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<br /> _-� _ • aFplicable law may�peclfy for rcinstetement) befare aale of thc Praperty pu�auant w any power af swle cantained in this
<br /> ;� 3ocurlty Inswmenr,or(b)enby of n judgment cnforcing thia Security Instrument. Thase conditions are that Borrower: (a)
<br /> _ - _--- psyc Lc::der a!! cuate whictc sti�cs would !x dae under �hi� �ecudt, lnstrument Attd the Net� ae ff nn rc��Mratioee h�d
<br /> • - occuirred;(b)curcs any default of eny other covenatus or ugree.menta;(c)pnys oll expenses incumed in enforcing Ihis�ecurity
<br /> ��'` Inctrument, including, but not limited w, reasonuble anomeys'fees; ond (d)tukes such action as L.ender mey reasonably
<br /> requiro to assurc that the Ifen of thia Security lnsuument,Lender`s rlghts in the Propeny and Borrawerk obflgatiun to pay the
<br /> . -' - ° - - °- - suma secured by this Sc:cudty Instrument shu11 contfnue unchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Secudty
<br /> '1 ' Inswment and the obligadons�ecuned hereby shall rcmnin fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this
<br /> d�ht to reinstate shall not apply in the r,ase of accelerrtion under paragraph 17.
<br /> �n 19. Sale ot Note;Chwnge o�I.oan Setwker. Tfie Note or A psirtiul inte�cst in the Note(together with lhis Secudty
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior nodce to Borrowcr. A sule may result in a change in the entity
<br /> -3;,��,;;�,;�„�� (knawn as the"Loan Servicer")that coilecta monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> s �r� may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note. If thcre is a change of the L.oan Servicer,
<br /> -_`� -��"� Bomower wfll be given wdtten notice oP Ihe change in accordunce wfth paragn�ph 14 abovc and applicablc law. Thc noticc
<br /> ��:��.,�„�,� will slate Ihe neme and address of the new Loan Servicer and�he addreas to which paymems should be made. The notice will
<br /> :_:�„��R,� alw contain any other informadon required by applicable law.
<br /> —��:-=:�_��+�� 20. Hwardous Snbstnncea Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.usc,disposal,stomge,or relcase of any
<br /> �r��:�� ' Hezardous Substances on or in the f'roperty. Dorrower shall not do, nor allow enyone elre to do. anything ufFecting ihe
<br /> — Property that is i�violadon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> �.�"� ``� � ''J•^a s�oraga on the PropeRy of small quantities oF Hazandous Substances thet are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> -.:� e�:r� �;.•
<br /> -.���WE:=._ ..,r�.�, recidential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Ta• r� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatian,clalm.demund,luwsuit or other aetion by any
<br /> __�: . ,.. :.; �:
<br /> --��;�:);�t�..- ••°,` ;-•`Y�. governmentul or regulatory agency or privnte purty involving the Property and any Hazurdaus Substance or Bnvironmental
<br /> _�:��;;;.,:. � . ::� Law of which Borcower has uctual knowledge. If Borrawer leams, or is nodiied by uny governmenlnl or regulutory
<br /> `���r»w�•:.. . :;;�"'' authority.that eny removal or other remediatian of any Huznrdous Substance affecting the Pir�perty is necessary, Borrower
<br /> •';'-�;-n•�-+�n'�•� sh�ll promptly take all necessary nemedial actio�s in accordance wilh Environmentel Law.
<br /> ,�_ ' As used in this parngraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are ihose substnnces defined as toxic or hazurdous subs�nnces by
<br /> �� "° • Environmental Law erid�he following substAnces: gasoline.kerosene,othcr tlammable or toxic petrolcum producls,toaic
<br /> -='•�`�'�����R "'` pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials contoining asbesroc or formaldehyde,and rndiouctive materials. As
<br /> -_ -%t��::: .. used in thie paragraph 20,"Emironmema!Law"means fedcral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> "' that relate w health,safety or emironmental pr�tection.
<br /> ;�;;? � ��:,��.: ~ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd L.ender funher covenant and agree ns followa:
<br /> �'�,;, , ;� " 21. Acceleretion; Remedles. l.ender ahall give notice to Borr�wer prior to acceleraUon tollowing Borrower's
<br /> ��'�'� brtacls nt epy c�venant or egreement tn thls�ec��ri�y In�l�ument /but not prior to asceleralbn under Qaragraph 17
<br /> �� •'J ?, a�� ' j• unless Applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall Rpecify: (A)the default;(b)the xcNon required to cure ihe
<br /> �;;��•- dePaull; (c)A date.not less than a0 dAys i'rom the date Ihe notice is given to Borrower,by which the default muat be
<br /> -��- � , ' cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure the default on or bePore the dple apecified in the notice may result in acceleralion oP
<br /> _._�.� � • the sums secured by thls Securlty Inslrument and sale of fhe Property. The�otice shall iY�rther inPorm Borrower oP
<br /> the right to reinstate ai�er�cceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non�existence of a dePault or
<br /> � =�t any other dePense of Borrower lo acceleration and Rale. IP the default is not cured on ar bePore ihe date specified in
<br /> - ! ��� the notice,l.ender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all aums secured by this Securlty Instrument
<br /> ''""�� • � wtthout further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permltted by applicable law
<br /> , ` . .. �� � Lender shall be entitled to collect all expen.ses incurred in purRUing the remedies provided in this parpgrAph 21.
<br /> .; ;, �1� including,but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of Ntle evidence.
<br /> If the power oP sale is invoked.71�ustee shall record a notire oP deFault In each county in which any part of the
<br /> ' � "' 4�"" Property is located a�d shall mail copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by upplicable IAw to Borrower end to
<br />- �`��� "'�"' ' � the other persons prescribed by applicpble IAw. AfYer the Nme required by appl(cable lew.7lruslee sUall give public
<br /> ;,,k:� .'�"' ° notice oP sale to the persons and in the munner prescribed by applicable law 7lrustee,withaut demand on Borrower.
<br /> ' �°'�` ' ��� shall sell!he Property At pubNc auction to the ht�hest bidder at Ihe time and place and under the terms designuted in
<br /> "'�'� F the notice of sale in one or more Arcels and in�n order 71�ustee determines. 'IYustee ma st ne sale oP ell or an
<br /> '��.} � arcel af the Pro rt b ub8c announcement at the time und lace of an reviousl schedule�d sale. I.ender or its
<br />��`. P pe Y Yp P YP Y
<br /> _"°:" s�°?+*----��� designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br />=_ " '•'�"'�' ' • Upon receipt oP payment of lhe price bid,'Ihustee shull deliver to the purchaser 7Yuslee's deed conveying the
<br />- ° Property. The recitals in the 71�ustee's deed tihall be prima facfe rvidence of the trut6 of the atatemenis made therein.
<br /> " • ' �.., _ 'I�ustee ehwll opply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (al to oll costs and expenses of exercLvinQ the power
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