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�: <br /> � �_ -- ,- _ - - <br /> _:=�--- - <br /> �,n■e� -,--;Y-�,�---- . -- _ -_-_- - '`_ <br /> —'`��-- . ��,.: . ;;r==---- - <br /> ���-.,:-..r.fii'e.ti . . - . ...-:.... -- <br /> .�- <br /> .. .. ... --"'.�--- <br /> ... ....;...I ..,.;.,. , _ _ ° - <br /> _ � . . . �.-.r...w..r..��r._c_-------- .._. <br /> - ___.._ ""'.�_..____.:__. _��__—._ . <br /> ��.�..31.'9.. . ___. <br /> _ . _ ___t�... _ . . _ __ _ . . .._ . . .. . .. <br /> • <br /> . <br /> . �t;- ;�La;�.� - <br /> DECD O�TRUS"T _ <br /> ��' day of - <br /> THIS UEEll OF TRU$T is mada a� of the /�� - <br /> ,,��+��f i 72, , 14�?6,b}�and among FRANK S. GONZALFZ, A single pesson <br /> aad ANABELLE G�NZALEZ and FRANClSCO GUNZALEZ, wife and husba�ul, <br /> (`"TRUSTOR'�, whethcr one or more; and Old R� ublio Nstio�USTEE") <br /> W�� m��� ��� �s #� T tle In�uranos Cos�any <br /> and MARVIN W. HOLLISTER AND ROSANNE HOLLISTER, husband and wife as <br /> joint tenants,("B�:IVEFICIARI"'),���hether one or more,whose mailing addt�ss is 2308 <br /> N.Howard Av.,Grand Island,Nebraska 68803. <br /> FOR VRL.UABLE CONSIDERATIONS,Trustor irrevocably transfers, conveys, <br /> and assigns w Trusiec, iN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the beaefit and <br /> secwity of BeaeFciary, uurYer�c3 su�xSect to the terms aad conditions of ttus Deerl of <br /> TnLSt,the real property Iocated in tfic Ci,ty of Grara� Islaad, �otuity of Hall, State of <br /> Neb�ra�ks,and legally described as fo�ta��: (the"Fro�ertY"}: <br /> Lot Four(4�Block Ten(10),G�i�Ybzsts Addition the City off Gramd <br /> Islan,d,I�a�li�ounty,Nebraska. <br /> � �'OG�ETHET�WI'iT�i all rents,easements,aPPurtenances,hereditan�at,inta�ests ia <br /> �5��8 ruscts, strxts aa,ci �lLerys, irn�aovemenis and buildiugs of any lcing situatod. <br /> tbe�aa and all peYSOnaI property tl�at�1�on c�reafter becon�e an int�gral part of su�n <br /> 6uildiugs aad improvements. � � � . <br /> The property and the entine cstate and iaterest conveyed to the Trustee are refemd <br /> W callodivcly as tIx"'I aut Estate". <br /> _.. ---. _ ._ .---- .. _. . <br /> FOR Ti�PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br /> a Payment of indebtodness in the wtal Principal amouat of S30,000.00 with <br /> interest the:+eo4 as evidenced by that ceitain Promissory Note of even date (the`2tOTE'� <br /> with a maturity date of Dxember 1,2002,executed by Trustor,which has been deliva+e� <br /> and is payable to the order of BeaeSciary,aad which by this reference is hereby made a <br /> part hereof,and aay and all modif catians,�xtensioas aad renewals theno�snd, <br /> b. Paym�nt of all sums advaaced by Benoficiary w protxt the Tnist Estate,with <br /> interest bereon at the sate of eight and one half(81l2)percutit per aanum. <br /> c. Paforming the terms of thc Agrament for Sale and Purcl�ase of R,eal Estat� <br /> eatered iato between the patties on Octolier 24, 1 y96 which Agrament is incorporated � <br /> hereia by r�fer�c�. � <br /> �� Old R�pubiic Natioa�l Title Insurance Co�paa�y <br /> �ddr�u: BoutP� C�ntrsl Division <br /> 120 Sonth CoA�rai, BuiL• 201 <br /> st. r.ouis, xsssours 63ao5-i7a5 <br /> __ __��.��v�'..4k�C� . <br /> — ' - r'� ' �'.:n��------ _ <br /> _ ���2 � <br /> — ""�¢ � �.�� ---_ _.. <br /> — . •• t �h1 <br /> - -�. .,n..Y'6""����� ^ wrsn.wa�+v -:,,_: <br /> — �.-a� J' . �_Y7� .�__.� <br /> . - .r..�. �1�3i�.�:- <br /> a _ , <br /> ��- ���r� .�. z ��i rtrcw_...� <br /> _�—_.--�sm^�'i3t, r: L! _ i�"l4or'"��Jq�p� - <br /> ' :���S�i,'�i�`ir.�.:�w�. 'd�'�ST 4 _ — g..�e��� -�"._ -— . <br /> . :. fi- :i .+. ��y4hff��IRff�?�[�YS. __ ��-� <br /> �"��.-�?��tih:..d�'• '��{�},. ' _':f .�-.� ,-�— -,__ _ - _- _._—.__-_. <br /> �� '). �i• <br /> ..�'-'�',;e�;'���f�rat��_ ';"-Y!�'-- — ���-�s.4.�;aw.�.�:_� <br /> � : . � �';� e.. :.a,:. - �tr,,..,.���.�°� -- <br />