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..:..-- . ..5�. .__. .. <br />. ' � - I� � . � .. ,u�..,�� . I .. •_""_ .rl'.' ., <br />. :� ' ' 11 , ' . <br /> 1'1� .�.�1 ."_"'__._'"'... <br />. . .� - ....... _. _ __.-_ .'--__ __-..___ __ <br /> , — _ <br />_ { <br /> n <br /> - 92-- 1os453 <br /> . applicabl�luw may cpecify for reinatatement)before rwle af thc Piroperty pursuant w any power of sole cantalned in this <br /> Security Tnstrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thia Secu�ity Inatrument. Thosc conditiona Are that Barrower: (a) <br /> __ _ _ pay� I.cndcr atl �ums which thcn would bc duc undcr this Security Instrument und the Note ox if no accelerudon hed �__ <br />_.�_;1� � occurted;(b)curea ony default of any othet covenams�r agreements:(c)pays ell expenres incurrrd in enfarcing this Secu�lty <br /> - losuument. Including,but not limited to,reasunable attomeys'fees;und(d)takes such action us Lender may reaeanably � <br /> rcquire to essurc that Ihe 8en of this Security Insuumenl,Lcnderk dghls in the Property nnd Borrowerh obligation to pay the <br /> eumr secured by Ihir Securlty Insuvment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinatatement by Borrower, this Secur+ly <br /> Instrumcnt and thc obligatianR secured hen:by shall remain fully effectivc as if no acceleretion had ocrurred. Howevcr,this <br /> *• right to�einstnte shall no!apply in th�:case of acceleration under parugraph 17. �-` <br /> = 19. Sa1e ot Naet Chaoge ot�rt Se�wlcer. The Note ar a partial inlerest in Ihe Nole(together with this Security <br /> "��"'�'-".� � InstNment) may bc sald onb�PI:m� �im�$'without pdor notice to Borrower. A Ralc may result in a change in the entity <br /> 'a���,� (known As the 'Loan Servfccr �t�.nlltcls mot►tAly payments due under Ihe Nate and this 5ecu�ity Inslrument. Therc ulxo <br /> ��,r��,•�r�v�, <br /> �;---:�;:. ,; may be one or more changes of the Lonn Servicer unre(ated to a sole of thc Note. If there is a change of the l.oan Scrviccr. _ <br /> {�' Borrower wlll be given wdttea natica of the chnage in nccor+dance with parngraph 14 above and upplicable luw. The nutice <br /> ---'�''��-�� will statc the name and add�ess of the new Loan Servicer and the addn�R to which payments should be mada. TNc notice will <br /> � - ����. eiso contain any other infortnadon required by applicnble law. <br /> _ ��.';h,•'; <br /> �r� 20. H�rdous Substances. Barrower shall not cause or pemiil the presence,use,disposal,staroge,ar relen5e of any <br /> �.'�� �� °'''•'` Haznrdous Substances on or in thc Property. Borrowcr ahell not do,nor allow anyone else to do,unything affecting the <br /> '� ����� � •'�� Property thAt is in vlolation of any EnvironmentAl Law. The preceding tw�sentences Rhall not npply to Ihe presence, —.- <br /> ,. . •�, .�. <br /> �,�.�'�-',�" � � xtorage on the PropeAy of small quanlities of Hazardous Substances thet arc generally recognizeci to be nppropr�ate to normal <br /> �„�,;..,. , , , residentiel uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> '� e.. Borrower shali promptly give I.ender written notice of any invesligation,claim,demnnd,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> � � _„_ .-.-I.•'�, gAVemmental or regulatory ageacy nr private pany involving the 1'r�perty and any Hazardous Subx�ance nr Fmironmcntal <br /> � . � . • Law of which Harrower has actual knowledge. If 8orrower learns, or is notified by any governmentol or regulutory � <br /> — . , ''` :'. ,,,, authority,thet any remaval or other remediatian of nny Huzurdous 5ubstnnce affecting th�Property is necessary,Borrower �� <br /> _�— ,. .. shall promptly take all neceasary remediul actions in uccordoncc with Environmenlal Lnw. <br /> — , �'%> As used in this paragrnph 20,"Huzardous Substnnces"ure those substunces defined us toaic or huzardaus tiubstances by �;;�: <br /> .. , - � - Environmentel Law and the following substnnces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petrokum producls,roxic -- <br /> _ ' " �''' -� • pesticides und herbicides,volatile solvents. mnterlals cantaining asbestox or formaldehyde, und rndiouctivc muteriuls. An �: <br /> _— • ' • used in this paragraph 20,"Emironmentul Lnw"mcnns federal laws and laws of�he junsdiction where Me Propeny is located �� <br /> -',a ' .• thet relutc to healtb,safety ar environmenlul proteciic►n. � <br /> �• . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender funher covennnt und agree us follaws: �`=` <br /> — ::;c .• ��. • 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender ahall give noUce to Borrower prlor ta acceleration failowing Bor�ower's ~ <br /> — � ' •��"��''` breACh oP any covenant or agreement in tbis Secu�ity [nslrumeul(but not p�•tur tu accrl�raUun undes paragrepA 17 <br /> ,,"•.a. � <br /> = '�� ' � unlesa Appflcwble Ipw provides otherwlse). The aotice shall�pecify: (a)the default;lb)the Action required to cure the <br /> - -�-'=���'T'�-�="};:--""` defau!!;(t1 a daiP�aot less ihaa 3!!d�ys fraai ihe daie ihe notice is gi�es io�arrower,bs Khkh ihe deTauii niast be <br /> -='.�.� . ' ;°''r�`` cured;and(d1 thpt fpilure to cure the default on or bePore the date specified in the nnNce may result in Acceleration of _. <br /> ,��•'����;•;. • the aums secured by thls Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice ghnll f'urther inform Borrower oP - <br /> --�. `. � the right to reinsWte after accelerAlbn and!he right to brinR a court Actlon to assert the non•exietence of a dePault or - <br /> ,,,� �;'�p:: any other defen�se of Borrower ta acceleratbn and sale. lf the dePault is not cured on or before the date specified in �, <br /> ^,_ .. '" " the notice,I.ender at its option may require immediate payment in full of All sums rzecured by this Secu�ity Instrumenl "'"�.__ <br /> - = �a.:��•-.~• • �� without furlher demand and may invoke !he power of 9ale and any other remedies permilted by applicable law. <<.;, <br /> - �....� .�• ` ' Lender shall be enUlled to collecf ell expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parAgruph 21, <br /> �`"'"� includinR,but not Iimited to,reasonabte attorneys'fees and cocts ot title evidence. - - <br /> ``�`�"'��'�' � � If lhe puwrr uP sule is invoked.7lrustee Rhwll record u notke of default in each counly in which any part of the =�- <br /> u <br /> i�` �r` - , ;- Property is located and shAll mall cop(es nf such notice in the menner prescrlbed by applicable Irw to Borrower und to --- <br /> � "' the other persons prescribed by applicable luw. After the time required by applkable law,'IYustee shall give pubNc °�=- <br />-� ' " noHce oP sale to the persons And in the munner prescrfbed by ap{�Ucuble low. 'I�ustee,without demand on Borrower, �"` <br />=__ �'"' ,.. . _ _. shall sell the PropeMy at publlc auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in °`~,; <br /> • �'` � • the notice otsale in one ur more parcels�nd in•rny order 7Yustec determines. 'IY�ustee may poslpone snle oi'all or Any <br /> __,�" '��� �.�� "�� parcel oPthe Properly by pubNc�nnouncemenl ut the time And place uf any previously scheduled sule. I,ender or its �••~ <br /> � U•., ...�..� ..-,-�,- <br /> �_� desiQnee m�y purchase the Property at any sale. -LL <br /> -,��� .-,�,:• ;' �' Upon receipt of payment of the pr(re bid,'I�ustee shall deliver lo the purchaser'll�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> ��° Properly. The recitnls in ihe 7Yu!ctce•s deed ghall be prima facie e�vidence oP the truth oP the statements made therein. <br />-�..�,r•:� � : , 7lrustee shAll Apply the proceeds oP the sele In the iollowin�order: la1 to all costs And expense�uP exercisiag the power �_ <br /> ��C rri�++i. <br /> ��.- ��.�Kna,...c_..a ` _ __ <br /> �j}n. <br />-'y�s�.'��:..•S.a ---_,-. <br />—� � ' �4 �.}'i. <br />--_ . ',..... rxr. <br /> �.�.._. <br /> ,.�r ' � �-.'•.� <br /> El;"–'t=: <br /> � „ ' F'orm J821i 9f90 !/xr,q��S��6/h�gt�l _ .. <br />' , � ,. <br /> r ' <br /> � ,�•" . n.��-,..- ___ . ._ . . _ . . ,-•''�tw�!'NY!sRic�`d�:'!MS`���::'�'�._�;.::C�!�+4�'�kL••�'i':i'�3.o�flYit�R• <br /> � <br />--- - �'' ° --- - -' -- —__ <br /> � . . <br /> 'r ° � <br /> .. •,.�e ��•' . <br /> .� . 1, � ., ' . . <br /> # � <br /> i] 1 <br /> ! . <br />