties her0to. Whenever usad, the ainQular number ahsll <br /> . � <br /> , } <br />� � vA P�-iJ:s P�ps � ot � c�-!1) 1-Uf:�-1� <br /> S <br /> � <br />