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;-� �''�f <br />-�— <br />Exaaonsrr �A� <br />Part o[ the Northeast Qu�.rter (NEl/4) of S�c�ion Fovr (A), Tflwpship Twe}ve (1Z) Nort�,, Range Eleven <br />{ll) �Yest o[ the bth P,M., Hall County, lYebr�ska, more particularly descrlbed as follows: Comnuencing <br />�t the Northeast ccsrner of the NoriLeast Quarter (NE1J4) ot Sr,ctiou Four (4); thence nunning westecly <br />along and upon the Nortb Ilne Qf Sectiop Four (4j a distance ot Nine Iivadred Sigty F'�e �9b5) teet to <br />the .$ctual point oi beginning; theacx runt�iag �outherly parallel to the easterly boundasry tine v[ Bafd <br />5ection Fbur {4) a d.istanc� oC Five Aundr�d Niaety Four {59d} tee,t thence running Westerl� p�rall�l <br />to the Nortberty boaudary line ot said Section Four (4), � distance ot Three Hundred Ninety-Six {396) <br />leet; t3�eace running no't�therly parallel to the easterly boundary line of saiti S�ction �'our {Q) a distance <br />vC Five Hnncired Ninet� Four {594j ieet to the North line of Section �our (Q), TQwnship �rve}ve (12) <br />North, Range Eleven (11). West t►f the 6th P:M.; thence running Easter3y alnng and upon tbe Northerly <br />liue oi said Section Four (4) � dis#abce of Three Hundred Ninety Six {39� teei to the poiat of beginning <br />� <br />