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<br /> THIS A88IONt��NT OF RENTS RID�R ie iAade and exacuted thip
<br /> 27TH dey ot .TULY , 19 9z, and ie inaorporated' into and ehall
<br /> - � be'aeemed to amen an eupplemenr the Mortqege or Deed of Tru�t, ` _
<br /> � � � ,ti�.���;` herein�fter roferred to ae the nSeaurity Inetrument", o� the eame
<br /> � ' � date given by tha undereigned, hereinegter referred to ae �he
<br /> < ���orrower��, to secure Horrower�s indebtednees, hereinafter
<br /> ' rc�fer�ed to 8e the MNoten � to HOME FEDERAL SAVINaB AND LOAN
<br /> .�� ;��,�F�° A880CIATION OF QItAND ISLAND, hereinafter referred to ae the —
<br /> �-� �� � ��Lender", af the eame date and covering the pxoperty deecribed in _.
<br /> � �ti�r��Y� -•. the 8ecurity Inatruptenti and loceted ati s
<br /> t:. ..:'
<br /> -,=�•h� ` 4511 CALYIN DRIVE GRAND ISLAND NE 68801
<br /> --- � , -� Property A reee)
<br /> V •
<br /> �M . � • ' c e
<br /> �J.
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<br /> v WNSR�AB BorroWOr and Lander heve egreod that any rents a�ad
<br /> ` ��' • � ' profite attr�butable to the property ehould conetitute additional
<br /> n .. n � ..
<br /> ' � �� � . security tn the Lender for the payment of the Note;
<br /> '� ° ` NoW, THLRLFORE, it ie agreed that tihe 8ecurity inetrumeat --
<br /> _- "'��"�`'°°`'���� shall be amended'hereby And deemed to inalude �he following pro- —
<br /> -_ � .• � visione: —
<br /> ` � �t rRnder Rental Collection Riahte. =8�
<br /> 1. g��,qnme�i� of Rente an d,__
<br /> °��'` '-k"'�'--j Borrouar h�reby nl�aQlutA1 y and unaonditione].ly assigne all rente,
<br /> . '�7"� � iesuee and �rofite of the property ta 9eneficiary. Lender shall
<br />= � '� � ° have the �.�.�ght, power and authority during the continuance of the
<br /> 8ecurity �nstrument to collec� the rente, iseuee and profits of �_
<br />: " :� N�.�" � � •� the propexty end of any pereonal property located �hereon with ox
<br /> rt without taking posseseion of the property a�feated hereby. —
<br /> " `� � Lender, however, hereby Qon�ents t4 8orrower•s collection and -
<br /> � . . .
<br /> ` � � retention of such rents, iseueg and profite ae they accrue and �=;
<br /> �= become payeble, so long ae Borrower ie not, at such time, in -
<br /> •� �'� default with respect to payment of any indebtednesa secured
<br /> � �' ` ...�,,.,� l�ereby, or in the performance of any agreement hereunder. c� •
<br /> ��,,�.�, �, _.
<br /> � ..,.,,...r.
<br /> �...; � 2. 8ouo�ntment of cteceiver. I� any event of default in �
<br /> /'��� � •�,�-.° regpact to �he 8ecurity inetirumont shall have occurred and be -�
<br /> ,� , ;��; cvntinuing, Lender, ae a matter of right and without notice to �:-
<br /> ., " � � �" Dorrower or anvane clai�ning under Borrower, and without regard to �. _.
<br /> the value af the truet eetate or the interest of the Horrower
<br /> •. therein, ehall hava the right to apply to eny court having juris- �_.
<br /> °�, dictivn to appoint a raceiver o� the property. _
<br /> �• '::�,. ___.. [- :
<br /> 3. R;.aht to PoeBession. In cage of default in the paymen�
<br /> � �= of the eaid principal. Note or interest, or any part thereof, as �,—��
<br /> . �� it shall mature, or in the case of failure to keep or perform any
<br /> °" � of the covenants or. agreements contained in the 8ecurity Instru- �
<br /> � ment, then the Lender, ite sucaeseors or aBeigne, shall be end is �
<br /> � • ,• hereby autliorized and empowered to take immediate possession of
<br /> i
<br /> •• .� � the eaid px:emises therein described and to collect �he rents
<br /> therefrom, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of
<br /> + �� the Noto.
<br /> : _� 4. �,pd�iQat�on of Rente. Tes�aa and__Brofits. All ren�s ,
<br /> cvllected by LQnder or the receiver ehall be applied firet to
<br /> �� � payment of•� the coete of management of the property and collection
<br /> �
<br /> -_ _e ......�... t„..t..a�.,.. ►�,.�* „.,* limitc�� tn. r�ceiver�e fee8. nremi-
<br /> --.-_ '-- VL Los11NU� .r��va�wr��y/ w.w' ..�� ��"'�___ _ ' • ' '
<br /> ume on receiver's bonde and reaeonable attorney�s fees, and then �
<br /> .. to the sum� secured by the 3ecurity Inetrctment, Lender and the •
<br /> � receiver ehall be liable to account only for those rents aatually
<br /> reueived.
<br /> � � 5. �netrLCSt�on of provieion�. Ea�ch of the provisione aon-
<br /> � tained in thie Aeeignment of Rente Rider and the Security Instru-
<br /> 'T � ment ehall, unlese otherwise specifically required, be construed
<br /> in accordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any provieion
<br /> � herein or therein contained ehall be determined by a court of
<br /> • - � - � � competent juriediction to be unenforceable, the eama ehall be
<br /> � " � conetrued ae thaugh euch' unenforceable prvvision were not a part
<br /> � hereof or thereof.
<br /> 1 I ' , �
<br /> , .,
<br />