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' .,1� .. - <br /> � � I MMR�MWrii' i� <br /> ,��'�S-^" ' .,�.is!r. . _ . .-, <br /> .:La� �./ , �� ..�.."�.�� _ - - - '^_.-_,.. � .-;'�7F!q? <br /> , '� " •� ,.. _ •�� i1Ai:i .. �� <br /> �� ' il�� .. . ._._..4-- ...�.u.,�._ <br /> _ �. <br /> -;;.��'� ��'- 106533 <br /> -_ ____ Ihs Property i�eo nken a d�m�g�d.l.�nd�r�h�ll h�w th�opUon,in Ib wl�an�ab�oluto discnllon,b rpply all wch P►ocNd�. <br /> — �ft�►d�duodnp�eroirom�II coab and sxp�nNS Incurred by It In aonn�allon with woh Proca�d�,upon eny Ind�bUdnsq�sour�d <br /> � harsby and In�uah order�s l.�nd�r may determine,or to apply�II iuch P►xeeds,eher�uch deducUona,to tha ratontion ol fh� <br /> _ _ Prop�rty upoe woh condidon���I.�nd�r m�y dsUrmins.Any eppllaAdon of Procosd�to indebtednas ah�tl�ot�xbnd or postpon� <br /> — th�dw dat� ot�ny paym�nq und�r th�Not�,o►aun�ny dN�ult th�r�und�r or hW�und�r.Any unappli�d fund��h+�ll b�pald to <br /> '�` � Truetor. <br /> :_.a_ - -- --_.:—__—� <br /> ;_�. 8. PKb��by I.�neNr.Upon!he ocourrenc�of an Evant of Dshult h�nund�r,or If any aot Is tak�n a lepal proae�dlnp <br /> .,.. aommeria�d whlah materially oHsnt�Lend�r'�intenat In th�Prop�rry,I.�ndrr mny In Its own dlscntlon,but wlthout obtipaGon fo do <br /> so,�nd wlthout noAcs to or dsnund upon T�u�tor�nd without r�l��lllQ TfU�tOf IfGrtl qfly ObIIQYd0t1,do any aot whloh Tnutor has <br /> ��rNd but 1�Ib to do and m�y dw do�ny oth�r�at It d�sm�n�c�su�ry to�roteat th�rsourlty hareof.7ru�tor shdl,imm�dl�aty <br /> ��,�.�4�-�� upon dem�nd th��otor by L�ndar,pay to Lendor pll oo�u and exponsei incurred�nd sum�e�pended by L�nd�r in conn�aU�n with <br /> ,��r.�m�n� th�sx�rclw by L�nd�r of th�brpolnp riphu,tap�ther with Intaat th�rson�t th�d�huit nt�provld�d In th�Not�,whlah�hall M <br /> �_�.T_�,,,�� �dd�d to tl�Ind�bbdn�w Nound h�roby,L�r►cNr�II not Incur�ny II�bNIy b�c�uw of �nythinp N m�y do or omlt b do <br /> h�r�undK. <br /> :i���;,,��.y, �. Hua►dou�M�adaM.Tru�tor sh�ll kNp th�Prop�rry In oompll�nc�wilh all opplla�bl�law�,ordlnanc�s and rpulatlans <br /> �.s,,— rel�tMp lo Indu�trl�l hypl�n�o►�nvironm�nul prot�oNon(collectivery rof�rred to haeln��"Environm��ul L�w�'�.T►wWr thafl <br /> ��^'�����•��� k«p th�Proqrty IrN Irom�II�ub�t�na�dNm�d to M huudous or foxla undor eny Environmmul I.�w�(collscdvNy rtl�n�d to <br /> �°'�"'�' � h�nln a�"Haurdous M�t�rl�l�"►.Tru�toi h�reby warr�nts and npn�enb to Land�r that th�re�n no H�rardou�Met�rlds an or <br /> ,� ra.,,� und�r th�Prop�rty.Tru�tor h�rsby�pr��r to Indsmnly and hotd humte�s L�nder,iq direoton,olllcsn,�mplorN��nd�penb,�nd <br /> °'�'o°! - •ny�uccNwn tc�4�nd�r's Int�r�rf,lrom and apaln�t�ny�nd�11 al�lm�.d�m�pN.losw��nd II�bIIItIN��Id�p in oonn�otlon wNh <br /> _ ��.e�i� th�prsNncs,uM,dispu�al or 1rAn�port of my H�=�rdou�Msterisl�on,undar,1rom or�boul lhe Prop�rty.THE FOREl901NO <br /> °� ��'�����'��. WARRANTIESAND REPRESENTATIONB,AND THU8TQR'8 OBLI�ATIONB PUR8UANT TO THE FOREOOINQ UVDEMNITY,SHALL <br /> ic,=�.,..r.'':,- . <br /> �T- ' a:�•':��� BURYIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIB DEEO OF TRUSL <br /> �-":�;;.,,.„;::�::�t<� 10. Awlapn�nl ot 8�nb.Tru�tor hareby aselprn ro Londer the renb,Issues and proflb of the Prop�Ay;provld�d th�t Trwtor <br /> --�,�•..r s • ' � shell,unUl the xaurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,heve Ihe ripht to collact end reteln auch renb,leeuea and proilf�es they <br /> _. � _,�.., <br /> •:��;�� , :�,; ; become du� ond poyabl�.Upon ths ocourrence ol an Event of Deiault,Lendar may,olther In peroon or by aysnt,with or without <br /> _ • '�'���" b�lnpinp�ny aatlon or prooeedinp,or by a rocalver eppolnted by a court end wlthout�epard to the edequeay of ite aecurly.ent�r <br /> ��-•,'�•���►.. upon and takeposression of Ihe Property,ar any part thereof,in it�own name or I�the name oi the Truetee,and do eny acts wh�h It <br /> ----�� � ' deems neceat�ry or de�ireble to preserve the volue,marketebllity or rentebllity of the Property,or eny part thereof or Interest therein, <br /> ,... <br /> =:�":'tl`," '.:::��,k�. Increase the Ineome theretrom or protact the security horeot and,wlth or without takinp posa��lon of the Property,we for or <br /> �g� "':"'"'' �•«•° otherwiea collect the rente,ieauea e�nd prollb thereof,lncludln�thoee past due and unpald,and apply the eeme,less cosb and <br /> ^.-,t....• . <br /> 'z_� � � expenses of operation end colleatlon Includinp ettorneys'feea,upon any Indebtedneae secured hereby,all In auch order a�Lender <br /> -_:� "�F , � ��;a.,� may determine.The enterin�upon and tekinp poe�eaoion of the Properly,the collecUOn ot euch rents,laeuea and profits a�d the <br /> ����- � applbetlon thereol es eforeeald,ahell not cure or waive any delault or nopce of deteult hereunder or Invalldate eny act done In <br /> _,c�,�.,�4,�y�=- respor��e ia such detautt ar pursuani ia such natice at dstautt and,natwRhssand�np ttw cantlnuance In po^osssston ot tha!'roprsrty or <br /> the aolleotlors,recelpt and eppllcation ol rent�,Iseues or profita,and Truetee end Lender shell be enlitled to exerclie every dpht <br /> = g e provided for in any ot the Loen Instrumonts or by lew upon occurrence of a�y Event of Oefault,includinp wltho�t Iimitetion the rlpht <br /> � to exercl�e the power ot sale.Fu►ther,lender'e rlphta and ramedles under thla pareyraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a <br /> — limitation on, Lender's rlphto and remediea under any aeaignment of leaees end renb recorded aqelnot the PropeAy.Lender,TruWae <br /> ,�; , � ,��i? ' and the receiver ehall be Ileble to aacount only for those renta actually recelved. _ <br /> ���� i . 11. Ev�nb of DHauN.The followlnp ehell consdtute an Event of Defeult under this Deed of Trust <br /> � (a► Follure to pey any Inatellment ol prinalpel w Intoreat of any other aum secured hereby when due; <br /> - • •• (b) A breach of or default under any provlsion contalned In tha Nota,this O�d of Trw�any of the Loan In�Uumanu,a�ny <br /> -_ � � . . othar Ilen or encumbrance upon the Propeny; <br /> ,-.... ., r (o►A writ of execufion or atlachmenl or any similer proces�ahell be entered afleln�t Tru�tor which shall bocome e lion o� <br />_ . � the Property or eny po�tion Ihereof or intereat therein; <br />=� � �• (d) There ehall be tfled by or against Trustor o�Borrower an ectlon under eny present or tuture federal,state or other <br /> • ��;°'"' efalute,law or repuletlon reletlnp to bankruptcy,inaolvency or other rellef lor debtors;vr there ahell be appolnted any trualee, - <br /> ',� � .:;:�• • �, �,;,•. recelver a Ilquldetor of Trustor or Borrower or o(all or any pert o1 the Property,or tho rents,leauos or prollt�thoreoi,or Truetor _ <br /> ;;�• �• ;,;,;,y,,,,��_:,;,,� or Borrower ahell meke eny generel asalynment for the benelit of craditora; <br /> '_�; w�a .•,.' � (e) The sele,trenster,lease,asalynment conveyance or turther encumbrance of all or eny pa�t of or any Intereet in lhe <br /> - �� :� ' " . PropeRy,either voluntarily or Invalunterlly, without the expresa wrltten consent of Lender; provided thet Truator aha0 be -- <br /> '; � '•�'� ' permltted to executo e lease of the Property thet doea not conlaln en opdon to purchase and the term ol which does not oxcaod <br /> -�� ..' one year, <br />-�^� -�- , , - (Q Abandonment of the Properly;or - <br /> ,-.: l -i�� ' (p) If Trustor ie not an Indlvlduet,the Iseuence,sale,trenaler,asalynment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a lotol _ <br />- �.,�.:,... . <br />,-•r � �� �� o} percent of(B a corporapon)Ita Issued end outatanding stxk or pf a partnershlp)e totel of pereant of <br /> - �• +�. pa�tner4hlp Intereata during the perlod thls Deed of Truat remaina e Ilen on the Property. <br /> ••�•�•-••�y• 12. R�nt�;AccrlH�pon Upon DNault.ln the event ol eny Event o(Oefault Lender mey,wllhout notice except as requf red by ___. <br /> �� law,declere �II i�debtednesa aecured hereby to be due and peyable and the same shall thereupon become duo and peyebto <br />