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n . ;.�� ��� �fW� <br /> _ .s_ ��1i ��� .�..� _---- -_ t�� � 4_Y ...-.. • . ---� -- __ _.- ... -... <br /> y •�tANdNilf:`'� � � I�`:S�- <br /> _ o -. <br /> ���m . <br /> �_ • <br /> �� r7. <br /> 'T� "_',:'�'�c ,. :— <br /> . ..�' ,. '''+.. ,�'��t. �. . '�� __ <br /> :�• ' ,,:> i`11%�+K�'f'.S'4�'��h"r.• ' _�_ F�.:�,�-.. <br /> '+�-+1 �:t. .�___,e..L:.._ <br /> � a�l.��rl�� � <br /> - � 9a._' 10651.� <br /> — applic4blo law moy�pecify for reinstntemcnt)beforo sale of tho Praperty pursuant to Any power of wle contaicwd in thia <br />_..--- _�;-��-=--- - - 5ecurity inwrumcm:w lbi cnay ui'�judgn�c�tl�hiiu�cing dds ScY:u�f�y �i�irwi�nt. Thar�:conditians�re thst BurroNtr: (af <br /> �ay� L.ender all sum� which �hen would be due under �his Secudry Instniment end the Note as if no wccelerntlor: hud <br /> accurt+ed;(b►cures any defuult of ony wher cavenunls ur agreemeo�R;(c)paya pll expPn�es incurred in enPorcing this S�x:uriry <br /> � ��, Insuument. including,but not Nmited lo, reawnuble anameyx'fees; uncl (d) lakes Rw:h actian a�Lender moy reoconobly <br /> - require to assure Ihat�he Ilen of thiR Sccuriey Inslrument,l.endcrfi riqhta in thc Propcny uncl Borrowcr's obligati�n lo pay the _ <br /> - sums sexurcd by ihix Security InKuument sholl continuc unchengcd. Upon reinatatert�nt by Borrower. this Security <br /> .. Inattument wtd the obligationa�ecuoed hereby ahpll remain fully effective aR ff no acceleration had cecumed. However,this <br /> rl�ht to ninstak shall not apply in the cuse af ncceleration under puragruph 17. <br /> 19. S�k o!NMei�hAnge of l.oAn Servker. The Nate or u pnttial interest in the Note(together wilh thic 3ecurity <br /> �ar�.�.��� InswmenU moy be sold onc or mare timex without prlor n�tice to BaROwer. A sole may result in u change in the entity <br /> ,t���r�q� (known us the"L.oan Servicer")thut collccts monthly puymenta due under tl�c Note and this Securi�y Instrument. There salso <br /> �•t��=��•�'�' ' may t+e ane or mare changex of�he l.oan Scrvicer unrelated t�u Fnle of Ihe Note. li there is e chunge of the Loan Ssrvlcer. <br />���"'�''�?= Borrower wlll be givan writt�n notice of the change in accotdonce with parngrnph 14 above und applicable law. The natice <br /> �.'., _� �' ' wlll staite the name und uddress of the new Loan Servicer und the address ro which payments shouid he made. The aotica will <br /> „ n,.,� Aleo cont�in any aher Information required by applicnble law. <br /> ����=� 20. Hazardoua SutwWncea Barrowcr shall not cause or permit�he presencc,use,dixpo�ul,atornge,or rcicasc of any <br /> �� Hozurdous Substonces on or in the Pmpeny. Borrower shall not do� nor ullow Anyone else to do.onything affecting the <br /> � �._�:.d�.� <br /> '•=' �' Property ihat is in vlolation of any Environmental Lnw. The preceding two sentcnces shall not apply to the presence,use.or <br /> _...?�.'�°�"— •�• sror�ge on thc Property of small quantilies of Hazardoua Substances Iha1 are generally recognized to be appropriate to nmm�l <br /> _- — �`'Y".,V����-.•�. _ reaidential uscs wui lu mainlenu�rce uf the Piroperty. - <br /> µ� ;j•,:�t' w <br /> .... ,�,,., •�..:.,.:..; Bo�rower aball prompNy give Lender wdtten natice of uny investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or ather action by eny <br /> �•� w�����',y"� .` . governmentnl or rcgulstory a�ency or private party involving ihe Property and any Huzardous Substance or Environmental <br /> ^� Law of which Borrower hns uctuul knowlcdge. If Borrower Ieams. or is notifled by uny governmentul or regulatory <br />_ • � author�ty,that any remov�l or other remediatiou of nny Haznrdous Substunce affecting the Praperty is necess�ary.eorrower <br /> • shall prompQy lalce nil necessary remediul actfons in accordance with Envlronmemal Law. <br /> ° 4 ��� As esed in this parAgrnph 20,"Hnzardous Subslances"are those sub�tAnces defined as toxic or hauudous substances by <br /> ., � �.��,. • Emironmental Law und the fallowing substancc�: gusoline. kerosene.other flummablc or toxic petroleum products,toxic <br /> •• , ' ' •� pesticides s�nd herbicides,volatile solvcnts. materialx contuining asbestos or fortnuldehyde,nnd rndiuuctive mnterials. As <br /> ' • . '` used in this parugraph 20,"Environmentni Low"meuns federnl luws atd luwa of Ihe jurisdiction where 1he Piroperty is located <br /> ` ��" thut relate to health,safe or environmentul rotection. <br /> ' ' °�'� •� �;`�� ` NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. 9orpower und Lcndcr further covenunt and agrce as follows: <br /> ,�,.;�`�;,,,;- _ 21. Acceler�don; Remedtes. Lender ahpll give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration following Barrower's <br /> -- --�:"�i�"-�:-� breach aP any covenant or agreement in tbis 5ecurity Instrument(but not prior to acceleration nnder parngr�ph I7 <br /> :, � ' • Q'" unless applkable law provides otherwise). The notice shall apeciiy: (A)the default;(b)Ihe action required to cure the <br /> • •• - • . detpulh,(c)n date,not les�than 30 dAys from the date Ihe notice is siven to Borroweq by whkh Ihe dePault mast be <br /> ' ° `. � cured;and(dl thot failure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date speciNed in the nodce muy result in Accele�ation oP <br /> �� °� the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notke shall i'urlher ioform Borrower of <br /> . '�` the right to reinslate atter acceleralion und the righl to brinR a court actlon!o assert the non-existence of a default or <br /> �. .��• • eny other defense of Borrower to acceleralbn and snle. I�the defaalt is nat cured on or 6eiore lhe date specitied in <br /> ,. the notice.I.ender At i�s optton may requi�e immediate payment in t'ull oP All sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> ,� .,.•A;.:.�. .. , without furthcr dema�d and may invoke the powcr of sale and any other remedics permitted by applicable law = <br /> r �l.ut��r. � <br /> Lender shpll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided in this paraQraph 21. ' <br /> including.but nat limited to�reASOnable attorneys'fees nnd costs uf lille evidence. _ <br /> � �• if the power of sale is invoked,7lrustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any p�rt of the <br /> ��'�'-."°s ' :,�;,,;�,', � ' � Property Is lacated and shall maN copies oP such noNce in the manner pre.scribed by appliceble law to Borrower and to <br />