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<br />__ �,,,.,�. ..,,..n:. ' �y���Ny��qb��p .�emes B McE�rov and Davra A McFl�ov. huehand -_ -
<br /> ��� raln"Mart or")md
<br /> „ �• �nd wi£e tb� �L ��:_-_:._-,�--
<br /> �} , . Five Puinte Baak. Grsad ieland, Nebraoke (Iunln"Mortpte�").
<br /> ,� �.a.. .
<br /> �� . '� � �lortp�ot b Iad�bfRd to Yo��e la tAt prineipd wm ot i 4.510_50 .�hd�nad by Moryqor'�note �-,�=LL L_- -
<br /> ' �«;, . � �-`�'_
<br /> � ., , d� July 20. 1992 (I�RIn•'Nok")Of01�d111��OT ply�lf114 0�P�UICIw)Nd UIL�Tl�t��rilA W�bal�nc�ot IAe �._.
<br /> p�btt��It aot�ooner p�Jd,dw�nd p�y�bM on Januarv 16. 1993 , �_--
<br /> 'ib��R fMp�ya�entoP t�be Note�witA la4enst�provlded tb�nln�the qym�nt ot vl otAer�unu,with fnten�t. ��--
<br /> �dwaoed py�lort�ee to prouct tbe pcntfly ot t�b Mort�a�e.�nd Ne p�dornwna of M�cownants md yn�ments ot �=__�
<br />„� {. � • tl�ee Morlp�or oonWaM I�nla, MoriWor don MnbY wort�[e md�omriy W l�orl�*� tAr [ollowia�de�cribd _ _
<br /> •r} ProFmY loqtsd ID H&11 �py��yr�IdtuTaNu; -
<br /> ..�.: ' ; 1`�...., .
<br /> r,:J The Soath Half of the North Half of tha Weot Half of the Southeast Quarter (S�N� --
<br /> >'= „ , W�SB�) of Sectioa Oae (1), Townehip Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12), fJest of �-�`�
<br /> . ., the 6xh P.M., Hall County, Nebraeka. 6-
<br /> �.r !F�i"` -
<br /> .. ., :1_ ��
<br /> N� _--
<br /> �,..�._�-
<br /> ---
<br />_ - - — -�.. _--
<br /> . , ts+s��
<br /> TaptAer wltA all bulldm�,lmprov�mmt�,flxtur��,ttrtNs.dl�yt,pwa�ew�Ys� ewmen4.d�AU,pclvileQ�� �nd ---°--
<br /> ' �ppurtemnca located ehereon or in�nywfu p�Aainfna thento��nd the Rnts,iuua�nd prodts,�v,�nlon��nd tetnNnd�n �"'u-""-
<br /> tNfrroh,�ncludlnQ,but not limfted to�heaein��nd coolln�equipm�nl and wch p�nontl proptrty th�t���ttach�d to the "���"�-`�'°
<br /> Itnprov�men4 w a to constttute �8xture;vl ot whfch, tncludinQ nplacem�nfs�nd�dditfom theroto.u hereb�declared �
<br /> .� " ' to br�part ot eh�nd�qat�tecured by tA�IMn of thi�Mortp{t and all ot eh�tore�oln�bNn�retemd W Mrdn�eh� �`-y�-='�---
<br /> y�I`���' ..
<br /> LYN'
<br /> Mort��aor turth�r conv�nmta and��reea,wlth Mort��Qee,�c follow�: '?�:.;r-'+►:.
<br /> -�..,�...n-
<br /> , 1. hyn�nt. To p�y the indebtedness�nd the interest tA�reon�provided fn thl�MoriP4e and the Note. '=�`j =:_
<br /> ' � �. TiNe. MortQ��or U the owntr ot th�P►operty.ha tAe d�ht�nd�uthority to mort�aQe the Properl�•,�nd �;�_
<br /> , wurmts th�t the Ilen cee�ted h�reby u a tiRt�nd pdor Ifen on the Roperty�except as m�y�otherwise br Kt torth henin. °,.�_
<br /> �7f�e Roperty b�ubject to�MortQ�Qe whereln TF�n F���1 fnhl a R��1 7 iilyg 1C T.nnri_Aoo..n�e+�n.. t
<br /> ' ., as c. u��e96 oteheMort Recordsot Hall Counq'�� ' ,.,•t:aR
<br /> � Y tMe Nortp�ee,recorded � Mi� -
<br /> , N�bnd�a.wAich Motep�c It�Ikn pdor to the Ilen cre�kd henby. �-�--
<br /> O Other pdot lien�or encumbrances: - . ��=---
<br /> �_-_-.
<br /> . . •�:"--
<br /> �i�r
<br /> j::.;y:.
<br /> �^�.
<br /> 3. TauK,A��n4. To p�y Nhen du�dl tuces,�peclal u�amenCs�nd all oth�r eh�r�es�adnst the Propen�• �
<br /> and�upon aritt�n dem�nd by Murt��ee,to�dd to She p�ym�nts nquiced under the Notr ucue�d he[eby,tuch�mount�s .
<br /> m�y M wtOeient W�a�ble Ihe Mortp�ee to pay wch tucQS,�e�m�ats or othet cA���ai th�y become due. �
<br /> - 4. leRV�nce. 'Po k�eP the In►ptoretnent�noM or Aen�tter loeated on the red Ktate descdbed hereln fnsured
<br /> R �p{n�t d�mqe by�n'�nd�uch other awrd�n Mort���e o�y roqulro.In amount��nd wfth eompanfe�acceptable to the
<br /> rdortp�e+��nd wIN loa p�y�ble w We Mort��ee. 1n ca�e ot laa under�uch policies tbe MoRQ�ec It�uthodzed to
<br /> �djust, cdkct �nd compromlu.la It�dl�c�etlon�sll cWm�th�reunder�t Its�ole optlon, �utAorisedtoefther�ppl. the
<br /> prop�d�to tbe mtoradon ot t1��hop�rty or upon th� fndebtedrMa�ecur�d h�nby.but p�ym�nt+henunder�b�l con• .
<br /> qaue ut�tfl tAe�unu wcu�wd Mreby�p�fd in full.
<br /> � 6. O Fierow For TvcK�nd Inanna. Notw�leh�WdinQ�nythlna contafned in p�nanphs 9�nd 1 hereof to the
<br /> ' eontnry.�lort{�or�hdl p�y b the Ialortpeee�t the tfine ot p�yfnQ the monthly fnsWlments of princfpal and intetest,
<br /> ��.�...IN1. ..1�Iu u��du ��rr ru�anrnit. luf,td flllllMM MlRIIIlt1LL.�tid BOYIId flQl�i ��� �11y)which mq• �ttafn�
<br /> _ � - ........ �. ..._ �--•• ---•�,_.__.__, ._.. , _
<br /> ptlwrlty orRr fhi�MortNK.tll�e'naon�bly ettlrrwted trom tiaN to time by ehe MortN�ee.'1?�e�mounts w p�ld:hdl be
<br /> Mld by Me Mortp�ee wltAout fnterest�nd�pplied to the p�yment of the item�In tefpect to whfeh�uch amounts were
<br />- . Id�potit�d.7b��utru pafd to UMrt��ee h�reunder�re pled�ed��dditianal ucudty tor the fndebtednesc�ecurod by this
<br /> � 11ortN�e.Mort�or�,dl p�y W Mortp�the unount of any d�Qciency b�tween tAe actu�l taxes,�ttenments, insurance
<br /> � p�mlurns�ad�round nn4�ad Ne depaits h�r�unda w�lehln 10 d�ys�tter d�mand u�de upon Mort��Qor requestinQ
<br /> � pRl►1�MI1t thlnnf
<br /> , �, R�pdr�Mdnten�oae�nd U�e. To prumptly np�fr,restore or rebuild any bufldln�s or Improrements now•or
<br /> Mn�tt�r on the Property;to teep the Property fn�ood conditfon �nd repaic,MitAout M�ste,�nd hee hom mrrh�nlc':or
<br /> otherU�ru not�xprenly�ubordlnated to the lien her�of;not to nuke,�utter or permlt any nulunce to exf:t,nor to dimfn•
<br /> I�h or Imptlr the value ot the Property by any ict or omluion to�ct;�nd to comply with dl requfnments of I�w• wfth
<br /> �peet to ehe PrWxrtY•
<br /> . i i
<br /> ��' '
<br />