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�0�104442 <br />result of any act, omission, communication, transaction, occurrence, representation, <br />promise, damage, breach of contract, fraud, violation of any statute or law, commission <br />or of any tort, or any other matter whatsoever or thing done, omitted or suffered to be <br />done by Lender or any of its Lender Affiliates, which has occurred in whole or in part, or <br />was initiated at any time from the beginning of time up to and immediately preceding the <br />moment of the execution of this Agreement. <br />13. A credit agreement must be in writing to be enforceable under Nebraska law. To <br />protect you and us from any misunderstandings or disappointments, any contract, <br />promise, undertaking, or offer to forebear repayment of money or to make any <br />other financial accommodation in connecHon with this loan of money or grant or <br />extension of credit, or any amendment of, cancellation of, waiver of, or substitution <br />for any or all of the terms or provisions of any instrument or document ezecuted in <br />connection with this loan of money or grant or eztension of credit, must be in <br />writing to be effective. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. <br />BM & J Grand Island: <br />BM & J Grand Island LC, <br />a Nebr a im'te ility c y <br />� <br />By: <br />J_ ey H. tein, anaging Member <br />Borrower: <br />Omaha Paper Stock Co y ., <br />a Nebras or ti <br />By: <br />e y. E t m, President <br />Lender: <br />Great Western Bank, a bank chartered <br />under the laws of the State of South Dakota, <br />successor in interest to the loans of TierOne Bank, <br />a federally chartered savings bank, by acquisition <br />of assets from the FDIC as Receiver of <br />TierOne Bank, which was closed by the <br />Office of Thrift Supervision on June 4, 2010 <br />By . T � <br />Michael T. Phelps, Loan Workout Officer <br />4 <br />