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�� .:r�— _ . _ _ <br /> �i �f I '• /�! 4iZ: �s���. <br /> �1" ._-_. _ -. <br /> _,� � g2_ 1oss�1 <br /> - _ I perioda that Lender t+eyuirce. Thc inaurnnco cwricr providing the inaurance ahsll be chosen by Bortower Rubject to Lenderk <br /> .:.:;-� . approval which�holi na he unroasanabiy wi�hheid. If Suuuwc� �aI{a to�iwi�tii:.ln.:ovcsagc dcsc�lbcd sbove,L�ndsr - <br /> � Lender'a option,obtain coverAge ta protect[.ender's rights b�he Prapeny in accardance wlth parngrnph?. <br /> ..� <br /> All insurance policies und renawola shall be acceptable to Lender and shull include a standerd morlgage clause. Lender <br /> .�: <br /> - . sholl havt the right ro hold the policks�nd renewolR. If L.ender requires,Horrower shall promptiy give to l.endet all rcceipta <br /> . ''"'�- °"' "� of paid prcmiums and renewal noticGg. In the event of los4,Borrower Ahnll give prompt notice to Ihe insuronce carrier ond <br /> Lender. Lender mAy mnke prcwf of logs if nw mado promptly by Barrower. <br /> � Unlesa I.ender and Borrower atherwf�e pgree in writing,insumnce praceeds shall be appUed to restorntian or repuir of <br /> •e <br /> 1hcp�operty damuged, if the rcstorntion or repulr ja economirally feaxible und Lender�security is not Icssened. If the <br /> x <br /> w d be lessened the <br /> inxurs�nce raceeds shall bc <br /> restoratian or rcpair is not ecanomically feuaible or L.enderk r+ecurity oul . P <br /> �,"�':±� applied to the aums securcd by this Security inwrument,whether or not then due, with any excesx puid to Borrower. If <br /> _ ���;� Bmrower abandons the f'ropeny. ar does nat answer within 30 days a notice from L.ender that the msurnnce carrier has <br /> -�,� offered to senle u claim. then l.ender muy collect the insurance praceeds. Lender mny use the praceeds to repair or reston <br /> �'L" F the Property or to pay sums cccured by thir Security Inatrument.whether or not then due. 7'he 30-dAy perlod will begin when <br /> - �h�rf� tho notice is given. <br /> �`;'••` "�•'��- Unless Lender and �orrower otherwlse ugrce in writing, any Applicn�ian of proceeds to principul shull not extend or <br /> •• �v,•- postpone tho due date of the monthly puymenta referred �o in paragrophs 1 and 2 or change the umount of the payments. If <br /> � under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's right to s�ny insurance policies uod proceeds resulting <br /> from damege to the Property pdor to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secu�ity <br /> �' �t• Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> � ' T"��� 6. Occupancy, Preservotion� MalntenAnce ond Protectio� oP the Pruperty= Borrower's Loan Appllca/ion; - <br /> ..�.��.'��;,:• ,, <br /> ��'� <br /> - �'y,�ri. Leaseholde. BoROwer shall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny us Borrower'�pdncipal residence within sixty days ufter _ <br /> ���;� „� ` the execution of this Securiry Instrument end shall continue to cecupy the Propeny as Borcawer's principal residence for at <br /> =��, �:.��'�+��:��- :xt,�: least one year after the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwi:�e ugrees in writing. which consent shall not be <br /> = r� .••'��'' ,r,,� ��' unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating ci�umstances exist which are beyond Borrowers convol. Borrower xhaU not <br /> ' �' ' ""` �•' 3' ` destroy,damage or impai�ihe Property.allow the Property to commit waste on ihe Property. Barrower shall <br /> _�-� . .� �� be in default if any forfeiture ectian ar proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> '"'''� �. could result in forFeiture of the Property or otherwise materiully impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br /> �:.T,�::k. . ,�:.� <br /> -�* �:,�� '9�"" Lender:s security interest. Bortower muy cure such a default and provided in paragraph l8,by cousing the action <br /> -'''� '�°�`"`•' � '�'`����•. or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling�hat,in Lender's good faith detcrminetion,precludes forfeiwre af Ihe Borrower's <br /> '.;�.i:i�',� . <br /> �:4,. ,.,�;:�- .. �''�'��•F' interest in the Property or other materiut impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security _ <br /> '� ''•" ��"b'�'�� `�'` ��.�"` intetest. Bomower shell also be in defuult if Borrower, during tite loun application process. guve materfally falr,e or <br /> � :�"� � '.rc���;.'n".ict�tw inaccurate infomiation or statements to Lender(or fi�iled to provide Lender with uny material informution)in cannectbn with <br /> r • the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming borrower� accupancy oi the <br /> - Propeny as a pr�ncipal residence. If this Secur�ty Instrument is on u leasehold,Borrower Rhal I comply with all the provisions <br /> - " • ° of the lear.e. If Borrower acquires fec title to Ihe Property,thc icaschold and ihe fee title ghall not merge unleas Lender ugrees <br /> � � ' to the merger in writing. <br />- � + •,��, •� 7. Protectton of Lender's Righta in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perForm the covenants und ogreements <br /> Y , .� contained In this Securily Inswment. or there is u legul proceeding ihut may aig+nficantly affect Lender's dghts in the <br />--=�;'' Property(such ux a praceeding in bunkruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforre luws ar rcgulutions),then <br /> ``,� ' .. •- . 1".`f'Y; L.cnder muy do and puy for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of�he Property nnd Lender� rights in the Property. <br /> -�� Lender's actions may include paying uny sum+ �ecureJ by u lien which hati priority over this Serurity Instrument,appewting <br /> �A°% Y •�;� �"�.�� in court,pnying reusonublc uttomeyx'feex und entering on the Properly ta mukc repairs. Although Lender may wke action <br /> �� ' ` '-` ' under this purogmph 7,Lender does not huve ro do xo. <br /> i� • Any amount�dixbuned by l.endcr under thiz parngruph 7 xhull hccomc uddi�iunul debt of Borrower�ecured by this <br /> ,'', .r;�r,� •- ° �� � Securiry Imtrument. Unless Burrower und Lendcr u�rce to other tenn,uf puyment,the+c unwunts shull bcur interetit from Ihe <br /> ..:,•.4.:• <br /> � „:;;;w'';'. date of dfsbur.iement at the Nae ratc und xhull be payablc,wi�h intcretit. upun notice from Lender to Borrower reyuexting _ <br /> �,r� " : •�:e:r,....: payment. — <br />=;:•,.. :°�'y;��''�'�,:. •. " S. Mortguge Insurance. If Lende�reyuired mungage insuruncc as a condition of muking the loan secured by this <br />- f�� ':-�. � ;,•,,. Security Insmiment, Bortower�hull puy the premiums reyuired to muintuin thc mongage insurwice in effect. If,for uny <br /> .��",? � � " -� reason, the mortgnge insurance cover•rge reyuircd by Lender lupse+ or ce�ses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> . ,,i• • premiums required to obtain coveruge xubst�nlially eyuivulrnt lo the mortguge insurance previously in effect, at u cost <br /> • i' '�'-` " � ' substantiully equivalent to the cost lo Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effrct,from nn ultemute mongage _ <br /> ' insurer upproved by Lender. If substantiully eyuivnlent mangage insuronce coveruge is not uvailable,Borrower shull pay to <br />` - Lender euch month a sum eyual to one-twelflh of the yearly monguge insurunce premium being puid by Borrower when the <br /> �� .�«� � " insurnnce covemge IApsed or ceased t�be in effect, Lender will uccept,u,e und rctuin these puyments us a lass reserve in lieu <br /> � � � of nwnguge insurunce, L.oss rescrvc paymentti may no longer 6e reyuin:d,at ihe option uf Lender, if mortgage insurunce <br />' � t�a,-� ° � covernge(in the umount and for the periai thut Lender reyuires)pruvided by un insurcr upproved by Lender uguin becomes <br /> %' 'L av : uvuiluble und is obluined.Borcowcr shull puy Ihe prcmiums nyuired to maimuin mortguge insurunce in effecl,or to provide a _ <br /> �� � � �'�� lo�s reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgugr insurunrc rnJ�in uccordunce with Any written agreement t�etween Borrower _ <br /> • - and Lender or upplicvble luw. - <br /> ' , . ' 9. Inspection. Lender or it�agent muy mukc reu.onublr rntries u�m und in.pc:ctianti of the Proprny. Lend�:r�chull = <br /> •� ' ' give Borrowcr notirc at the time of or prior lo un inspectian s�x:ciPyinE rcusonuhlr cau�r tiw Ihr in+pection. - <br /> �i � 10. Cundemnatfon. Thc pr�xccJ+ut'an}�awarJ i�r rlaim tiir darou��+.dircrt or con+cyucntiul, in runnertion with any <br /> i <br /> ,� Singlc Fnmily --Fnnnk MnelFreddfc Afuc UNIFOR�IINSTRI�NF.N•1•..Undomi Covcnan�. ql90 ip�igr t,�"o��ugesl ! <br /> '-.. ' � iir.d I�Yce,�tlusine.�Fami.Inc ■ � <br /> r,• `J to Urder CaIL 1�NOP53P99R3 0 YAX61tl�7N1•1181 <br /> . � t <br /> i - <br /> . <br /> .,T�.-.,-+--_— <br /> . . w�W+�:�._ <br /> ..�� <br /> --,.....� , _. ,. . . ... ._.. <br /> -• '...e1'.YL_i"�--. .r. .. .. <br />� . � , <br />.. . ;��__' —— . . __ . . <br /> � .. . <br /> i • �,` yF.�n�s'yf'� •. .i . <br /> . . i <br /> .. .. I , <br /> r; ' I <br /> . . ( . <br />