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<br /> ... TO(lE7'HER WITH all�he impravemcntx now or iiercafler erectcd on tha pr�peny, md dl coscmcntR,appuAenwnces,
<br /> — - and fix;utp now or her�pificr r�i uf Ii�c �xunr�t�. All rcplaccmenie and additfona shnli also he covered by Ihi�Secutity �
<br />---
<br /> -=-- _°--�--� fnwvmrri. A!!af the faK�ofnII in sefemd to in�hi�Sxnrity In�taurwn�sv�he"Propeny.'
<br /> 80RRUWBR COVP.NANTS�het&►rruwcr ir tawfully scired af the est��c hercby conveyed and har tho�i¢ht to�rant �
<br /> wu!cunvey the Pruperty wid thot ihe Ruperly i�unencumt+ercd,rxcept fbr encumbronce.r of recard. Bunuwer wurrrnlr w�d
<br /> �=,. will defend Qeneally Iha tiUe to!he I'ropeny pQ+►inw all clpims�wid dem�ndY��ubject to ony encumtxnnce�of rerard.
<br /> •�•�.______-�__ _ ___ _ THIS S�CURITY INSTRl1MBNT comhines uniform covenwnts f'or natianal une und non-unifam coven�ntr wlth
<br /> ' '= limited vorfolionr by Ju�iwlfetion ta consliwte a uniform cecurily incuument covering real propeny. `-
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. E3arrower and Lendtr covenant and ag�ec us follows:
<br /> �=-=��a 1. Pnymeot ot Prlacipd and Interesti�'tPaymeM and Lpte Chp�er. Borrower ahall promptly pay when due the
<br /> _° - princi�of and intereat on thc debt evidenced by the Notc and any prepayment and late charges due under Ihe Note.
<br /> . FLnds tor Tittes�nd Insurance. SubJect to applicable law or to a wdtten waiver by l.ender,Borrower sha0 pay ta
<br /> . r= Lender on the day monthly payments are duc under the Note,undl the Note is paid in full,u sum("Funda")for:(a)yearly
<br /> �.�_�.;�:_`�•"���-� taxes anJ nssessmen�s which may attain p�iodty over thls Secur�ty Inswment as a lien on ihe Property;(b)yecvly leaxchold
<br /> payments or ground renta on Ihe Propeny� if anY: (c) yearly hezard or properry insuronce premiums; (d) ycarly flaod
<br /> � insurenca premiums,if any; (e) yearlY mortgage inxurance premiums. if a�y; and (� any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> �'G'�"+'��'%-� Lender,in uccordance with the provisions of paragraph 8,in Ueu of Ihe payment of mortgage Insurnnce premiums. These
<br /> items are called"Escrow ltcros." L.ender may.at any timc,collect and hold P1mds in an amount not to excced the mauimum
<br /> �`�3''�� amount e lender for a federaUy nelated moRgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federul Eteul
<br /> s�..�...:-�� Estate Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from time to time,12 U.S.C.$2bOl e�seq.("RPSPA").unless another
<br /> !aw lhat applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender may.at any time,collxt and hold Funda In an amount not to
<br /> � �?'.='�; �'?- •• exceed the lesser amount. i.ender may estimate the amount of Funda due on the basis of cuRent dota and reasonable °
<br /> _=�,?�;��,�:, eat�mates of expendirores of future Escrow ltems or otherwise fn accordance wlih applicuble law.
<br /> -���+a: The Funds shall bc held in an institution whose deposits e�c insured by a federal agency. instrumentality. or entity
<br />-�� ° ' � R, � (iacluding Lender,it Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender xhall npply thc Fl�nds to pay
<br /> •,•�.•.aY;.,;�`".- °_" the Escrow Items. Lender may nat cherge Borrower for holding and applying the Punda, annually enalyzing the escrow
<br /> � '��'.`�.�� account, or verifying the 8scrow Items, unless Lender pays Bortower intercst on the FLnds or�d applicable law permits
<br /> '� ••� ""' '` " l.ender to make such a charge. Hawever. L.ender mayrequire Borrower ta pay a one-tirne cherge for an independent real --•
<br /> ==�°�Eu4f''"���" estate tax reporting service used by L.ender in connection with this loan,uniess applicable law provldes otherwise. Unlesa an
<br />==ti.� ;;,��;;,'l��. � agreement is madc or applicable law requires imerest to be paid,Lender shall not bc required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br />---• • `�� •�,��� carninga on the Punds. Borrower and I.ender msy ugree in wdting,however,that interest sliall be paid on the�nds. Lender
<br /> �°—�•:r�•::;�;i�y-��•,•,:�pr- shall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accoundng of the E�nds.ahowing credits and debils to the hlinds and the
<br /> ;�-.i.Y_,;_y��_�,__ , j purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addidonal securi ty for alf aums secured by
<br /> .'�,�.-�--`6---�-�-°' thia Srr..u�ity Inxuument.
<br /> � �'''-��'� T''.� Tf the FY�nds held by Lender exceed the amounls permitted to be held by applicaWe law. l.ender shall account ta
<br /> ~. �• � ' ' Borrower for the excess Flinds in uccordance with the requirements of applicabk law. [f the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> � , .�•�.;'•�� Lender at a�y time is not suf8cient to pay the Escruw Items when due,Lender may so notify Bo�rower in wr�ting,and,in
<br /> •,���'' s• ' s u c h c a s e Borrower shall pa y to Lender the umowit necessary to make up the deficiency. Bo�rower shall make up the
<br /> -°� �}� ` ,°' � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puymenta.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br />__ �r�., K:.: Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower uny
<br /> ���' Funds held by L.ender. lf,under paragraph 21,Lender shnl! acquire or sell the Propeny, Lender, prior to the ucquisition or �^,.
<br /> .,� .r�.., :• '
<br /> • ° . �s sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or�ale As a credit against the sums
<br /> 'L� secured by this Security Instrument. �
<br /> .'•���''� 3. Application oP Payments. Unless applicable luw provides atherwise, oll puyments received by Lender under
<br /> .�� '"`''°'�' '�'.`"` paragraphs I nnd 2 shull be npplied:first,to Any prepuyment charges due under the Note; second.to amounts payable under
<br /> pazagraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to prfncipal due;and Is.wt,to any lete charges due under the Note. ___
<br />=-�--�'�t�� x-�`�'.r� 4. Char�es; I.iens. tiorrower shall puy all taxes,assessments, churges, fines und impositions ntuibutable to the __
<br /> =�� �p1' �"' ��' �0'' Property which may uttain prio�ity over this Security Instrument,und Ieasehold puymenis or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower �
<br /> =� "'� � sh�ll pay these obligations in the mnnner providrd in parugruph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall puy them on -.
<br /> ��'.'��� �� �� time directly to the person owed pnyment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to bc pstid under .
<br /> --' .' . � !�" � this parugraph. If Borrower makes these pAyments directly. Borcower shall promptly Furnish to Lender receipts evidencing �='
<br /> �'-- ;.�.� .. .. . the payments.
<br />