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<br /> 7'tx�G 1'JILIt WI'1'll ill lhc itttprovenk�us ix�w or heraafter er�iz�1 un!be pnqkity,wkI ull e.►�u�,u,, Ml1�iLLY1pIW14Y�.,Mlkl
<br /> firturcv �wiw• ��t lxrr:�(lcr a �+;ut ai' thc ptt►perty. All rcpinrcn�cius ;uxl wWiti�uu .tull ulu� hc c�•vc�al hy this Security
<br /> luattunkai. All oi�thc ti�r.y,uia�i�rcicrrcJ tu in thir ti�suri�y In►t�uaxnt;�tfk"1'ruperty, "
<br /> tiUltRl.)1L'lik CY)VENAN'I'S t}wt :i.u�aucr i�:lawfufly►�iwcl:tif the r�.wt�h�ra:+��.run-��a!�ux!h.i�ttk right to Q��t w�ki
<br /> �uil�'cV lhC I'i�ytCrtV Y7kl lhiii llle Pr��{xny ic uix�x�u�ul+rnjJ, tYlYjli Ii1f CIKUIIIf►1'W1CC!t��ItxOItl. BtN7t�K'CI'WMTr'iikt W'KI WIII
<br /> J�F�1 Frikrally t(�c title tu thc Pru�x,n����i�ur u!I rluinu�ux!de��wxL.wbject w�u►y c+uwi�bruk�cs of re��rd.
<br /> THIS SEiCURITY INSl'RUI�I6NT c�tnibitxs uiuforai coveturus fur naiiw�l usc�xi t�t�•uttifutm wvuuuus wilh livakJ
<br /> vrriaim�.v hy juriKiic�k�n to conctitute u uniform sc�rurity i�uln�nknt covcrir�rca!pruperty.
<br /> UNI{�ORb1 COVFNANTS.Iiormw•cr and l.e�xler cavenant and agrtx�u Pn!lowc:
<br /> 1. 1'�ymeut ot PirWci�l�d Ioterest; Prepa�u�ent swd I.itie Ch�rges. &�rrow•cr clull pnunptly p�y when duc tt�c
<br /> princip�l of:►nd intcrost on the debt evidcncod by thc Note and any prYpayn�ent arxl I�tc charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. F�uxis for T�xw�ad lacu�nce. Subjxt to applicxble law or to a written waiver by l.ende�, Bormwer slwll Fwy ta
<br /> I,ender on the day nwnthly payments are duc undcr the�we,wuil the Notc is paid in full,A sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly tuxes
<br /> and�ssas.Gnents which n�ay attain priority over this 5ocurity Instrument as a lien on the Praperty; (b)yearly lestsehold paynxnts
<br /> or ground rents oo the Property,if any;(c)�euly h�zard or propeny incur.uue prer.uumc;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums,
<br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage incurance prenuunu, if t�ny;:u�d (�any sums payable by Borrower to I.ender, in accordance with
<br /> the provisionc af paragraph S, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiucnc. Thcse items ure c.111ed'Esec+aw items."
<br /> Lender may, at any time, coltoct and hold Fww1s in an�mount nat ;o exoeod the maximum amount a leoder for a foderally
<br /> rclatod mortgage loan n�ay require for Bonow•er's escrow acrnwu ur�der the fecieral Real Estate SetUement Pro�edums Act of
<br /> 1974 as ame� from time t�time, 12 lI.S.C.Section 2601 et s�q. ('RE5PA").un3ess another law that npplies to the Fwds
<br /> sU.s a tesser 3nwunt. if so, l.ender may.ai�ny time.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed th.e lesser amount.
<br /> Lendtr m�y estimue the mnount af Funds due oo the basis of current data u� reasoaabk estia�ates oF expendiwres of fuwoe
<br /> Fscrow Ittms or othcnvise in accordu�ce with applicablc law.
<br /> The Funds shall be t�e�d in �n inuitutior� whose deposits are insured by a feder.a! :�gency. instrumtntality. or eiuity
<br /> (including l.ea�der,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Barilc. I,ender shall app�y the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Botrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually u�alyung the escrow aocount,or
<br /> verifyit�the Fscrow Items, unless L,ender p�ys Borr�wer intenst on the Futids nnd applicable law pemtiu Lendor to rtw3ce wch
<br /> a chargc. Hawever, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indcpendent real estatc tax reporting servioe
<br /> used by Lender in comxction with this loan, unless applicabk law provides ottxnvise. Unless an agroeircnt is made oc
<br /> �ppticable law requircs interest to be paid,l.onder stwll not be required to p�y Borrower any intercst or e�mings on the Fw�ds. .
<br /> Borrower and l.ender may agrct in a�riting. however. that intet+est shal{be paid on the FuncLc.l.endtr sltall give to Botrower.
<br /> without cf�arge,an�uutia!acetouruing of the Funds, showing crodiu and dcbits to the Funds znd the�w�po.0 for which cxh
<br /> debit to the Funds was cnade. The Funds ane pledged as�dditiona!seciuity for all sums secvrod by this Secwity Instrument.
<br /> If tLe Funds hetd by L.�nder exaed the a�rbunu pemutte�i to be held by applirable law. I.ender sha11 a000uiu to Borrower
<br /> for the esass Funds in aocordarxe with tho requirementc of:�{.+lieable law. If the amount of the Funds held by t.aider at aay
<br /> datic is not suffaient to pay the Fscrow Itars when due.l.ender may so roafy Borrowu in wridng.aud.. in such case Bomower
<br /> _ .. .-snaii p�p m i.enoer tne �wnt necessaty W u� up tLe deficiencyr. Bnrrawer sha11 make up the de�'<7ency in no more�than -
<br /> twelve moruhlY payments.at Lender's sok discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of�ll sums securod by this Security Instrument, l.ender sh�ll gromptly refund to Borrowu any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under para,gtaph 21,Lender shall acquin or sell thc Property.l,er,�r,prior to the aoyuisition or sale
<br /> of the Propetty,st�all apply any Fw�ds tseld by l.ender�t the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit s��inst the sums sx�red by
<br /> this Socurity instmttxat.
<br /> 3.Application o1'Paymeots,UdGSS appli�kl�law p�+ovides otherwise.all payments reoeivod by F.�nder under paragrapl�s
<br /> 1 and 2 shal!be appliod:first,to wY P��Y��g�s du�under tbC Note:sernnd.to�nounts payai�le under par;graph 2;
<br /> thind.w intenst due:fourth,W principal due:and Iztt.W anp iait charges due wtider the Note.
<br /> 4•C4�r�es; I.ieas.Borrower slwl!pay all txzes.asses�cxnts, charges. fines aad impasitioas atuibu�bk to the F9ropaty
<br /> wdich may attain priority over this Sxurity L�u.-s�ent,and leauhoid payments or ground �ts, if a�s�.Borrowu shall pay �
<br /> tt�ae obligatiocu in the�r providod in par.{ra�h 2,or if aot ptid i�tl�t n�azu�r.Borrowa shall pay them oa time dirxtly
<br /> W the person owed paymuu.Borrowu sh�U PromptlY fumistr�so I.a�der all notices of unounts to be paid un�kr this paragraph.
<br /> If Borrower n�kes these payments dixnctly.Borrower sh�ll pro�q�dy fumish to Lender reaipts evidenciag the payma�ts.
<br /> Bomowu sshall promptly disct�rge any Iiea which h�s pr�iac9ty over tlus Security Instniment udess Borrow�;(a)agt�ees in
<br /> writing to tl�e payarat of the oWigation s�cured by the liea in a n�u�er aocepfable w La�der; (b)contests in good faith the fiea
<br /> by, or defends �gaiasi enfotcanent of the liem ict. tegal �xoceedin�s w6ich in the Lender's opinion operate to preveat the
<br /> enforcunent of the lien: or(c)socures from the hoWer of tF�c lien�n agreemeiu s�tisfxtory to I,ender subordin�ting th�liea to
<br /> this Sec�urity Inswment. If Lender detem�ines that any part of the Pn�perty is subjxt tc��liea which may?tt�in Priority ovu
<br />' tl�is Socuriry L�suumeat. Lender may give Borrowu a notice idtndfyit►g the lita. Borrowec si�ll satisfy the liea or take oae or
<br /> more of the actioos set forth above within 10 days of the�ivi�of notice.
<br /> ionp 302� �0
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