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<br />Surveyor's Ce�t/llcate
<br />! hereby cerN/y /hol on June 8, 2011, / compleled an occurale survey ot
<br />SKAC-WAY S£COND SUBD/V/S/ON; ln Ihe C/ly o/ Grond /s/and, Nebrasko, os
<br />shown on Ibe accompanying plai Ihereol,• lha/ Ihe /ots, b/ocks, slreels, avenues,
<br />a/leys, porks, commons ond olher grounds os conla/ned /n so/d subd/v/slon as
<br />shown on Ihe accompany/ng p/ol lhereol aie well ond accurolely slaked o/t and
<br />morked; Ihai /ron morkers were p/oced ai oll %i corners,• lhol lhe dJmens/ons o/
<br />eoch Jo1 are as shown on Ihe p!o% lhal eoch !ol bears Ils own number,• and
<br />lhal so/d s�� was made w/ih relerence fo known and recorded monumenfs.
<br />�4'� /e"% � 'V
<br />fp
<br />a �� o- , ery/ D. S gentrel, R6g'. Land Surveyor Na. 578
<br />��� � 9�ON��
<br />An rp oval
<br />App�oved ond accapled by /he Clty o/ Grand /s/and, Nebroska, lhls �.�a day
<br />ol�_`�—, 2011.
<br />� y °
<br />Iann/ng /recl
<br />�'NJ ary PubUc 1 ' �,"°°'�'� ��'
<br />Cam6Ah0.17401Y
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<br />�-/n cafav �1 lron P/ e faund Unles9 0/herwlse Noled
<br />a-lndfeales 1 lron P/pe w/Survey Cop P/aced Unfess Olhsrwlse Noled
<br />w
<br />A-Ind/cdles CTUAL Olataace
<br />P Ind%afes PRORAIED Olsfanee
<br />Lega/ Descr/ t�
<br />A lrac! o/ /ond compr/s/ng o// o/ Lols One (1J and Two (2), Skag-Way
<br />Subdlv/s1on, in Ihe Clly o/ Grand lslond,' Hali Coun/y, Nebrasko, sa/d /rocl
<br />conlolning 10.84B acres more or less.
<br />Dedlcatlon
<br />KNOW AlL MEN BY TNfSE PRfS£NTS, Ihol W/LblAR RfAIT?; L.L.C., a
<br />Nebroska Umiled UoblUly Compnny, being !he owner o/ ihe land descrlbed
<br />hereon, has caused some lo be surveyed, subd/vided, platled ond
<br />- deslgnaled as SKAC-WAY.SECOND SUBd/VlS/ON' !n Ihe Clly ol Crand
<br />lsland, Nebrosko, os shown on the acoomponying plol lhereot, ond do
<br />hereby dedlcole fhe eosemenls, !f any, as shown lhereon lor Ihe /ocol%n,
<br />conslruct/on and ma/nlenance o/ pub!lo serv/ce ufldfles, logelher w1/h Ihe
<br />rlghl of Ingress ond egress Iherelo, ond hereby prohl6iling lhe p/onllnq o/
<br />/rees, bushes ond shrubs, or p/ac/ng olher abs/rucllons upon, over, a/ong
<br />or undernealh ihe sur/ace o/ such eosemenls; and /hal fhe /orego/ng
<br />subdlv/slon os more porllcular/y descr/bed ln tha descr/pllon hereon os
<br />appeors on ihls p/a/ Is mode wllh !he lree consenl and /n accordance
<br />w11h !he deslres o/ !he unders/gned owner ond proprle%r.
<br />lN WlTNESS WH£REOF, l have a//Ixed m slgnnlure here%, ai 6rand
<br />!sland, Nebraska, ihls—/,�.doy ol�, 20/1.
<br />W/LMAR R£ALTY, LLC., a Nabrasko Umlled Llabllify Company
<br />� ����
<br />�' . o n, onogng em e�
<br />Acknowiedgement
<br />Slale 01 Nebrosko �
<br />County 0/ Hal! /�
<br />On lhe_ o%/une , 2011, be%re me �erv� O. S�o�r,u�J r���
<br />o Nolary Publlc wllhln ond lor so/d Counly, personnlly appeared WILL/AM C. MARTIN,
<br />Managing Member ol WILMAR RFALTY, L.L.C., o Nebrosko Um!/ed Llablllly Company,
<br />and lo me personally known fo be Ihe Idenl/ca/ peison whose slgnalure !s o//Ixed
<br />herelo, ond ihol he d/d acknow/edge fhe execul/on lhereof la be hls voluntary acl
<br />ond daed and lhe volunfary acf and deed of soid Compony.
<br />lN Wl7NESS WNEREOF, 1 have hereunlo subscrlbed my name and af/Ixed my
<br />al/Ic/a/ sea/ al Grand /slond, Nsbraska, on lhe dole lasl above wrtllen.
<br />My commJss/on exp/ies �nT� �/C .
<br />AOCXW'ELL AND ASSOC. 1 L C - fNG/NffRINC & SURVfY/HC - GRANO iS1AN0, ,NfBRASKA SheelNo. 10/1
<br />