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<br /> opplicaible Ipw mwy�pocify for t+clnctalcment)beParo enle of tho Property pureuunt to Any pow¢r af snlo cantained in this
<br /> — • Socudty Inapvment;or(b)cntry af e judgmen!enforcing this Sccu�ity InKtrument. Thocc condilions arc�ha1 Boirowcr: (a)
<br /> -- - pwy� L,ender all rumc which Ihen woutd be due under this Sccurily Inatrumem u��i Ihe Nu1c ua {f uu ucccl►ru�iuu i►wd -
<br /> � occumed;(b)curca any defrult uf uny cNhcr covenantR or ugrecmenls;(c)puys all cxpenr�cR i�cu�r,:d i��enforeing�i�iR Sccuriry
<br /> - _ - — (nstrument,includina,but not limited to, rewaonablc attomcys'Pcea;und ld) tukex such uctlon n� l.cndcr may rcpsonably
<br /> - 'x x i t hc P r a n an d Burrawo r k a b N u t i a n to u �h a
<br /> rl ht n
<br /> requirc ta asaure that the lien of this Securi�y Inxtrument,Lender g pe y 8 P Y
<br /> }�� sums securcd by thiR Secu�ity lnstrument aNsli cuntinue u�x;hanged. Upun r�'ntitu�cmcnt by Burrowcr, this Securit� �
<br /> �^ Instrument and the obligations Kcured hareby shnll remwin fully effectjve us if no�ccalemtion hud occurred. However.�his
<br /> �= ri�ht to reinstate shall not apply In the case af acceleration under psuag�uph 17.
<br /> 19. 3We of Notei ChwnQe of l.oan Servker. The Note or a pnrtful inlerest in thc Natc (toge�her with this Secu�ity
<br /> :�°_�-�� Inslrument)may bc sold onc or more times wfthout prlor noticc ta Dorrower. A r,ule muy rctiult in a changc in the entity
<br /> --:=-_:����:�_� (known as the"Loan Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under the t�ote und ehfs Security Instrument. There also
<br /> °�=`n=r==_"`� may be one or rnore changes of the Lonn Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If lhere is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> ------ - - ---_-- Borrower wlll be given wdtten notice of the change in accordance with parugraph 14 ubove und upplicuble law. The notice
<br /> ' �n,,n�c_+rt s•q_°.�� will state tha name and sddress of the new Loan Servicer sind the addrexs to which payments should be made. The natice wlll .
<br /> —_�i?:;�;;.?� also contain any other information required by applicable Inw.
<br /> -- �x_�:,�:�z.j���. 20. Nazordous Substances. Barrower shall not cuusse or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> i. ��'��'�i� . Hazardous Substances on or in the I'ropeny. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecUng the
<br /> �i' ,''';;q r;;;,i=-� Property that is in vlolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentencea shall not apply to the prcsence,use,or
<br /> ` y.� storage on the Property of small quantities oP Hazardous Subatances Ihat ere generally recognixed to be appropriate lo no�ma!
<br /> a=- "-�-;`--=*` ' .. residential uses ancl tn maintenance of the Property. _
<br /> ' ": Borrower shall rom I ive Lender written notice of nn investi ation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other aotion by any
<br /> - ,'�ns;.;i;%,•,,..,;m; P p�Y 8 Y 8
<br /> _ �F.•ti:='••::;f':"':�'<,, govemmental or regulatory ugency or private pany involving the Praperty and any Hazardous Substance or Envlranmentul
<br /> " ,. � Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower Ieams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ; '•.-_::. � ' authodty,thut any remova!ar other remediation of any Hazurdous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary, Borrower
<br /> -�,•, � :�`� ��'°'�'• �. ahall promptly take all neeessary remedial acNons in uccordance with Environmental Lew.
<br /> ° ��"���� As used in Ihis paragrnph 20,"HAZC:(IUUS SUb31A0CC5�are Ihose substunces defined ati toxic or huzardous substaoces by -
<br /> - _,. ;r2�: .�:w..,,....
<br /> • �^r=���':�. �mironmenwi Isw end the follawfng substances: gesoline,kero4ene,ather Ilammable or toxic peuoleum products,toxic
<br /> '�' ,;_�r�+y,.� pesticides and herbicides.volatile soivcnts,muterials contuining asbestos or formaldehydc,and radioactive materiuls. As -
<br /> • =x :�F��":�� �''�•� used in this paragraph 20."Bnvironmental Law"mean4 fed�ral luws and laws of the jurisdktion wherc�he Piroperty is located
<br /> ������ _ that►elute to health,seFety or environmentnl protection.
<br /> �. �• �. o ..4_ _.i. C..11-.
<br /> .-_ ..�--�'._—_�"___ ___ 1\Vl\'V�\I�V�\����.VtL���l���u. Yu�1��tV�w.��.�.��wr��r�����.•w..�.r...r...«.....�..w»� .,....�r.r. ___
<br /> „�����+� 21. AccelerAtion; Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon following Borrower's
<br /> , - treach ot�ny corcaani ar agrcctscn!!s�thfx 3ecur!!y Inslrament(but nnt pciar t4 ecceleratl�n under pArflgr�+�+h 17 _
<br /> � • unless applicable Ipw provides otherwlse). The notice shall speciFy: (al the default;lb)the Actlon required to cure the '
<br />=_� � � default;(c)a date,not less thpn 30 days Prom the dete the notice ia qiven to Borrower,by whlch the dei'ault must be
<br /> • `.�• ^�°.,,:.•«�..►�•. cured;and(d) thpt iallure to cure the deFaull on or before the date speci0ed in the�otice mAy resull in accelerution of
<br /> • '. �� ^� the aums secered by this Security Instrument and sele oP the Property. The noNce sha11 further inPorm Borrower oP
<br />_ the r(ght to reinstate otter acceleration and the right lo bring a court action to as�ert the non-existence of a dePault or
<br /> ��':n,.
<br />__-_ ,�,.y.,. any other defense oP Borrower to acceleeatbn and sale. If!he default is not cured on or bePore Ihe date specified in _
<br /> - � the notice.Lender at its option may require immediate payment ia full oP s�ll sums secured by this Security lnstrument
<br /> .A'i�
<br /> ;:"a ` ��' without further demand and mAy Invoke the p�►wer of sale And uny other remedies permitted by s�ppllcable law.
<br /> "' ��� '� • � ° '� Lender shell be enlilled to callect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided in this p�rAgrAph 21.
<br /> ��'� .:.,°���'� ,' � Including,but not limited to.reASOnuble altorneys'fees and cogts oP title evidence. -
<br /> #��; � . a:� I-�' IP the power ot rwle i�c invoked�7lrustee shpll record a notice uP deiuult in each cuunty in which Aoy parl of the
<br /> �:� ��. ���_.< Property Is lac�led And shpll maN copies of such nollce in the munner prescribed by upplicable law to Borrower und to �•
<br /> � the other personc pnwcribed by uppllcable law Aner the time reyuired by upplkable law�71�ustee shall gfve puhlic �
<br /> �''` ��'�`��w�OF`��' notice of sale to the penvons and in the maoaer prescribed by applicuble law. 'I�ugtee.withuut demand on Borrower.
<br /> ��� � � ' . r _ shall seil the Property at publtr auclion lu the hiRhest bidder at Ihe limc and place and under the terms designpted in -
<br /> . �,'�_�'�j. . .
<br /> .�,_ the notice ot cale in one ar more parcels and in any order'IYustee determines. '!'rustee mAy postpone sale oP all or any _
<br /> ? ���� parcel oPthe 1'roperty by public ennuuncement at the time und pluce oP+�ny previously rccheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> • �%`f-� R� •�+�•� deeziQnee may purchase the Property pt uny seM. -
<br /> � 'w��., . Upon receipt of payment oP the prke bid,7Yustee 4hall deliver to fhe purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the -
<br /> . .K� Property. The recitAls in Ihe'I�ustee's deed shall be primu fucie evldence oP the Irulh of the statemenR4 made therein. �
<br />-• ' ° � � 7Yuslee aholl opply the proceeda of tbe eiale In the foNowing order: lal to all cosls and expenses of exercisin�the power
<br /> - .,. • ,,;.: . -
<br /> ., ..5•j.�� "�' '��
<br /> ..:i��,n. .
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