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�. _ �—�ti�i <br /> � _ - . .__-____`�°�__-'- _ °='=-�'_� <br /> -'-,•�';�"�•'�"�'�°._ . .;.:TT�,� ��� <br /> :�_.�;;r�r�!y,�y��,-.- .. . � . . . �t�: . . '%71('f <br /> .__�.. <br /> . .•:.. � • . :o• : <br /> -� �_" ' " . .. _ i.. _��•a.:.. .:. � . _ . • �rn._.. <br /> r� s. <br /> . Iw n�^ � . . - .. . __ _.�_�-��_��. <br /> "��:!" . . , ' , .. /'.- •e.-.e��r-•wrev •.�... . . _. . d .s • ._ ,...�..a.JaL•.Y -- t�tA �__. l':..]_'�' <br /> �. ., . _ . _ .. _. .` _- __ _ ._-.--_-. <br />� __�Q�►`Y���tYtijl{�I�Y�i�i� � �...yslw Sief.�...�....e��r.a.r_�..�. .r._ _—_ _ .V:J.�.t^ i..rtr�r.�i':=aZ_ <br /> -'�}—f�L�GWYflW�¢"' ..�..._��u.i. _� —� <br /> �M ��IyY�I <br /> '1'UU��i�H�R W11'H all the impeo�•enxnts nc�w on c�reaicu erectai on ihc pmpen�•.a�xi:all e:ixukut�. �}w�tena�k�s, ar�3 <br /> fixtures now or hercafter a {+ait af the praper.y. All replacements atxl additians shall also be cu�er.�l by this Security <br /> tuurument. All uf Utic furegoing is referrcd ta in this Security l�utrun�ent us the"Pruperty." - <br /> BORROWGR C.UVGNAI�ITS that f3atiYau•�r is law•fuUy seisecl of the estute tu;rehy can�•cycd:uxi t�the ri�ht to�rant i►,Kl <br /> rnnvey the Pmpe�ty a+xl ehat the Property is ur�ncumber�, except fur crkumbr;ukea af re.cwd. Barn�wcr w�rrauts an�l wiU <br /> �lefead generally ihe title tu the Propeny r�ainst all cl:anu and cicnurx�s, wbject tu any cncw��ra�tices uf racord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT camDines unifurm covcnanis for national usc aiul nai�•wufurn�covGUnw with liatitod <br /> vari;aioac by jurisdiction to constitute a unifam�security inurunxnt eavering rcal property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwec and l.ender co�•enant mtid agree a.c follou�c: <br /> 1. i's�yment ot Princtpal aud loterest; Prepay�meut w�d I.�te Charces. Borrow•cr stwll pramptly pay when due thc <br /> prituipal of and interest on the dcht evid�:nced by the Note und uny prepayment a�ui Izte charges due uncier the Note. <br /> 2. Fua.�s for T�xes aad Iasuraoce. Subjert to applicable law or to a written waiver by I.ender, Borrawer shall pay to <br /> Lender on tt►e ciay monthly payments a�e due undcr the Note, until the Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly taxes <br /> and assessrsknts which ru�y aitaiu prarity over this Security Instrument�s a lien on the Property;(b)yearly lease}wld payments <br /> or grauui rents on the Property,if any;(c)yeariy hazard or pca,erty insurarue premiums;(d)y�early flaxi insur�nce premiums, <br /> if any; (e)yearly mongage incarance premiunu, if any: and 1�any sums payable by Borrow�zr to Lender, in accordance wid� <br /> the provisiotis of para�trrph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortg�ge insurance premiunu. '11use itenu are called "Escrow Items.' <br /> Lender cnay, ai any time, collect and hold Funds in an anwiuu not to ezceed the maximum amount a lender fo�a federally <br /> related mortgage loan m:►y require for Borrower's escraw aocount under the federal Real Estatc Sctttement Procedures Act of <br /> 1974 as arr�ended from ticnz to tima, 12 U.S.C. Section 26C�i er seq. ('RESPA"),unless anoihcr Eaw� that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. Le:�:r m�y. ac �ny ame, �vltc.u:3 arri hotd 1'urds in an aru�uai not :o cxe�e.�i th�. lcsscr :sc�unt. <br /> Lender n�ay euimate the amouni of Fwids due oa the basis of current data and reasonable estin�s�af expenditures of future <br /> Fsctow Itertu or othenvise in acwrdance with app;irable law. <br /> The Funds sha;l be held in an iastiturion whuse depasits are insured by a federal agency. instrumentality. or entity <br /> (including l.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in anc Fe�deral Home Loan Bank. Lender�hall�pply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Ikms.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,a�u�ually ana3yzing the eseraw•arnount,cr <br /> verifying the Fscrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower mterest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its Lender W make sucte <br /> a charge.However, Lender may require Borrou;er to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> usM by Lendtr in connecdort with this 1oan. ujiless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrament is made or <br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requircd to pay Bottowec any ituereu or eamings on the Funds. <br /> Borrower and Lender may agree i�uxiting. hoMeti�er, that ic�.�rest slwll be paid on the Flu�ds.Lender shall glve w 6orrower. <br /> without charge, an annual xcourn�g of tha Furxas, showing cralits and debits to the Furtids and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the Funds w�cnade.The Funds are ple�ed as additional security for all samt secured Dy this 5r�rity Irutrument. <br /> If the Funds heki b}y II.ender excced the amouats permitted to be held by applicable law, L,ender�Il�account W Botrowtr <br /> for tlse exoess Funds in xcurda�ce with the roquircments of applicabk law.If the unouat of the Funds held by Leader at aay <br /> dm�is na sufficiont to pay the Esccow Items when�der may so notify Borrower in wri6ng.u�d,in such case Borrowv <br /> ---stWt�y to under tne amount aecessa�y ca make up tne aeficieacy. esorrawv snali make up us�e deucicncy in no mse maa�-� <br /> twdve monthly payments.�t Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Securiry lnctrument, Lender shall promptly �fund to Borrowu any <br /> Funds hcld by l.erider.if,undcr paragraph 2�, L,ender shall acquir�or sell the Propeny,l.ender,prior w the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Properry. shall apply any F�a*.xis heW by Lender at the dme of xquisitioa or s�le as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> tl�is Stic��n;i�.rumrnt. <br /> 3.App�ia►tioo ot P�tymeota.Unless apQti�.:..51e law provides otherwise.all paymenu rcceived b}Lender aader paragriphs <br /> 1 �od 2 shall be applied: first. to anY PnWYaaeoe chuges due iu�der the Nate: s�ornnd. to amouats pa�able w�der paragraph 2; <br /> third,to interest due;faurth,to principal due:u�d aay l�te chuges due undu the Note. <br /> �-CharQes;l.ieas. Borrowes st�all pay all taxes,assas.ntrnts.charges, fines�nd ia�rositioos attributabk to the Property <br /> which may attain priority over this Security LLStn►ment. aad leasehold paymerus or groa�d raus.if any. Borrower shall paY <br /> these obligatioas in tf�ne manoer provided in par.igraph 2.or if aot paid'in that msn�vr� go�wu shall pay them on time directly <br /> to the person owai paymeat.Borrowu sl�11 Pc�aa�t1Y fumish to l�ender sll notices of amounts to be paid under this pu�gnp�. <br /> If Borrower makes these payments dirocdy.Borrower shall pmm�tly furnish to I.ender reoeipts evideacang the payments. <br /> Borrawa st�all promptly dischirge any lien wluch hu priority over this Sxurity Lts�.rurnent unless Borrower:(a)agtees ia <br /> writing W the paymeat of the obligstion secwed by the liea in a n�armer sooeptable w Leader: (b)caueus in good faith the lien <br /> by. or defends against enforcemnt of the lien in. legal proceed'mgs which in the�der's opinioct o�erate to prevent the <br /> eafocrement of the lirn;or(c)secur�s from the�older of the lien an agrxmnt satisfacWry t�Lendor s:bordinating the lien to <br /> this Security Inurument. If[.ender duermine5 t?�at any part of the Property is subjxt to a lien whirh may a¢tain priority ova <br /> tl�is Saurity Utictrument, t.e�der�tay give Borrower a mtice identifying the lien.Borrower sh�il s�tisfy the lien or talce oae or <br /> moce of tLe actioas sec forth above wid►in 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Fom�302e Y/90 <br /> hp�Yol6 <br /> � � � - . <br /> --- — —-_---_���.-�- - <br /> ---- --_-�,.°i�."�_W-_"''-��°-- --_=- _ . <br /> .-=vs.�.�. -ia+4�G�1Ml��=�—_. _ — <br /> _--_- __ T��-�:a-•--__ ___ <br /> -_-—°-- _ '`I�irv�e��, _-- - <br /> - .__���-�=�.� --- — --_ — <br />