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<br /> " • (!Ya►Tra�ury Anduc•lute C�q) v� i�&S
<br /> a��� . � THIS ADJUSiABLB RATIi RIDBR It mtA�IhU 2� d�y ot '��Y--- ,19 92 .,
<br /> - — -__ _
<br /> ' , ,,.�1 �nd Is incoryor�ted Into�nd�hdl be deaned to nmtnd�nd�upplanmt IM Mort��,DNO of TnW,or Sarurity Deed(the"i�kcvrlty�aqmmmt")ot
<br /> �he wne d�te avm by th�und�nijn�d(tb�"Bonnwer")to�ecure Bortowa't AdJuN�blr R�to Note(lht"Note")to MOMB FeDE11ALJ01tAND
<br /> • "°.: � �__F',..`��� �yQ(1h���Iw�der••)A�ih�t�A10 dUC Md COYRIA{lIN P�OWnY dNCtlbld III IM S�CYrUy IIWNIpltl!�Ild IONIlO Olt
<br /> .. .. .�.::.� 2130 W. 6TH �YS. GRAND ISLAND NE 68801____
<br /> ,,,
<br /> ,��;�.;�< (propeny Addreu)
<br /> X.4, .
<br /> ' F 'I'Mb �ote corulrr prorWau dlo�riy /a clauKa b ��i�ter�! nl� ��d wy �tM�y
<br /> +�',•,' .
<br /> — . �:w .". . ;;, ." ` p�y�eNU.TMU�ol��o Ilwla IM uoo��sy M1�nd nq a�cMtµe�I u�r o�qre��0
<br /> .e.� ii`b,, "�.:, .t�s' dw IM a�lal�uM wd IM w�lww��stt 1�wt p�y.
<br /> �:i�:i:u:..h.�. ;,._. _. ,
<br /> �`������� ADDITIONAL COVBNAN7'9.to�ddition a the coveiunu u�d�amenu mado in�be Secu�ity Irotrument.Borrowar�nd Lander
<br /> � furtl►er covenant and yrea as folbw�:
<br /> . -=`.h.,�'_'�';1 .
<br /> �{�6 lu'N-�y.' �
<br /> ���OY'""'� ._..
<br /> —�����+^)���••;•+� A. INTP.R�87'RATE AND MONTNI.Y PA'YMENT CHANGF79
<br /> ���'.''� 7be Note provida for u�initi�l Interat tus of 5.75 �.&ction�oP the Nate provida for chu�a In the Interat nte and�he
<br /> .r•
<br /> �`�:..�.�.. ' moatdlY P�Y��+.�follovh:
<br /> --.� .�,..rz���n�• :.��'� � .
<br /> .tJ•yfy.•..
<br /> --- '"' ��`t;; �'' �`� '' r� 1, /NTER�ST RATE ANO MONTHLY PAYMBNT CHANaL�S
<br /> _:�.� t`� ,•.�*�• - (A) CMu�t D�ta
<br /> �_��: .'.' ' .���� Tha interqt a11e 1 will p�y may chanQe on the flnt day oP A 1.IST ,_,19�_...ond on thnt day every
<br /> .:a-�� •• •;�'., 17 montlu therwfkca Each data on which my interat n�te could chanQe i:called a"ClunQe DAte."
<br /> �.Sif.l��. .
<br /> -i.i'. ' " �8) TIN 1M1li
<br /> — . „ BeainninQ wlth the tirot Chm4e Date,my intercst rate will be bued on an Indeu.The"Index"i:the weckly avcra�e yleld on United States
<br /> � r �� ' 7Yea:ury iecudtia adjusted to a com�ant maturity of 1 year,w made avaflable by the Federal Raerve Boord.The most recent Index flaure
<br /> �-� `"`�I'�'•, � �b;;:� �vdl�ble as of the date 43 dpya before wch ChanQe Date it called the"Current Index."
<br /> f� � � If the Index i:no lonacr available,Ihc Note Holder wlll chowe a new Indea which is ba�ed upon compuobk inform�don. Tho Nme
<br /> -- -T�'_,;a;:�;;;,;.,,,�,t',L:�;,;ti:�;, Holder wlll Qiva me noHce oi tMis choia.
<br /> ��i � 1c) c�lcatad000fcluaQa TWO AND ONE-HALF
<br /> �y .,..• Batorc each Ciwn�a Date,�he Note Holder will cakulatc my new interest�ate by addfnQ percentage
<br /> � � ' �'-'• poinu( 2.5 �➢b)to Ihe Current lndex and roundin�to lhe nwrect 1/8th of Ig�,subJect to the limits statcd in Sectlon 4(D)below.
<br /> 't``� � '' •� a Thb rounded Amount wlll be my new intcrat rau unUl the next Chan�e DAte.
<br /> `�� , :,�� The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the momhly paymrnt thot would be sufficienl to repay In full the principal 1 wn
<br /> --- - �„ , eapected to owe on tha�Chanae Date in�ubstanUally equal paymenu by the mowrity drte at my new intera�rate.The rault of�hi�cakulatbn
<br /> .� ;-� ' will be the new amount of my monthly payment.
<br /> ° c . ��•'. • �, (D) Uadu on Ulenst R�q CM�n�a
<br /> , '��fi'�"'��� � �� "� 3•��interat rote t am required �o pay at the iirat ChonQe Datr will not be yrerter thon �•75 �W o��ss tlun
<br /> �- . � 9i.Thercafter,my interat raie wfll never be increased or decreased on ony sin�le Chonae Dnte by more tfan
<br /> ..� ° ' a�V.�;;� �2•��� irom the r�te oi interall have been p�yinQ for Ihe prtcedinQ tweivc months.The minimum interal rrte on thfs lan wfll never be
<br /> 1VY.� .
<br /> .�yE,^ ��u� 3.75 �W and the m�ximum interat r�te wll)never be�eate�tluin 10.75 �.
<br /> '��` '''•_ d..� „ -• (�) Effectiv�DHe ot CIui�Qp
<br /> ��`• � �• y,; ���`"' My new inurat r�te will become effcetive on each Chan4e Dale.l will pay the amount oP my new monthiy payment beQinnin�on Ihe flnt
<br />��y�' `� , �'• monthly paymrnt date after che Chan�a Date unpl the amount oi my monthly peyment chanQea aaain.
<br /> �
<br /> as '.'•��Y��"' a ". �� (F) NoticeofCO���a
<br /> , t d�"� � The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice be1'ore each Chanae Date.The notica wfli advite me of:
<br /> - �. (q the new intercat rate on my loon w oi the Chanae Date;
<br />�'►M,,,�• • °,r'-�� '" � (ii) the�moum of my monthly p�yment foltowin�the Chan4e Date;
<br /> � � °° . '�'� (iiq any ndditional matters which the Note Holder ts requfred�o diulose;and
<br />_ • : h °. pv) the addreu ot the wsxlatbn you could contact reQudina any QuaUons about Ihe adju:tment noHce.
<br /> � �
<br /> ��.�', ,• 8. CHARCF�=UENS
<br /> ' , Unfiorm Covenant 4 of the Secudty In:trument Is omended to read as follows:
<br /> ` �. � I. CY�nat I�ee�.Borrower ahell pay all taxa,assasmems,and olher chorQes,fines,and ImposfUons aurlbulabie ro the Property which may
<br /> � ' fltaln a prbrity over lhis Securky instrument,ond leasehold payments of pround renls,If any,in lhe manner provided under paroaraph 2 hereof
<br /> or,ii not paid in iuch manner,by Borrower mokin�payment,when due,direclly to the paya thereof.Borrower shell promptly Nrnish Lender
<br /> �. all notices of amounts due undcr�his para�raph,and in the evcnt Barrowcr sholl make payment directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br /> � Lender receipta evidencing such paymenls. Borrower :holl prompdy discharge any lien which has priwity over this Security Inslrument;
<br /> , however, Borrower shall not be requlred to diuharge any such lien xo IonQ os Borrowet: (a)shall egree in wri�ing to the paymant of�he
<br /> , " obliQatfon secured by such licn in ihe manner acceplable to Lender;(b1 shall in good fai�h contest such Hen by,or defend agofnst entorcement of
<br /> - � auch lien in,legal proceedinga which in the opinlon of Lender uperate to prevem the enforcement af the lien or forfeiture of the Propeny or any '
<br /> + ,ti part thareof;or(c)shvll secure trom the holder of such Ifen on wgrcernen� in a form satisfoclory lo Lender subordinp�fn�such Ifen to Ihfs
<br /> �t__- —�L---__...._� ---�"-= Securitvinslrument.
<br /> , If Lender determines thot all or uny part of the Property fs subject Io u Ilen which may utlain a priority over Ihfs Securfly Inslrumenl,
<br /> ` Lender shall give Borrower a notlre identffying wch lien.Borrower shnll sutis(y such lien ur lake one or more of the aCUons set forih above
<br /> . ,- withln ten deys ot the Qiving of the notice.
<br /> � ' C. NOTICF.
<br /> � Uniform Covenom 14 of the 5eturNy Instrumcm is amenJed�u rcud u�R�Iluw�:
<br /> U. Nolice.Excepl for any nolice requfn:d under applfcuble law ro be gi��en in another mrnner,la)nny nolice to Harrower provided for in Ihiti
<br /> Security Inslrumcnt shnll be given by drlh�cring It or by mnfling N by fint class mafl to Borrowcr at the Property Address or at such olher uddre�ti
<br /> as Borrower may designnie by no�ice�o I.ender as pro��idcd hcrein,and Ib)any nu�i��e to Lender chall hr gi��en hy(irst cloti,mail io Lender'+
<br /> ' eddress stated herefn ur tu wch oiher uddras a.I.enJer may de�ign+�te hy natice to Horrower u.prorfded herein.Any notice pru�ideJ for in thiti
<br /> � . Securlly Instrument�hall be deemed�o ha�e bcen gi�•en to Borrowcr or Lender when given In the manner deslgnuted herein.
<br /> . # ,
<br /> 7
<br /> � , .
<br />