:�L�Yi *``j, � l•tl�' �� �.1i�� .81� x �,.1C �P 1 L?'� - . _ ._.._�r I .i.+"�J...11 -���-e�:�i�tl . �
<br /> . . .ul�... a�:.... :�.�6�vYrr�xT n.. ..�:c -FV?p-{'�.
<br /> ." ' . .-._ �fwrn . . ' '_ . _ -F- ._...
<br /> � � . '. :;,.'1;�,,��-`. . • � - _
<br /> - °� .:�r . . --'--�--°--
<br /> , .,
<br /> . r.,�: - „ .• . ' • ' . � � � --10�0 �.
<br /> �`° � • �2--i�65�3 �Z 30
<br /> •� ..
<br /> : ,�-. t��� ' �: ` ' Hundr�dtihs (2d0.1�) fMt= th�na� N 4Z' 4d' 31 " M • d1�t.�nw
<br /> _, �����_ �, of On� Hundr�d Fitty-81x �nd T�nEy-On� Hundr�dLh� (tsi.21 )
<br /> , _-----..-T<,
<br /> ;.:�.� tNt; Lh�nc� N QO' 96' 8S" M �a di�t�nc� of On� Wundr�d - �-
<br /> `�� ^-�� �"� Tw�nLy-F i v� �nd Ei�hty-81 x Hundr�dtha (12a.8d) tNti; th�na�
<br /> :• �...:�vw:•,�.,:±' N 00' 61 ' 66" M • di�t�l�a� of Four Hutodr�d Ni rN�y-Fouc �nd
<br /> � ., ��`'^`� 81 xLy-On� Hundr�dtihs (4�4.d 1) lNti; th�nw N Z0' 37' 63" M
<br /> c� - a d i�t.ane� o! N i r�t�►-F1 v� �n6 Fou� Mundr�dth� (9a.04) tNt; '�- ' "� °
<br />�':�,
<br /> ��'� ,� ��` th�nc� N 40' a1 ' 43 M • di�t�n� o* On� Hund��d S/xty-Fou�
<br />��,.,r � �.,4 .: ;� ,'� Il�ld N1�i�t�y-Of1� HUfldt�dthY (164�01) *Nt� tIN11Q� N 1a' 22'
<br /> - 07 MI a diat�nc� ot On� Hundr�d 8ixty and Fifty-Tao
<br /> fi�°• �,'.� Hund��dths (1d0.i�) fMt= t.�ano� N 00' 40' �10" M a dl�tana�
<br />�� �— � � � � oi' Fiv� Hundr�d F1fty-NiRtr taa�.0) �Nt to � polrft on th�
<br />��'��. +�• � � north 11n� of a�1d Sout.h��t Qu�rt�r; th�nc� 8 8�' 37' 6�"
<br />"' ' �'"� " ' E alonp and upon tiM no�th 11n� of �a1d South�st Quart�r�
<br />;I�i:_.�. � .. �.
<br />��—•Y � a diatenc� a1' S�v�n Hundr�d Fitty-S�v�n and Fiftr-ThrN
<br /> �� Hundr�dths (767.63) fNt to th� c�nt.�r of a�id 8�ction 7; —
<br /> th�nao continuinp 8 88' 37' ao" 6 alon� and upon th� nortih
<br /> � 1 i n� of s�i d M��t Hal f of th� 8outh�ut Cuart.�r a d 1�tana�
<br /> � - ' of One Thousend ThrM H�ndr�d 6�v�ntNn �nd 8�v�nty-Nin� __ ____
<br /> .. . .,
<br />,�„ . . Hundr�dth� (1�317. 7�) !�t to Lh� polnti of b�pinMnp. =
<br />�:: .
<br />�. , s �act No. 3 -
<br />�..-� A tracti of land coa�p�i�inp s p�rt oT th� M��t Hs1f of th� .
<br />�� � � � Southaast Quertor (M1/2 SE1/4) and s part of �h� 8outhw��t =_
<br />�� � � 4uart�� (8W1/4) of 8�oti on 8�v�n (7). Townahi p T�n (1 O) �,:;;__.�
<br />- NorLh, Ra�np� T�n ( 10) Ml��t of tho Oth P.M. , H�11 Coun�y.
<br />�• � � Nobrasks, and �aor� p��tiicul�rly d��crib�d a� follow�:
<br />�:
<br />�;;:^; ,. eo�innin� aL a poinL on th� north lin� of �sid 8outhM�at _
<br /> ' quartor (SMt/4). said poirft b�ina 8�v�n Hund��d F9*ty-8�v�n �_�.�:..
<br /> . .
<br />�=� � � and Fift�r-Thr�� Nundr�dth� (767.63) fNt M��t of tMr� c�nt.��
<br /> .-. - - ,,;�:.---_ _ � � » __—... _
<br />� • o� aaid Soction 8�v�n (7); th�na� N 8� 37 68 M alonp and r� �+�
<br /> upon th� nortih lin� of said Southw�st �iu�rtir (8w1/4) a . " `
<br /># . . distanc� of Six Hund��d Forty-Fou� and TMO T�nths (d44.20) �-
<br /> �'^°• f�ot; thenco 8 01' 20' 32" E s distsnc� of On� Hundr�d � � �:� �
<br />�� � � , Fifty-Two end Forty-Th�N Hundr�dths (1b2.43) f��t; th�nco �-'-�• .�
<br /> 4 ' 16' 08" E • dl�tanw of On� Hund��d Trr��t -On� and � , �#
<br /> 8 2 Y �
<br /> =� 8�v�nty-N1n� Hundr�dth� (121 .78) fat; th�nc� 8 61' 02' 07"
<br /> �� � E e� diatenaa of Thr� Hundr�d Fifty-Four snd N1n�ty-Nin� `
<br /> � `
<br /> '�, ; . • ° Hundr�dths (364.88) *�ot; th�nc� 8 20' 11' 62" E a disteno� �,�;��-���
<br /> •� of Two Mundrod Tw�ntiy-Four and S�v�nty-Four Hundr�dtha .:'��:�:;��-
<br />. w ,� "� . (224.74) fwti; th�nc� 8 07' 18' 47" E � dlstanCa Ot �our ,�•��,� �;^___
<br /> ;�, . Hundr�d Ei ghtiy-F ivo and TN�nty-Ni no Hundrodthe (486.29) �,.,;.'�,������.
<br /> � '�'` " � faet; thonc� 8 12' 13' 16" E • distanc� ot Thrw Hundrod t � �•
<br />�`" " �, � � Twelva and Ei�hty-81x Hundr�dths (312.8d) fe�t; tih�na� 8 �
<br /> 22' 23' 13" E a dist4nc� of TMO Hundred 8ixty-Two and
<br />�'� • � Forty-NinQ Hu�dr4dtht (202.48) t��t; th�nae 8 82' 63' 12" E .
<br /> a d i stenco of E i�hty-N i n� �nd E 1�hty-ThrN Hundradths r �'•'Y�
<br />�� (89.83) feet; thonco 8 43' 21' 32" E a di�tenc� of Four . .�•
<br /> �` .,. . ---
<br />�� ' Hundrad �i�hty-Two end Two Hundr�dths (482.02) iMt; Lh�r�o� --. ���:��
<br /> �' �:�';=" 3 01 ' 02' 41" E a di�tsnc� of Fiv� Hundr�d Forty-Nin� and r *=
<br /> f .
<br /> . , Twanty-TAroa Hundr�dths (648.23) f�t to tiho point on tho
<br /> sauth lino ot eaid 8outhw��t f�uartor (8M1/4); thenco 8 8s'
<br /> 68' 68". E e1on� �nd upon th� aauth 1in� ot enid Southw�at �
<br /> . �.
<br /> .� z f
<br /> „ ..�
<br /> ,
<br /> � �
<br /> � ►
<br /> � �
<br /> � '
<br /> � ' --� - --- —
<br />