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;, _ ... . : �,-.� . 75��1'�,.� ____ <br /> .: ., y, :... . . n i.. ;}. ,.r.l4� --- � . .. <br /> _. . . Mas � .. _. J <br /> a:—— -------------- -° . .-�----.._ _. ._�—. � - ----._..----� --�_ ---. .. �--. . . _ _. . __-._ ._____.... <br />�--- -�ri.a._...0 -' �au a_�=1l�:.�a���� __-..---- <br /> ',•ti,�- � ,i.��. .�r. . � .. ,-=-._ ' _.,: .--- <br /> � 1 . ' SF, . I ' Il.'�t,r„ .— <br /> 71! � ?�� r'. _ . ' <br /> :EJ . � <br /> f +ww . <br /> ti� . � � 92- ��� . ,- <br /> 1, tle le�etici�q, oe i t� ye�ti, �re �rtloriud to ��ler it u' r�uoaeble ti�r�po� or l� u�p�tl of tb �ro��rt� tor tb ��rp��of <br /> - . inDecti�� tl��u�ul (ot t�e prpk ot p�r(oniq�q of tb uk tlq u�utloriiM q Ferlon uler t1e ttn�ol u�lou iutru��b me�td �_ <br /> rr truton, <br />____,�.,_�,__�..----__.�-,. !. If d1 er ul��et o! tM��roNrt�or wl l�tant af Trnton i��oN, ttud�rr�d ot hrtler �uub�ted dtlo�t t1�rtitt��connt ot N� <br /> '�''� ' Neetieiul, tl� le�eficlu� ��t decl�re�U �w�a��e�6� tYi�t�at aed to w iwMi�ql1 d�e ud PUdI�ud Iroc��i to t1�n��din utildl� � <br /> ,.�.�;:, s <br /> to it��dn tke del�lt pro�i�ia�i w�t�i�ed lerei�. <br /> - �� , 11, ��01 tl� lolleriq��t�t� ol�ll 6�le��ad u e�e�t of d�fult I�reuder: <br /> - e ,,, �, truotoco ep�11 ptoe failed to reke pa��ett of eaf i�etzll��nt �I prl��ip+l nr i�teret er �er eNer�eoa eec�red here�� �Yee d�e; � _�_ <br /> " 1. tl�r�lu accirred�bnul o(or dotult uder �o�ter�, co�ew�t, �gree�e�t� co�ditio�, pro�i�io�, re�rEmt�tto�or utrut�w�t�iud i� <br /> .�,�,�_� tMi� Oeed ot Tratt, tYe�ote or u�otler lou i��true�t�ocered leveby; <br /> � e, tlete lu bao �letult br tle ftuton iu 11� p�l�e�t ot u��rior or ub�q�e�t li��oe e�cu6raoce le reqect to�ll or u��trt oI Ile <br /> ..,���,,.�.;r� proDeryi <br /> ��r�'�.�:� 1. itnton d�ll file a�ol�ntul petit[o�ia 6wk��picy ot �h�ll 6e�dJ�dlc�►.ed 6uknp!or tuohe�t, o�rlel!�ttie u u�f��re�t foe ike __"_. <br /> �'�° � `'" be�etit of creditan Ia ee�pect to t1e�to�erty; or�e�etio�to �dora�e� lie� or ��cubruce or J�d{�a�t� �pint tl�Prop�ry i� ___. <br /> ' .:1: <br /> �:,�+,..�{�"�, cowe�ced� <br />���,�.�•• r il. I� tMe eu�t oI �a�del►�Il, tle le�eflci�r�oy declue tll i�debted�en �eeueed lerely to be d�e nd p�9�ble ud tle�ue�Idl tlere�po� <br /> �,�; ,� 6tw�e d�e u�d pr�6le�itlaat u)�reie�tu�t, dtu�d,protnt or�otlee of�ay ti�d. tYete�fter, tYe Be�eficiu� ���: <br /> ••-�-���• - �, eitker 1�pet�o�or b��gent, �itl o�dthout bri��i�g uy �ctio�or proceedl��, or bl reatv�r�ppoi�ted b>a eo�rt ud r(tMort ret�rd to <br /> �'•K���' �` � the �deouc�oP u�eec�tit�, eater apa�ud t�te poueuio�ol t�e proDerty, or u�p�tl I►ereot� f� it�oo��ue ar i�t1e�ue ot tle �' <br /> --� ;,�,__,�;�,�� Trutee, ud do u�act�rMic1 it ieeu�eceotry ud deiir�bte to �re�ene tle vd�e, urket�bilit' ur rent�biliy ot tle property, o� D��� <br /> _ ti..�. '; • thereot, or i�tere�t tMroi�, i�creue tMe f�coee tlerefro�or proleet lle�ecwrltr kreot ud, �itlort t�ti�{ �O�teodor ol tle pro@etty, °- <br /> - �'������ �� ', .° ue tor or atlerri�e collect tle ceetr, i�o�e� �nd profit� tY�reo(, iacl�dia` tYate Dut d�e nd up�il, ud�ppl� tle�ue, ler� co�t���d __... <br /> � �� ��' ecpe�ie ot ope�atlo� ud colleetio�, iul�di�g attor�el(�e�, �Po�u� i�debttd�e�r �ecued lereb�, RU i�uci oder u t1e Be�etici�r�u� <br /> � • deteni�e� tle e�teri���40�ud t�Ci��Oo�uo�ioe ot tle t��ot e�t�te, Ne coUection of�ach rent�, ime� ud protih ul �ppl[c�tio� <br /> '' � � ', °� tlereot tt etoreuld rldl �ot cve or nl�e uy det�nit ot �otice ot delult lereuder or imlid�te n� act ud i� reqw�e ta ncl defult _. <br /> � �� r�, „ a� ` or pu�oat to �oe6 totice o(det�vtt ud eotoitbt�ndi�g tle wntiw�ace ia pnnenio�o! the pro�erty or t1e collectio�, reeeipt tod <br />�a'' ` t " , aDO�ic�tlo�of re�t�, ln�eo o� proff ti, 4riot�e cr tYE Be�eficiary u�be e±�itled to ezercla e�er�riglt proriled far i�u�oI t1e lou �-�y- <br /> '' ''''� iutra�e�t�or b� lu �po�occtrre�ce ot a9 e�e�t ot det�ilt, i�cl�di�g tle ri4k�o ererciie tYe poMer o[nle; <br /> ' �r� �_ . � • • ,�; •,, 1� coue�te u tctioa W foteclate tH�Deel of 1t�ot u •�o�t{�8e, eppof�t � tecel�er, or�peclt[c�ll� eJorce ul o( tle eore�nh Mereof; <br /> �" j±t;.• e. deli�er to in�tee� �r[tte�decl�ntioe at defa�it aid daud tor �de, �od �ritte��otice ot deftalt ud electio�to c�ue Truton' �� <br />_ ��..-,,y�-�;,. ietere�t ie tle Qropertl to be �old, olicA aotice frr�tee�I�U c�e�e to be d�il[iled for rocord i�tle oftic[�I ncord�ot tM�cont�i� - <br /> - -_- = riich the Pto�ertf is iocded, - <br /> " 12� 81o�1d t1e Beuficluy eleet to Poreclou by eurciu ot tle po�er of t�le letein coot�ined, tls Be�efici�r��Y�II notif� Trntee ud �1�11 <br /> � �' ,��r �� �� depodt dtl ttatee tH�ked of?tut ud !Me iote ud ncA receiph��d eride�ce of eipe�dihrea �tde ud iec�red lereb� a�inetee e�p reqdte, � <br /> �^.. ud opoo re�ae�t of tle 8e�eficiuy, tle Ttatee�M411 cw�e to be recotded, publi�led ud deli�ered to Tra�tor ucM Notf�e of Oefadt ud lotice ot - <br /> � ''"� 8�1e u the� rtpdr�d bp I�r aod E� tli� Deed ot Trut. tn�tee�Y�ll oitho�t d�u�d o� iruter, �fter �ul tl�e u uy tle� be reqofted b� In��d <br /> „ �'`*� itter[ecorddio�ot�ut Yotice of Defwlt e�d ►Ite�Notice of 9�1e Ia�i�g bee�dire�w rep�ired bp l�r, �ell tle propert��t the tt�e��d pl�ce of <br /> . .,:•,,, <br /> �� ' ul� tited b� it i�uel AoUce of 3�1e, eitler u a rMole, or i��eputte lot�or p�rcel�or ite�o u Trutee r6ell den �a►edie�t, ud i� acl otder - <br /> ��� u it u�deteni�e, �t P�blic a�ctlo�to t1e hi�le�t 6iddet for c�th a�d�lill deliver to �uch p�rch�rer or purcla�en tler�of t deed to tle propert� <br /> � � � �;,��- �old, co��[rteot ritl tie lar Iwee i� effeet. Yecit�l� I� tle irartee'�deed �I�II be priu t�cie e�idrpte of the te�ti of the rt�te�e�t� ude ��- <br /> � , '� ` tlerei�. tru�tee�I�ll �DP4 tle proceed�of tle iiie i� tle folloriig order: (�� to ell reuo��Ole cott��d et�eueo of tle �ele, tulrliag b�t�ot `�- <br /> ' •� ° li�ited to Trutee'� ►ee� ot�ot�ore thu !1 af tle �roo� ulP ptice, re�eo�tMe ittorner tee��nd coet�o[ title etide�ce; (b)to nll ean�ecued � <br /> �". " „ E� thi�Deed ot in�t; �nd (e) tie en��r, (t any,to tYe Deno�or penou laqally P�titled tMer�to. �n�perroe, [�cl�dfae the leiefici�r�, ur <br /> / �,.�• �'' • ' p�rtht�e uid propetq�t nld ule. Tru�tea uy i� tle ��uer pro�[ded b� la�, podpone ule o(�ll ar �o�oottio�o�tAe pro�ertJ. -- . <br /> 1� ." M;.�.. +� ' 1�. in�tee ud tle Be�eficiuy, e�d e�ch of tbe�,slall be entilled to entore� pq�c�t �ad perforu�ce of ny i�debtednea� or obliqstian�ecured =- <br /> • �`' leceb� ud to eRetct�e all riglii ��d poren u�d�r tlfa Dr�d of itatt or ��der uy lou i�rtro�e�t or ot6er �greeu�t or u� I�ro �or or 6ereaft�r <br /> .. 3..; . <br /> � ��q• • :�� e�torced �otrith�t�tdi�Q ao�e or ill ot t6e iadeked�eu a�d obligatto�� uc�rtd IereEy rlich uy r.o���r here�tte�b�other�ite ucaed, �IetAer bl � <br /> � �ort��gh deed o( trut, �led�e, lie�, �uiRee��t or otherrire. Aeitler tMe ►ccepte�re of t4i� �eed ot 1r�ft�or itr e�forceeeit, rletle�b� co�rt <br /> } � utioa ot p�na�.�t to tle pooer of iele or otAer poven heref� coit�i�ed, eh;ll pre�udice or in aep un�er�ftect Truetee's or the Beaeticiarl'� ri66t <br /> ' �nT: . to re�li�e rpoi or edorcr�ny other ucrrfty oor�r here�(ter peld by troot�p or lhe Beaeficiarr, it te(ng �preed tl�t Trotee ud tYe Be�eficier', --- <br /> ' ..r- ' ad eul of tie�, tl�ll be eatitled to �ofotce tEis Oe�d ai tru�t ned a�y��ther eec�rit� �or nr hereefter held by tse Beeeficinrr or tnatee i� ne1 �'� <br /> • °'"`'"�"° .e order ud�w�r ii tley u7 i� t6elr ab�ul�te diuretiu� deteniee. Ao re�e�y her�ia tonterred apo�or reeerred tn trutee or Benefic[ar/ii <br /> ,.�;� <br /> • ;��.`•. ,. tate�ded to be exr.luoire ot say otMcr re�edy heni� or 6� lar prorfded or penitted, b�t escE�hall bc ;u�ldtire tnd o��ll be ii �dditio� to erer� -- <br /> - . • other re�edy �ivee hereu�der or�o�or �erentcer e:i�ting �t lir o� pquity or by st�tutr, tv�•r�pn�er or re�ed�gi�en ET u� of Ne lou in�true�t� °- <br /> . to Trr�tee or tle Be�efic[�ry ur ro rptclt eitler of tle� �a�De otherri�r c�titled�al be �►Pt�ieed, roncurrentl) �r i�depe�deotl�, !ro�ti�e to ti�e �,� <br /> � � ud is otten u �s� be dee�ed upPdfeit b� iruitP��or Breetieiu�, �nd elther uf UP�uy pureur inco�eiot��t re�e�ie�, Yot1i�R ler�i��Itll Se � �. <br /> . co�atraed a� prohibitins th�Breeflcluj fro�eeeting a dePiriencl jodge�ent s�uret Tnet��r� ►a (he eYte�� e��h�etion ia Den:tted a� Iw, �•`-- <br /> . � � � ll. Ttu�ton �creb� reanPNt+ �opy nf �n� �nti�P r.f det�olt aod t��t �n� �oti�e nt �nl► he����dar b��eii�d to 1�r.tton �t tle �ddren �et tottl ���- <br /> ..} <br /> ' � ' I� tAe ([nt pnragt�p0 uf tlle Qe�d ot frasl, ` <br /> . , 15. Tle 6ae[ic:ay r�y, hy �rntten uatrn�e�t rce�-nt�9 and ack�nvled4eh �y B�nPfi�isrr, �nuei tu tnetore �ed resorded f� ll��Cout� u �hicl . <br /> � tle Qroperty U loatrd and by ot4er�ieN ru�plyi�� vitY the pror�eione�t lfe ipplir�ble le� uf t�e Sttt��f Nehreekn, ea6stitutr a e�tcenor to ►he <br /> � 7tartee eued �ereio or actin� I�re�ndrr, � <br /> : � li. tlit De�d o(1r�at applill to �od iour�e tr. rtP b��n�fir �,t �n� bi�de sli par���� t�r�t.�. �h���r hri•!, penon�l repr��entta�eF, ��cce�oore tad <br /> �` � utig�e. tle ter� 'BeaeFirinry'ehell �ean t►r nuer�rd nold��� �f lhn ent�, rt�ther-�r nrt ne�M as Fenetiri�r���reu. ��' <br /> � • '� 11. Yftloat atfecti��i Ne IiaCilily uf sn� athr �era�� ii�bL f,�r thp pa��ant oi aoy ��bli�icw^ ���r�tn n�nti�nea, ti�d vitAo�t aifP�tu� �he lire �Ft` ' <br /> .1- . - .�t__ ' . � .._. .._.... .� .i_ .._...._ ._� .�.. '- '�""-"-' '-''._.. .' "' ':�. t_. .t_ r. i� _ .a .�i _ _.� <br /> -- - - - ` . . .,. la. <br /> ., -- - - --- - ---- Of CR�B!01 lll� U�CU VI ifaii ui�i.n nnj Pm��v� � u�c uvyny nv + � i� u���cw�n �artw� .� �c�v��q v •�c �n�� pijii�i�i +� an anp��u . - <br /> „ ° o6lig�lio�e, t�e Be�eficier��ay, It��1 U�i' 1J llli t!d�lls��ll n��ll�'��` (��cre�Ptl�' t�y pP�F��Ab e� II1blP; �b) ��It'Id,h+ �1IY[Ily n� tllr� 1Ay d� lAP r <br /> . s� <br /> � � ' ten� of eey ��cl abli�aU�n; (c) Rrant otAer ir�d��i�enrPr, (d� �PIo1A,P��f rProrvey tt thr 6rn�ficiary'e option o�r psrrel, portin�ar ell nf tEe i <br /> . •• propert�; �e� take or rPle�sp ai� ��ther �r tddition�l xe�uit� I��r u���El:qau�ro bcrPi� v�nh,�e��d: er (t) �ake c��poaitione or ot6�r er�ange�cete �; <br /> � �it6 d�btoro i�rel�tion therrto, : <br /> „ 11. Thi� d?ed �i Truat elall Ge �t•,�er�Pd by ti��• I3Y5•�� 1I1� �tar.� •,f N�Enrh s►�t, ir �E�� plPl� +�y one or �e�N ai tte rr•���n�ne c����si��4 <br /> . herei�, er tle note or eey other serarity inetru�aot {iaar, �r �•n�narti•�n rit� t�:f �riorar!i��n r�el! b� f�r en� r�aee� h��id to h��invaliJ. �Ileaal cr <br /> " un�nfotce�ble, in snr reepe�t, eu�e iwili�iit�, i ll�gslitr,�� nnenf��r���b�li��r r'�II n�t etre��t tn� �,rF,�t prnriei•ipa nf tti9 leed ��i Trurt, hu' ��e ' <br /> ' � Ueed ef iru�t elaU be�o�etrapd sF if�n�h i���lil, illegnl�r enrr.t�r�etl l�• p���r�x�nn had n�rPr b�en �ortainrd �ereir nr tlPr�in. <br /> ' ; Sz 1!. Anr Forheerance br ehr fPn�firi�ry�r frutt�N i� �z�rci��e� zry ri�9� �r rP�N7y h�nu�d�r, ��r e�1�wiNr att�r4en hr�pplir�bl� I�r, shsll �o� � <br /> � '; �' ' be e��he' of ot pr�tlnde�.hr a[l�rl!e ^r �oy r�.t� riRhf �r rr�ed; `eroard�r, likNns�. '��� �tnPr by �Pe 6�eefic�up ��r P�aet�e o( a�� d�f�ul� �t <br /> �� " l�! ��'ll�0�! 91dR 1��[ ��P� �f iruet el+ll .'•Vt ht���p�pd t��hN 1 q�In��f �ny o�hPr •�r e�li lu dpt�all e�ibP�7�r�t ly ��rarnec. <br /> i <br /> 1 r <br /> 'j , I <br /> �� � - — -- <br />