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:� <br /> �..�.,�.�.��� _ x� �s,. -� � <br /> �'�. i . - - - — -- - = --- - - - - — � ' -�� ^..�-. �.-- <br /> ' - ,.. , ,�',w:,� ..�..+M �:T"—;. ^-°. .�r. .n- <br /> r���fa�t� . -" .....- <br /> . I • - <br /> --_ 92— 1oss�,5 <br />.__...�� periada�ha�l.ender reyuircr. The Inxura�xe cnrriar providing thc insurance Rholl be cfiosen by Borrawcr RubJect ta Leniierh <br />- - -- -- apps�ati�a!t��hl�h�ha!!nat be t�ntrn!emt!hly w{Ihh�ld. If Rnrmw�r Fnilc 1�mnintein r.overege Aeccdhed abnve, l.ender moy.�t . <br /> Lea�der's oMic►n,obtpin coverage W pratect Lender x righla in the Property in acrnalonce wilh parogmph 7. <br /> ` All insuranee poBciex and renewulr xlwll tx�uccepto6le w Lender urK!shAll include a s�undurd marlguge clause. Lend�r <br /> �hall havo�he righl to hald tha poNcicc wui rcnowalK. If'Lender rcyuiter.B�mower shall promptly qive�o Ixnder all recefpts <br /> of pafd prcmiumx and rencwal nutices. In tha cvcnt af luws,N�ower Mhall�ive prompt nalice la the insurunce carrier and <br /> -a� �- Lender. l.ender mpy make proot'uf loss it'not made promptly by Horrower. � <br /> Unlesx L.ender und Borrower�thecwlse agrec in w�itfng,inxurnnce pracceds ahall be applied to r�storution or repair of <br /> Ihe Property damuged, if�he re��or��ion or repair ia econamically fenxible und Le:nder's Fecuri�y is nat lessened. Jf the <br /> ` rcxtoration or r�epair is nat ecanamicully feasible or Lender� security would be lasxened,�he insuronee proceeds shull bo <br /> -- applied to ihe sumx �ecured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. wilh uny excexx paid 10 Bortower. If <br /> ��,,..�:� s• Borrower abnndona thr Propcny,ar dacs not nnawcr wi�hin 30 duys u natice from Lcnder thut tha insurnnce carrier has <br /> �:::�,.��.�,� <br /> __ ,Q,�,,;:;�,�?. ' affered to cettle u claim,lhen Lender moy callect the inaurnnce proceeds. l.ender muy use the proceeds ta repuir or restorc <br /> ��,�,���„r,� the 1'ropcAy or ta puy sums xecuned by this Security Instrument,whe�hcr or not then duc. The 3Q-day periad will begin when <br /> �r.�,�_ ihe ootice ia given. <br /> _��� U�less Lendar and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing.uny upplirutiun af pracceds to principal shall not extend or <br />��.���-�.-,�� postpone�he due dutc of the monthly pAyments�efemed to in parugrnphs 1 und 2 or change the anount of the paymenls. If <br /> - under pt+ragmph 21 the PropeRy is ucquirecl by Lender, Borrower�right to nny in�urance pc�liciec und pracecds resulting <br /> from dwnege to tho Property prior to 1he acquisiliun shall puss�o Lender to the extent of the sums r,ecur�d by thia Securiry <br /> ------_ In�ttument immediately prior to thc acquisition. <br /> - - ,.-„., . , 6. OccupAncy, Preserration, Maintenance and Protection ot the PropeMy= Borrower's Loaa Applicotion= <br /> • — . ,.,. 4eASeholds. Borrower s6�11 cecupy.establixh,nnd us�the Prapeny u.4 Borrowerk pr�ncipul residence within sixty doys pfter <br /> - •�4:ti���,, .�. ,�' the executio�i of this Secu�itl Inswment and shall continue to occupy Ihe Propeny t►s BoROwer�prfncipal r+eaidence for at <br /> „��•,�"s,,. levst ane year after the dute of occupAncy, unless Lender otherwise agreex in writing, which consent shall not be <br /> :- ,:. _ � • unreusonobly withheld,or unless extenuating circumstunces eaisl which iue heyond Borrawer'�control. Borrower shall not <br /> � �'••''" drstroy.dumuge or impair the Property.ullow the Property to dcteriorate,or cammit wacte an the Propeny. Borrower shall <br /> �-� " be in default if any forfeiture actian or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun�hat in Lenderk good fnl�h judgment <br />-- �'�'"` � could msult in fort'eilure of the Properly ar otherwir,e materfally impuir the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or <br /> - .:«.,•.<�:.; .�r.., Lender's security interest. Bortower muy cure such A defuult ond reinstute,av provided in pamgraph 18,by causing the action <br /> •, � or praceeding to be dismissed wlth u ruling Ihut,in l.ender�good fuith determinution,pnecludes fort'eiture of the Borrower's <br /> :` � "''�'"�': ' ' interest in the Propeny ar other materfol Impairment of the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument or Lender's secudry <br /> - �.:�;•-'•��-.� •, interest. Borrower shall ulso be in defuult if Borrower, during the lonn upplicution pracass, gave matedolly false or <br /> - ��f�L:+� inuccurote information or stntemen�g to Lender(or fuiled to provide L.ende�with+uty materiul informution)in connection wi�h <br /> _-_ ...f;,.: : ,. fite ivan cvidenced by inc Nuic.i�n:iuJiug. i�ui t�ui Iiwi[cYi iv. �rN�r��IlnilWi� �iiili;Z�iilli�} StNiBM%ifa in�uj��uicy crf iiie <br /> .. �. Praperty as u principul residence. If this Security Inslrumem iti on u lect+ehald,Borrower shall comply with all Ihe provisions <br /> ' of ttie lease. If Borrower acquirea fee title to thc Property.�he lea.gchold and the fee title shall not me�ge unless Lender agrees <br /> ' � � �,, ;;� to the merger in wrlting. <br /> 7. Protectbn ot l.ender's Righta In the Property. If Borrower fuils ta pert'orm the covenants und ugreemems <br />' ��'�' � f - contained in this Security Instrument, or there ix u legul proceeding thot muy significAntly uffect Lender's rights in the <br /> Property(such As a proceeding in bunktuptcy,probute,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then <br /> ,°� A :�����. � Lender mny do and pay for whAtever is necessury to protecl the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. <br /> � . , Lender's nctions may include paying nny sums wcured by u lien a•hich hax priori�y over this Secudty Inswment,ilppeoring <br /> `� • {„_,,,,,.. ,�; in court.paying rensonnble utlorneys'fees nnd cntering on the Propeny�o muke repuin. Although Lender ms►y lake action <br /> undcr this paragrnph 7,Lander does not huve to do�o. <br /> ' � ' ;J'°� Any Amounts disbuned by Lender under this paruRrnph 7 shull becume additionul debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> .. . Security lastrumem. Unlexs Borrower und Lender agree to other terms of puyment,these umounts shull 6enr interest fmm the - <br /> ' """' . . .-�... d�te of disbursement at the Note ratc and shull 6e puyablc,wi�h intcrcst,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> �y x'. .; .. ' payment. <br /> � � ,-,�.,.t,.�; ,�.�,�,,�.... 8. Mort�age Insuranee. If Lender rcyuircd mortgage in�uruncc as a cundition of muking the loan secured by this <br /> �w,.' , ",�,,,�. '• " Security Inslrument, Borrowcr shall pay �hc premiums rcquirrd ta mnintuin the mortgugc insurance in effect. If. for any - <br /> ��•',, .. '� ., y�'' mnson, the mortgage insurnnce raveruge reyuircd by l.ender lapses or ceuses w be in effect, Bomower shall puy the <br /> � :,� ., premiums required to obtAio coveruge ,ubs�untiully eyuivulent to the monguge insumnce previously in effecl, at u cast <br /> ��� , . substontially equivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage imurance previouxly in effec�,from an ultemate mortgage _ <br /> � ' . „ , 4�.:,; insurer upproved by Lender. lf sub,�nn�ially eyuivulent mortgage insuroncc covcra�r i,not avuiluble,Barrower shull pay to <br /> .,,� Lender euch month u sum equul to une-twelfth of the ye+uly mortguge insurunce premium being puid by Horrower when the <br /> y,_ �"�-d , , • insurance covernge lupsed or ceased tu lx in rffect. Lender wil l uccep�,uxe unJ ntuin the�e payment�ns u loss reserve in lieu <br /> .. �'`r � - of mort a e insurance. Losx reserve u ments mu no lon er be re uired,a� the o ion of Lender, i(mort a e insurn�ce <br /> 86 PY Y F 9 P�� SR <br /> , � covemge(in the umount and for the period thut Lendcr rcyuiresl provided by un insurer upproved by Lender again becomes - <br /> ' � available und is obtuined.Borrowcr tihull puy thr pn�mium,nyuin:J ta niuintuin mungugc inxurance in effert,or�o provide u � <br /> �'�;?:.`:: loxs reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage inxurunce ends in ucrnrdanre wilh uny wriuen agreement between Borrower f <br /> _ und Lender or applicuble Inw. I <br /> � 9. Inspection. Lender or itti agcnt muy makc rcu�unublc cntriec upun und ins�rtion+cif Ihe Pm�rty. Lender shull L <br /> ' ' give Borrower notice at the time of ur prior lo an im�xrlion tiprcifyinF rcusonuble cuuu fur Ihe inspertian. C <br /> 10. Condemaalbn. The praceeds of uny awurJ or rlaim for duma�c.,dirrrt or cunticyurmiul,in ronnrrtion with su�y <br /> . , Sinpk Famdy..Fnnnk Mne4Yeddle I►foc UNIFIlR�11NSTRUDIFNT--t�nH��rm t'u�enant� 9/90 ��a�.«+njn p�.��s� � <br /> r.rc+t 4iAea Bu!meo Yu�m.Inc_■ � <br /> - Tu atdn pA 1�80D6.96PQB7 O pAIl 81&7Y1•1171 �-� <br /> !" <br /> � <br /> � . �. <br /> � <br /> i, . ��__..T_ _ .. —._ � ._ .._—_�_ ,-^--'-- � - -- — <br /> a, <br /> �u.__ <br /> .N T�ei 1 <br /> � "^ •.� <br /> � . . { <br />