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<br /> periads that l.ender taquircs. The 3isurw�co carrier provfding tha insurance shull tx cho.cco by Barrower subjcct to Lender's
<br /> - ppprovs!which shall not bc unrrasonably witliheld. If Borrawer fuil�ta msiintain covemge described abnve,Lender may,at
<br /> Lenderg option,oMain covorage to protect Lenderk righis in the Property in uccordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> All Inruronce policies and rcnewels shull be�cceptable�o Lender and ahall include a atandard mnrtgage claure. l.ender
<br /> ;"�� _ ,,, shall lu►ve the righi to hold thc policieR wid renewals. If l,ender rcquires,borrower shull promp�ly give to L.crxler uii nx:efpis �
<br /> - �-�:!'"` . af paid prcmiums and renewul notices. In the event of loss,Borrower xhull Qive prampt notice to the insuronce corrier And
<br /> Ixnder. Lender muy make proaf of logs if not madc promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> •�-•- Unirss L.ender and Borrower ntherwise ugree in wdting, insurance praceeda shall be opplied lo restoratlon or repuir of
<br /> -^� the Property damaged. if the restamtion or repnir is ecanomically feaxible and Lender�; recurity is not lesrened. !f the �
<br /> rcstoration or repair is not economicolly Feasible or Lenderx secu�ity would be lessened,the inaurnnce proceeds shall be
<br /> __ __ applled to�he sums secured by this Secudry Instrument. whethcr or not then due, wich uny exceax puid to BoROwer. If
<br /> _— �� �� Borrower abandons the Property,ar dces not nnswer within 30 days a noiice irom l.ender thut �he insurance corrier has
<br /> - _;�� offered to settl¢v claim,then Lender may collect the insurunce prceeeds. l.ender muy use the proceeds to rcpair or rcstore
<br /> - ���±��.=r'` , 1he 1'roperty ar to pay sums secured by this Security Instnrment.whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> _- - �,..,.,,�;,,_.;•'�- the nadce ls given. ---
<br /> '�!' "T''• �s Unless i.ender and Horrower otherwixe ugree in writing.any applicadon of praceeds to pr�ncipul shull not extend or
<br /> �a'��'�;�� postpone�he duc dnte of the monthly puyments refermd to in parngrnphs 1 and 2 or change thc amaunt of�he paymenls. If
<br /> _ ;„� - - under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower� dght to any insurnnce policies nnd proceeds resulting
<br /> ; .�,.,�.•�.,._.
<br /> ����.�
<br />----F�-��A�• � from damage to the Prapeny prior to the acquisidon ehell pass to Lender to 1he extent of the suma secured by thia Securily
<br /> ��' r,;�e.�;,-�,� Instniment immediately pdar to the ucquisition.
<br /> ��-�" tNt.�.�._ ,-� '�,. 6. OccupAncy, Preservotion, Malntenance and Protection ot the Property; Horrower'R Lonn Applicatian; -
<br /> -� I.es�sehoide. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and uxe the Praperty as Sarrower�princlpul residence within sixty dnys aher _
<br /> = ;��"`�`��� ���:� °•� the eaecution of thi�Src:urity Inatrument and shall continue to accupy the Property as Borrower's pdneipal reRidenee for at -
<br /> —`'`' " Iesst one year after the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be _
<br /> -' o t��.._.
<br /> ,�'� Y ^°,. unreusonably wlthheld,or unless eatenua�ing circumstunces exist which are beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> " � :,;. �� dcstroy, dumage or impair the Propehy,uUow thc Propeny ta deteriornte,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall �_
<br /> (-u:'� '�., ,:.:d.�� ---
<br /> .���}�.y.p be In dPfault if any forfeiture action or proceedi�g,whether civfl or criminal,is begun that in LenderS good fnith judgment -`
<br /> ,,, couW result in forfeiture af the Property or othenvise materiully impair the lien creeted by this Security Instrument ar �`•
<br /> �=��' � ` • LenderR securl�y inter+est. Borrower may cure such n defuult and reinstala,ar provided in paragruph 18,by causing the action �':
<br /> ' � or proceeding w be dismiRSed with a ruling that,in Lenders good feith determinntion,precludes forFeiture of the Borrower's =._
<br /> "* � interest in the Property or other material impairment of�he lien crepted by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty =�,
<br /> : � !'_?'" . __
<br /> :; •. .. ; ���� intercxt. Borrower shall also bc in default if Borrower, during the loan applicntion process. gave matcriully false or e.`
<br /> " �� � inaccurAte infamntion or statemen�a to Lender(or fAfled to provide Lender with any�r�aterlal informntion)in connection with ��
<br /> _- �' -.�...1e16t3`.i: -'
<br /> :-� �^; .+�:6�-�p.6� ; : the laun evidenced by the Note, inclu.±mg, but nor limited to, representations wnc�n�ing SuuuwC�� uc�up�uicy of ihc H -
<br /> ` ,���,, �,,, Property as a principnl residence. If this Secudty Instrument is on u leusehold,Borrower shall comply with uU the provixions
<br /> -� -� „�: of the lease. If Borrower acquires tee litle to the l�ropeny,the ieasehoid and the fa�itie shafi nut mnrgc uiiiess i.er�der agrecs
<br /> �;;�: . �� • to the merger in writing.
<br /> _- ; � " � 7. Protection of I.ender's Righls in the Property. If Burmwer fails to perform the covenunts and ngreements _
<br /> contained io �his Security Instrumen4 or there is a legnl praceeding that may significantiy affect L.enderk rights in �he
<br /> � d•' � • Property(such ac u prceeeding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnation ar furFeiwre or to enforce luws or regulations►,then
<br /> � �, � Lender may do und puy for whatever is necessnry ta�rotec� the vnlue of the Praperty and Lenders rights in the Propeny. _
<br /> -n ° I.ender's actions muy include puying uny sums secured by u lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument,nppect�ing
<br /> , � - . in court,pnying reawnable auorneys'fees uad entering on�he Property to muke repair�. Alti�ough Lende�muy take action �
<br /> � v.� � under this paragruph 7,Lender dces not have ta do so. _
<br />_� - " . Any umounts disbursed by l.ender uoder this parograph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower secured by thiti —
<br /> .,,�;, Security Instrumem. Unle++Borrower and I.ender ugree to o�her termx of puyment,these umounts shull beur interest from thc �°_
<br /> �°''°"`� ° dace of disbuncment ut the Note rnte und shall be puyuble,with intemst. upon natice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting _.__
<br />, ;,:•. Q:�.:;-•:. _ , payment. --
<br /> �'.� ' " ��"� ' 8. Mo�tgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired monguge imur+uxc us u condition of making the loun secured by this �'_==
<br />��., �+itv,,. , .. � � Securiry Instrument, Barrower shall pay the premiums reyuireJ to muin�uin tlx:mortguge insun►nce in effect. If, for Any �-°
<br /> y ; �; rea.�on, the mungage inwrance cuveruge reyuired by Lendcr lupus or ceusex to bE in effec4 Bonower shull pay the ___
<br /> _ premiums required to o6tnin coveruge subuuntiully eyuivulent to the mongage insurance previously in effect, ut u wst `,.
<br /> � � .;,:;.� � ,' subx�untiolly eyuivulent to the cost to 8orcower nf the mortFuge imur;►ncc previously in efi'ect,from un ulternale mortgage .r,;;
<br /> ' intiurer uppmved by l.rnder. If�ubslunt�ully eyuivulent mongagc in.umncc covcru�c ix not uvailuble,Borrower shall pAy to -
<br /> Lender each month u sum cquul to onr-�welfth of thc ycurly mortttugc inxurunce prcmium being puid by Borrower when Ihe �'-°_
<br /> '?�,, ��� insun►nce coveruge lopsed or ceused to he in effect. Lender will urcept,use und rcwin�hese payments us a loss reserve in lieu 6,r:�
<br /> aa • of mortguge insurunce. Loss reservc paymcnts may no longcr Ik reyuircd.ut the option ot'Lender, if mortgage insurance
<br /> ;�y� • cuvcrage(in the s►mount und for Ihe periai that Lcndcr reyuirexl prnvided by un inxurer npproved by Lender ugain becomes -_
<br />� .t.�r,*„r� ' . nvAilable and is obtoined.Borrow�r+hull puy the prrmium�rcyuirrd to muintuin mortgngc m.urunre in effect,or to provide u _
<br /> � :�"-' l o s s rc s c rv e,u n t i l t h e r e y u i r e m e n t f or m o rt g n g e i m u r u n c c c n d s i n a r e u r d u n c e w i t h u n y written a greement between Borrower
<br /> � " - °� und Lender ar npplicuble luw.
<br /> " � 9. Inspection. Lcndcr ur it�.�gcnt may mal:c rcu.onubl�rntric.uFxm und ins�xctiun�ot'thc Prop�:rty. Lender xhall
<br /> give Bormwer noticr at�he timc oF or prior to un ins�x rtinn.�xcifying reu.cmuhle cau�e for ihe inspertion.
<br /> � 10. CondetnnAtlon. Thc pr�xc�Js of uny uwurJ��r rlaim liir damagcs,direct ur runs�yuentiul,im m�nec�inn with uny
<br /> SinE�e Family••Fannlc�tt�e/Frcddk Mac UNIFORM 1NtiTRUMENT--Unifumi Covcnunt+ 4190 �pu.¢e?��fh/M�R���
<br /> - . ' • �:mal Intro Bue�nae Fortne,loc �
<br /> - . Tu�Inla�aN IA01►:i,7DP999 O 1'tit Bl&791•1131
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