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<br /> 1-� — perioda that L.ender nequfrc�. 1'1�c inaurunce cnnier providing tho insu�anr.e ahall be chosen by��t to Lendcr'�
<br /> -" - • approvol which aholl nat be unrensonably wlthheld. If Borrower fails to muintni�coverage de.scribed ubove.L,ender m�y.at
<br /> -.-.:x— - Leodera optian,ul�tain coveragc tn protect L.ender's dghta fa the Pm{+ehy fn nccardwnce wilh parng�uph 7. .
<br /> A!1 inaumncc poUcles and renewals shall lx acceptuble io Lcnder und shall include a rtandnrd martgage clause. l.ender
<br /> .,_�
<br /> �hpll have the dght la hald tho policies and renewals. If Lender requi►es.Barrower shull pmmpcly givo to Lendcr all�eccip�R ,
<br /> �"�' � of pnid prcmiums uad roncwul noti¢es. In the event af loss,Bonower xhall Qive prompt noticc to the insurancc carrier und
<br /> � y - � Lender. txnder may mnke prooi of loss if not made prornp2ly by Borrower.
<br /> � Unleas l.ender und Botrower otherwise agn�e in wdling,insurance proceeds shull be applicd to rewtaration or repair of ;
<br /> the Property damaged,if thc restoratfon or repair ix economically feusible and LenJer's se.curity is not lebaened. If thc ,
<br /> restorution or repAir is not economicsUy PenRible or Lender'x securiry would be les�ened. the inaurnnce procecds ahall be
<br /> -- — applied to the aums secured by this Security lnsuument, whe�her or ncu then due. wit6 nny excess paid to Bortower. If
<br /> �„� z ��c Borrower abandons the Property,or dces not onswer within 30 days a natice from L.ender thut the insurance carrfer has •
<br /> ` `"'` offered to setNo n claim,then Lender muy collect the inau�ance proceeds. l.ender may use 1he proceeds ta repAir or restore .
<br /> _ -d-.�+��:�.,
<br /> �"�"� � the Pro rt or lo a auma secured b this Security In9trument.whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin whcn a
<br /> .a..;f4,:�4• Pe Y P Y y
<br /> :�_;.•'J:._; the twUce�a given.
<br /> �,,;�;�;�;;:��y Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree in writing, any applicntion of praceeds to pdnclpnl ahnll nat excend or
<br /> __�'���`�"='-" postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred lo in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> � �•-�.w:Y,•••;•'L under parngraph 21 the Praperty is acquired by Lender, Borrower4 right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> --- °�' from damage to the Property pdor to the acquisi�ion shall pass io Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secu�ity
<br /> ;��-,: Inatrument immediutely prior to thc acquisitian.
<br />_ _ ���=�'� 6. (kcupsMCy, Preservatlon� Maintenance and Protection oP the Property; Bor�ower's I.oan AppUcplion;
<br /> � 'y"'••r� ��° ` ��'��^� Leaseholde. Borrower shall occupy,establiah,and use the Property as Borrower's pnncipal residenc�within sixty deys ufur
<br /> r�,:..• :
<br /> �•„. .� . "� the execution of this Seeuriry Inshvment and ahall continue to occupy the Property es Borrowerk principal residence for at
<br /> ° '••. ���• ���-�! leant ane year after the date of cecupnncy, unleas Lender othernise agrees in writfng, which consent shall not be
<br /> . unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Barrower�control. Borrower shall not
<br /> ��.•:r����i��•�-�-���' . � , destroy,dam�ge orimpair the Property.allow th�Propeny�o dcte�iorate,ur commit waxte on the Property. Borrower shell
<br /> "" � •r.. be in default if any forfeiture uction or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,ix 6egun thnt in Lender's good fuith judgment
<br /> . p,.; _p.r=. :'••
<br /> � • : z..'�•.. tt could result in fodeiture of the Piroperty or otherwise materfally impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or
<br /> °''�'�`"''' " �''�' Lender's secudry interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate,a4 provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> ,.r;�,�r...�•�..;r,�. '
<br /> �;;.� . or proceeding w be diamissed with u ruling that,in Lender's good faith determination,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrowerb
<br /> '" ",�ti'� n intenest in the Property or other mate�al impairtnent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> _ ,�,ss:;,�.:o�-;:+, _, .,•::
<br /> :,,, - intcrest. Borrowcr sha!! �lso �: in �I�fq�dr if Rnm►wer. durina the lonn applicution prceess, gnve materially a se or
<br /> � , � � � ^ inaccurate infortnadon o�3latementx to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any mnterial infcxmntion)in connect�on wuh
<br /> ''��-�' ihe laan cvidcaccd by the Note, including, but ru�t limi�ed �o, representutions concerniog Borcower's occupancy of the
<br />_ .- •.� ;r����s���:���vs.=
<br /> � •� � ' propehy as e principul residence. If this Security Instniment is on u leatiehold,Borrower shnll camply with all the provisions
<br /> ' ' ^_f..�'��^"~'``" of the leage. If Bo►rower acquires fee title to the Property,the leaschold und the fcc title shail not merge unless Lender agrees
<br />° � : ��; .,;�...: • . to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If BoRawer fuils to perturm the covenunts and agrecmems
<br />' �' �:� '� contained in tbis Security Instrument, or there is u legul proceeding thu� may signi�cantly Aifect Lender's rights in the
<br />,'�_ ,►� Praperty(such ax e praeeding in bnnkruptcy,probate,for condemnution ar forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulations),then -
<br /> �; ,,�, . , w , Lender may do und puy for whatever is necessary to pmtect ihe vulue of thc Property end Lendcr's righta in the Property.
<br /> ti�! �� ' - Lender's actions mny include paying uny xums xecured by u lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument,uppenring
<br /> ' �„�,;,�;: ' ��� In court,paying reasonable uttorneys'fees and entering on the Pmperty to mnke repairs.Ahhough Lender may lake action
<br /> under this parngrnph 7.Lender dces not huve to do so.
<br /> �,. .. gy-�••� ` � Any amounls disbuned by Lcndcr under�his pnrasraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br /> !`�u ' '�`�' Secu�ity Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lcnder ugrec to othcr terms of pnyment.these nmcn�nts sholl beur intcrest from the
<br /> ,'::.'I"' 'k''_, ," ��>.
<br /> �_� , , date of disbursement at the Note rute and ahnll be puyuble,wiih interest,upon notice irom Lendcr to Bortower requestmg
<br /> ,�.�� ;,-..,�.. .. _.. payment.
<br /> �. • • S. Morlgoge insurance. If Lender required mortguge intiurunce as u condition of muking the loan secured by thix
<br /> ,�.wx,. . -�...... .
<br /> '�.;��,'' Security Inslrument, Borrower xhull puy �he premiums reyuired to muimuin the monguge insurunce in effect. If, for eny
<br /> � ` ,�' ren+on, the mortg4ge iusurunce coveruge reyuired by Lender Inpxes ar ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shall puy �he
<br />��'-..:' . . . t
<br /> . •, . premiumx reyaired to obtuin coverage subtitnnliully eyuivalent to the mortguge in+urunce previoutily in effect, ut n cost
<br /> ,,, ., substuntially equivalenl to Ihe cost to Borruwcr of thc monguge intiurunce previously in effect,from un ultemute mortgage
<br /> � � � insur+er approved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivulent mortguge insurunce coverage iti nut avuilable.Borrower shall pay to
<br />;��°, µ Lender each month u sum equul to onc-twclfth of the yeurly monguge insurunce premium being pnid by Borrower when the
<br /> • ..,�;�'.�� � insurance covcragc lapxed or ccused to be in effect. l.ender will ucrept,u�e und retuin[hetic payments us u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> � ' • � ' ot'mortguge insurance. Lox� reservc puymcnl�mry no lont3cr be rcyuired,ut �he option of Lender, if mortgage insurunce
<br /> �1�'«t covera c(in the amount und for the penod Ihut Lcnder rryuires)pmvided hy un in�urer upproved by Lender aguin becomes
<br /> � ,; �`�% �� ��^ � available and is obtuined.Borrower shull puy the pr�rniumx rryuireJ to muintuin mungage insurunce in effecl,or to provide a
<br /> '' �r�'�" ' loxs reserve,until Ihe requirement fnr mortguge insurunrc end�in uccordonce with uny wriuen agreement between Borrower
<br /> `'. �� .,,;�,; " ' und Lender orupplicuble luw.
<br /> • .. �• � 9. Inspectbn. Lender or ih ugent muy m+ikc renscM.�blr cntrie,upnn anJ inx�xctionr ol'Ihc Propcny. Lcndrr shall
<br /> � �' ��•
<br /> . � give Borrowcr noticc ul thc limc of or priar tu an ins�x�►ion.�xcifying rcux�miiblc ruu.c for�hr intipertiun.
<br /> , ;� � � 10. Condemnadon. The pr�cedti uf uny uwanl ur rlaim for d�ima�c+,Jirert or conscyuentiul.in ronnerlion with uny
<br /> •- � 5ingle Fnmily•-NannM M�r/h�cddle Mae I�M1IFURM INtiTRUMk\'C•-Unif��mi('��venun�. 9l90 1/H�x����Jn�r�Xtc1
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