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<br /> . • ASST�NM!�NT OF �NTS �� ---_-
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<br /> � c--=--
<br /> �' �� a , t,, . THIB A88IONM�NT OF RENTS RIDER ie made and exeauted tha.a -
<br /> " •� �� - 20TH d�y o� �Y , 1992, nnd ie inaorporated into aad ehall
<br /> � ' , � be ceemed to emen an aupp�mont the Mortgage or Deed o� Trust,
<br /> �',.'�� °•� '� hereinafter refQrred to a� the ��Seaurity Inetrument��, a� the sea►e �__ _�_�-r
<br /> �� ����r�.t4��,�r; � date given by the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as the
<br /> ` � ����'' ,' ,,,�;4•,�::��- ���orrower��, to seaure Borrower's indebtednese, hereinaf�er
<br /> -• �;����-����'' �'��?w„ referrea to ae the ��Note"� to HOME FEDERAL SAVINC38 AND LOAN
<br /> y__..�; :..� ASSOCxATION OF (3RANU ISLAND, hereinefter referred tio as the c_,�.,
<br /> _ � . � � � ;' ��Lender�, of the eame date and covering the property desaribed in -
<br /> - '`�"'�"'���-'" '��' - the Seaurity Instrument and located ats ___
<br /> � ,,,.. .�. .' w.� _.
<br /> �� �'� ' � �'"'r`� 2130 W. 6TH �i5 GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 _
<br /> .��,:. . `°'. �.� (Proper�y A rese)
<br /> � : . �, . .
<br /> --— ',. ' WITNE88�TH s
<br /> W;�- ..�- • -...��__
<br /> _ n. :a�l'-� .
<br />- � '�� • ?" '� WHBREAB, Horrowar end Lender have egread that any re��s end
<br /> , �� '•?�� "� '" . � profits attributable to the property should conetitute additional �_��=�
<br /> ` � �. " . seaurity ta the Lender for the �ayment of the Notep
<br /> . . ���`;`s..�_
<br /> � . ,. . . •`��`, NOW, THEREFORE, it is aqreed that the Secuxity Inetrument ,�;,,
<br /> � . shall be aiaended'hereby and deemed to inaluda the following pro- ��;,�+;;�
<br /> :,. � '��� visione: �_._
<br /> � � � � hts. ��~ T
<br /> � , . � `1��.:� 1. �s� �n+*ent of Rente and_L n�der Re tal Co leation q �
<br /> � � . o utel and unconditionall aseigne all rente, 'y�•y������
<br /> � Borrower rereby abs 1 y
<br /> ____.�a _ .-__s _.:.__ iesuea and profits of the property to Benef ic ary. Lender shall �--
<br /> � ' � have the right, power and authority during the continuanc:d u� the ____
<br /> . 8ecurity Instrument to collect tlie rents, iseues and proEits of ��
<br /> �� ° the property end of any personal property located thereon with or _
<br /> - �, � ' without taking possessian of the property affected hereby.
<br /> :,�;.. • Lender, however, hereby aonsenta .to Borrower's colloction and
<br /> "�` retention of euah rente, issuee and profite es they ecarue end
<br /> � � � become paya�le, eo long as Borrower ie not, at suah time, in -����--
<br /> A ,o default with respect to payment af any indebtednese secured __
<br /> ' " . hereby, or in the performance o£ eny agreement hereunder. =___
<br /> ., , �.,��.,�
<br /> �� �� � � If a�n event of default in �"'�� �
<br /> �w�^� 2. ,8ppo�ntment of Receiver. � �
<br /> �- " � respect �o �he Seaurity Ins�rument eha�llYhavo oacurrod and be
<br /> ; '. � continuing, Lender, as a matter of right and wi�hout no�ice to
<br /> ° � �� Borrower or anyone claiming under Borrower, and without regard to � ��'�:�--
<br /> ��,..�• ..
<br /> •� °"�"�` the valus of the trust estato or the interest of the Borrower
<br /> ° therein, ehall have tho right to apply to eny aourt having juris- -
<br /> � � Y dictfon to eppoint a receiver of the property. '` �v'��� __
<br /> - � 3. Riqht to Possession. In case of default in the paytaent -- '�
<br /> ' " • of the said prinaipal Note or interest, or any part thereof, aa ^�'3'�.r
<br /> �..
<br /> "� =�:; it ehall mature, or in the case of failure to keep or perform any ;. .,. ._'
<br /> i � '��•� of the covenants or agreements contained in the Security Instru-
<br /> � ment, then the Lender, its euccessors or aseigns, shall be and is
<br /> � hereby autliorized and empawered to take immediate possession of
<br /> the eaid pr.emisea therein described and to collect the rents
<br /> � � therefrom, and to apply the proceede thereof to the payment of ,.
<br /> the Note. �
<br /> „ �
<br /> � 4. $6�n��Qat�on of Rente. Iseues and Profite. AlY rente i �
<br /> colleated by Lender or the receiver eha11 be appli.ed firet to
<br /> " � payment of tho coete of managemant of the property and collection
<br /> � t• of rents, including, but noti limited to, receiver's fees, premi- ;
<br /> ' ,�'• _ _ ume on recelver's bonde and reasonable attorney's fees, and then �
<br /> �J_� _.f LL� t
<br /> –� -- -��"� � - - t0 ttle BWIS BeCUr6d b�► th9 SeCUrity lnetrumenz. Lli{IUCL a,�u ��ao �
<br /> reaeiver shall be liable to account only for those rente actually ;
<br /> re�eived.
<br /> , 5. Constiruction of Provisiona. Each of the provisione con-
<br /> �� tained in this Assigtunent of Rente Rider and the 3ecurity Inetru-
<br /> " , ment ehall, unless otherwise speaifically required, be conetrued
<br /> in accordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any provieion
<br /> � , herein or therein contained shall be determined by a court of "
<br /> .. aompetent juriediction to be �nenforceable, the eame shall be .
<br /> - � conetrued as though such' unenforceable provision were not a part
<br /> � �� hereof or thereof. �
<br /> � .
<br /> ,�,�. , . 1
<br /> •� � , - --
<br />