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<br /> -_-�--°--°------.=� Tl�o usulcraignr�i� !lIL7l19SI. A. �l,�lYCL r.�d PAlEICIA M. P1!!i^4tl�C�. bunb�l r� x+_Le,
<br /> - _ identified as "Trnatora" onder a certain Deed of Trust dated July�, 1992, to be enter�ed
<br /> in to awng TruotorB, THB aTAT�i W1NK OB CAIRO, A Nebrsek4 BankinQ Corporation� "Trustee",
<br /> �,;'� and THQ STAT6 HANII OP GAI�tO� A Nebraska Bt�nking Corporstion, "BeneYicinry"� hereby
<br /> —=��� �cknawledqe that thio Aaknowledg�ept ia �ade prior to their exeaution of that Deed oe Trust
<br /> ie respeat to thst rasl estate deacribed aa folloMa, to wits
<br /> � The 8outheaot Qusrter (8� 1/4) of Section 22, To�tnahip 12 North, Range 11�
<br /> ____ iVest oY the 8th P.M�� Ball County� Nebraska� les� and exaepting thereProo a
<br /> — — aertain parael of land containfn� 12�08$ ucres, aore or leos, as described
<br /> -�� "- �� in a cartain plat and survey co�pleted by Tho�as L. Jordan, regietered lrind
<br /> , eurveyor on June 30, 1988, etnd filed of record $a Docu�ent 1i86-104872 on
<br /> eeptQ�ber 2, 1986,
<br /> and
<br /> _._��
<br /> The North Hal.f oP the 9outhweat quarter (N 1/2 SW 1/4) and the 9outh Helf
<br />__ __ =._ ____ __ of the Northwest quarter (S 1/2 Nw 1/4) of Section 11, Totmahip 12 Ndrth,
<br /> Ran�e 11, Weat o, t.,e 6th P.M., Ha'1 Co� �ty Nebraska,
<br /> . �y�"°'� snd that they knoW and underst+�nd that (a) the Beed of Trust to be executed by Truators ie
<br /> -:.:a" a Tru�t Deed and not a Mottgage and (b) �hat the power of eale provided for in the Deed of
<br /> _'� �,�� , y � .,:� Trust provi�es essentially different rights and obligationa to the Truotors than a Mortgage
<br /> • in the event of a default or breaoh of obli�ation
<br /> ;
<br /> -':'�t . , IN NITN68B MH�&6QF, Trustors have executed this Ackn4Wledgment on the dste Yirst
<br /> _ ����-.� �r noted above.
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<br /> ;,�, ,��•',; , 'MICNABL A. PANOiiI
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<br />- :�: :,:,��� PATRICIA M. PANOfiIIC
<br /> ''Yt•::,:,;..' .• .,:,. �.. STATE OF NBBRABKA )
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<br /> " . . OOilNTY OF HALL �
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<br /> ; �; '+,� "� The foregoiug instru�ent was acknuwledged before �ne on July ��, 1892, by MiCNABL A.
<br /> i,i�wY -• ..•�, ° NANOiIICZ aad PAT8ICIA N. PANOfi1CZ� 6usband and Mife.
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