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<br /> '";� THIS A881aNMLNT OF RENTS RIpER io mede and exoautad thie
<br /> Y �,�rs 17th day o� July , 1g92, �nd ie inaorporated into and ehall
<br /> � ,te deemed to emen an suppTement the Mortiqage or Deed o! Trust,
<br /> �•6' . . r__
<br /> , ��' ?° ��� � hereinaft�ar roferred to ae the '�Seauri�y Ina�rumentn, of the srAme
<br /> � ���s" x+'�.rL,n,_`�
<br /> � ��' ., . date given by the undersigned, hereina�fter refarred to es the
<br /> �"� ��,:t•��,�,�
<br /> � a {�: ��9orrower„, to secure Borrower�e indebtednaes, hereinafter
<br /> � :�� �� : . �. referred to ae the „Noten, to NOME FEDERAL SAVINf38 AND LOAN
<br /> rt-- ABSOCIATION OF ORAND ISLAND, hAreinafter referred to ae the
<br /> —='�'"'."��"°'';�_� ��Lender�, of the eeme date and covering the proper�y descsribed in
<br /> � �: �, ",�,� the Securi�y inatrument and located ats ---
<br /> -�' �` ~'- 619 E Ashton. Grand Island� Ne 6BB01
<br /> � �A � „� " (Property A re�o)
<br /> � , .
<br /> � �•.,
<br /> --:� ^'-: �;``` ;:�,;.. � WITNE888THs
<br /> _=���;: . . . �. -
<br /> -= . � WHBREAB, Borrowor a�nd Leader have aqreod thet any reqts and
<br /> .;;� "` I; • profits ettributable to the property ehould conetitute additional
<br /> � � seaurity t� the Lender �or the payment of the Not�p
<br /> � r � � � NOW, THEREFORE, i� ie agreed that the Seaurity Instrument __
<br /> ` . �;_ '� " F ehall be amended'hereby and deeraed to include tbe following pro- �
<br /> � � -• visione:
<br /> > � �
<br /> r.._ ."' 1. Ass�Y+�ent of Rents and Lender Rental Collection R±ah�s.
<br /> � • Borrower hereby abeolutely end unconditionally essigne all ren�s,
<br /> - -- - --^�= fssn�e and grofits of thR property to B�neficiary. Lender shall
<br /> �� � , have the righC, power and authority during �he continuance of the
<br /> • , " 'e - � security Instrument to aollect the rents, iseues and profite of
<br /> the property and of any pereonal proporty locdted thereon with or �"�`-
<br /> � �+�. � without �aking posseseion of the property affeated hereby. —
<br /> � c , . Lendex, however, hereby consents to Borrower's collection and
<br /> .,-+'�`� retention of euch rents, issues and profite as they accrtte and
<br /> � �� become payable, eo lo�ng as Borrower is not, at euch time, in E-__.
<br /> � �. default with reapect to payment of any indebtednese secured
<br /> ' .. . �� M hereby, or in the performance of any aqreement hereunder.
<br /> �''.� . , „-. , ' 2. Anoointment of Recetver. if any event of default in
<br /> �), respect to the Security Instrumenti eha�l have occurred and be -��Y
<br /> � � *�.. • continuing, Lender, �e a matter of right and without notice ta
<br /> ,- ��.-. Borrower or anyone claiminq under Borrower, and without reqard to
<br />' • � � �,, . the value of the trust estate or the interest of the Borrower
<br /> therein, Etall heve the right to apply to any court havinq juri.s- ��.-_
<br /> ' � �� diation to appoint a receivor of the property. �
<br /> „ F,
<br />`�, : � 3. e . In case of default in the payment �.?;
<br /> - °. of the said prinaipal Note or interesti, or any part thereof, es � �
<br /> .�.. :�, . it ahall mature, or in the cqse of failure to keep or perform any �,,,r„
<br /> , �-t`- of the covenants or agreements contained in the Secur ity Inetru- �'::
<br /> - ment, then the Lender, its successors or aseigns, ehall be end is �
<br /> � hereby autliorized and empowered to take immediate posseseion of
<br /> ' : • the said pxemises therei� described and to collect the rents
<br /> � � therefrom, and to apply the proceeds tihereof to the payment of
<br />, the Note.
<br /> . ° 4. Aooliaatioa of Reate. Iseues atad Profits. All rents ` •
<br /> colleated by Londer or the receiver ehall be applied first to
<br /> ` payment of the coete of management of the property and collectivn ,
<br /> �• of rente, including, but not limited to, receivnr•s fees, premi- ,
<br /> .�_A was on receiver•s bonde and reasonable attoxney's fees, anci then
<br /> " � ° to the sums secured by the 3ecurity Instrument. Lender and the �
<br /> receiver ehall be liable to accounti only for thvse rents actually ;
<br /> received. '
<br /> 5. Construction of provisione. Each of the provieione con-
<br /> � tained i.n thie Aesignment of Renta Rider and the Security Instru-
<br /> ment shall, unlese otherwise specifically required, be construed
<br /> in accordance with Nebraeka law, and in the event any provision ,
<br /> herein or therein contained ehall be determined by a court of
<br /> competent juriediction to be unQnforceable, tihe same shall be
<br /> , construed as though such' unenforceable provisinn were not a part
<br /> � hereof ar thereof.
<br /> � � 1 �
<br /> .� ,
<br /> ; - +
<br />