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' •�♦•.. •.r.�,.k� <br /> =��^- • -- '9'�.Trat�cta*of the PrapeKy o��8enefklal Inten�t(n Horrower.IP all or any pan�P the Property or Any interen in it _ <br /> ��� ;:-F. .,h i�sold^-.rnnsferr�cd(or if a bencficial intcrest in Bormwcr io sold ur�ranxfened end Iinrrnwcr ic nat a netur�l persan) wlthout <br /> • ,L,cnUcr's prior wriuen consent, Lendcr may. at ite optlon, rrq uirc immediAtc paymcnt in ILII of'nll sums socurad by thir <br /> - y��� Socu�ity Instrument.Howcver,this option siwri ruH be excrciwd by i.ctKlcr ii'cxcrciac�s piuf�ibit�i by frrdlmai irw ua uf ilx.S�t� ° - --- <br /> �};r� ,i����,� of this Socurlty Imtrumcnt. <br /> � If Lender exerciseg Ihis optbn, l.ender shall givc Borrower nrnice af acceleratlon.7'he natice shall provide a pe�lad af not <br /> less than 3Q days from the datc thc nwicc Iti dcliverod ar mAilod within which &�rrowcr must poy all sums xecurcd by thir <br /> , ��'` ' " ` Sccurity Insttumcnt.If Borrowcr fuils to ay these�umv prior to thc expira�i�n of Ihix peri�xi,l.endcr may invoke any remediea �-__ ____,__s , <br /> ;�a:,,Y:, ;,.:.�:. ,a�:.� <br /> : _ _. .. , <br /> . .;,,,f � �,,,; ...,...•, permittcd by this Socueity Instrument wit cwt fu�ther notice ar demAnd on Borrowe�. <br /> -> - - ;;� lg, Ron»wer'e Rlght to Rel�tale. If sarrower mcetg certAin canditions, &�nower shall have thc rlght ta huve <br /> � �,::;° � eniorccmenl oi thia Sccurity Inwnin►ent discontinuod at any limc prior ta thc carlicr oP: (u) 5 dayx (or such ather pc�iud as <br /> - :.e-... . applicable law may specify for rcfnstatement) beforc sale af the Property pursuant ta arty pawcr of sale containai ln this <br /> -'��� � •4,',� • � Socu�ity Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing thia S�xudty instrument.Those conditiona arc that Borrowce (u)payr <br /> -"''"� .��L� + , Lender all suma which then would be due under this Security InstNrt►ent and the Note as if no acceleration had accurned; (b) <br /> ' ' " . ' �"�`!' cunex any defpult of uny other covenants oragreementc;(c) pays aU expenscs incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, __ __ _ <br /> . : � ineluding,but not limitai�a,reasonable attorneys' iees;and(d)talces such uction as Lender nwy reasonably require to assure <br /> ---_�y::% ; � .-�� that thc lien af this Security Instrument, l.c�xtcr's rights In the Property and Borrower's abligation to pay the sums secured by <br />��_���'.�;;': , ; ' �..� this Security Insttumcnt shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Inst�ument und the <br /> • �� obligations securcd her+eby sholl remain fully eFfixtive as if no acccleratian had accu�reci. Howevcr, this right to neinswtc shall <br /> ,�' •' not apply in Ihc casc of xccicrnlian undcr parag�aph 17. — <br /> —.-� ° ��� 19. 3ale ot Note= Clwn�e of Iawn Servicer. The Nate or a paKial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> --— '` ' Instrumcnt)mny bc sald onc or more times withou�priur notice to Borrowcr. A salc may result in a changc in the cntlty(known <br /> � : �' ' �;�.,.,n; as the"Lawn 5crviuer")thut collects rnc�nthly payments due under the Note nnd this Secunty Instrument.There also mny be one �____- -. .- <br /> . .^" '•�'•--�- or mo�changes of the I.c�n Scrvicer unrelutod ta u sule of the Note.If there is a change of the l.oun Servicer,8arcower will be <br /> � given w�ilten notice of Ihe chenge in accurJance with parugruph 14 above nnd applicablc law.The notice wiU state the nsune and <br /> • nddress of the new Loan Servicer And the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also conlain any other <br /> �'° , information requirod by npplicablc law. � `�" <br /> t ` `` ° 20. Hazardouv SubsQt�nce.c. Borrower shAll not cause o� rmit the r+esence, use,dis s�l, storn e, or rclease of an - <br /> n b P� p Po B Y . ,E:,:- <br /> '� Hazardous Substnnccs un or in thc Property. Barrowcr shull not da, nor allaw a�yonc c lsc to du, unyt h ing a f fecting t hc -� <br /> " � " .r- -• PmpeAy thut is in violutinn af uny�nvironmental laiw. Thc preceding two sentcnces�hull aot opply to the presencc, use, ar ' <br /> �„ starage on thc Property of gmnll quantitics of Huzardous Substances that are generally recognized to bc appropriatc to normal = _'- ,` <br /> residen►ial uscs and to mnintenancc of the Pmperty. E�_s!�?:�;.. <br /> . �,,,��.;;..,' Bormwcr shall promptly give l.endcr wnttcn notice of nny invcstigation.claim,demand, luwsuit or athcr aclion by any � <br /> • �� • govcrnmemal ur rcgulalory agency or private pany imolving�hc Nroperty and any Hazardaus Substancc or Environmenwl ���:_= <br /> � . <br /> �_,^.ti,,_�.ti�, ,., r of which ennuwcr has acwal knowlcdgc. Ii&�rrowc� Icarns,or is notificd by eny govcrnmcntul or rcgulatory authority, that � __ <br /> ,���---_—. eny n�tWVUi ur otiic� �euxxiiation af aoy I(a7a:dous Substancc sffecting the Property is aeressary, Bosrower sha!!promptly takt <br /> �II necessary rcmcdial ucti�►ns in acmrduncc with Environmentnl ��- <br /> . „ • As uuxl in this parugruph 20, "Hauirdous SubstAnces" uro those substances defined as taxic or hauudous substances by °!'� <br /> ' Bnvironmentnl l.uw und �hc following substunccs: gux�line, kcrosenc, other flummable or tozic petroleum Qroducts, toxic �,_ <br /> , � `+ ti �.------ <br /> pesticide4 and herbicides,volutilc snlvents, materinls contuining�tibestos or fornwldchyde,nnd rndioacUve mu�enals. As used in �r�,=P- <br /> ' tbis paragraph 20, "Environmental Luw' n�ns fixleral luws and luws of the jurisdiction where the PropeKy is lacated that --_- <br /> relate to health.sofety ar environmen�ul prrnection. �'� <br /> �� NUN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�rrowcr unJ l.endcr furthcr covcnant und agrcc as follows: �,. ,�,_. - <br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedicc. I.ender�hall Rive nodce to Borrower prior to acceleratlon following Borrower's breach �w�+��x'-�.-.�r•. <br /> � ot aoy covenant or agmement in this Security lnstrument (but not prior to acceleration underp�ragrnph 17 unless <br /> ° � appllcable law provides otherwisc).The nottce shall speclfy: (A)the defaulh,(b)the acdon required to cure the dei'ault; ti*-'- <br /> �. (c)A date,not le�s than 30 days Prnm the date the notice ix Riven to Horrower, by wh�ch the detault must be cured;s�nd .�r�°'��''��--� <br /> (d) llu�t failure lo cure the default an or bei'ore the dote speclfled in Ihe notice mpy result In acceleration of the sums •; ��" "� °�_ <br /> �� � ' eecured by thls Securlty In�trument and�nle af the Property. 7'he notice Rlwll iurther inform Borrower ot the rlght to . .,f�, °�` <br /> ' relnstate aRer accelers�tlnn and Ihe rlght to bring a courl action to assert Ihe non-extste�ee of A default or Any other =�"---- �— <br /> ��� �. detense ot Borrower to acccleratlon and sale. If Ihe defuult is not cu re d on or bePore the date specitied in the nottce, ' <br />; . •• . •- I.ender� At its opHon,moyrequirc immediAle payment in Pull of all sums secured by thts Sccurity Instrument without � <br /> ;�. further demnnd ond may invoke the power of sele and any othcr remedies permitted by appNcable law. Lender sholl be I <br /> ., . mtltled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedies provided in this paragrr+ph 21,including,but not 8mited `-�-..--�--.� <br /> • � to, reasonable attorneys'fc�es and costs uf'tille cvidence. }�`�;"`�'" _. <br /> If the power of awle is invuked. 7'rustee shall record a notice of default In each county in which any part of the ' � <br /> .� . •�, �� Property Is locnted and shwll mAil copies of such aotfee M the manner prescribed by applicnble law•to Borrower and to i•SiLi+IR�� -� <br /> the dher persong pt�e.ccribed by epplicnblc luw.After the time rcyuircd by applicable law.Trustec sholl give public notice "'-�= - <br /> • � � •� ' of sale to the persons and in the manncr presc�ibcd by applicablc law.Trustec. withoul dcmnnd on Borrower,shall seD � _ <br /> ' tde Properly at public auction to the hi�h�t biddcr gt the time and pls�cc and under thc lerms design�ted in the noUce ot �� "` "s�- <br />' • r• eale In onc or more parcels and in �ny nrdcr Trustee determin�s. Trustce moy postpone salc oi ell or ony parcel oP the ( � <br /> � =��''' '"� Property by public annuunccment Lt thc limc and placc oP any previouxly srhedulcd wlc. l.ender or fts desiRnee may ., <br /> .. purcl�esr thc Propetty at any sale. ' <br /> � Fam 3028 9Ia0 F <br /> � P�bo�B <br /> � � MC�3019-NE/S � <br /> •+ <br /> � _ <br /> - �- �----- . _ . <br />,��- —+i— —'--.._.-- .. - . <br /> \ <br /> " ' <br /> ( 1 <br /> J 7 <br /> � ' . . . -- ._ .. . �-— . . _ <br />