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- - "w.<►.�, r-� _ _� ,- _ . �,.-. . <br /> . ^.RG;RG'�.Yr---- <br /> ;� J� �. ..r. '�„r�+'ll:� Yll��f,'�.YfC"n7'.�J: � r�_�_� __.. <br /> �.✓ . .V :►���Q��,.,�_� �'�' • ••�,�•�:%7-". <br /> .I.� ��iF .-y�w�� . <br /> � . .. -=_.�.iii. ._. <br /> 'x.. .. . . ._. <br /> . 92— ;;i�44s <br /> :�— — ' periods thot Lender rcquirea. The inauronce carrler pro�lding the insuronce shnll be chasen by Borrowet Rubject to Lenderi� <br /> - V=,�� _ - - approval which�haii nw i�c unrcwKmaLly witiif�eid. If Buwwc�fail.ta iiiainiain.:ivcr.�ge dchcr{�:d:tlsovc.l.cndi:r tstuy,at - <br /> Lender 4 option,obtain coverage to protect Lender g rights fn�he Propeny in accordance wllh pan►graph 7. <br /> � All insurance polleies and renewals ahall6e acceptabla to Lender and shall include a s�undard mortguge cluuse. Lender <br /> - shall hnve the right ta hold�he po8cies and renewuls. If Lender reyuirec,Borrower shall pramptly give ta Lender all rcceipts <br /> � � ��� of pnid premiums end rcnewal noticec. In�he event af loss,Bortower shall give prompt notice to the in9urance ciurier ond _ <br /> �" l.ender. L.ender may meke proof of losa if nat msde promptly by Bonower. <br /> . Ilnless Lender und Borrower otherwise c►grce in wd�ing,insurance praceeda ahall be upplied to rcstoration ar repoir of <br /> �``�" • ' �he property damaged, if the res�oratbn or repair is economicolly feuxiblc und Lenderk ficcurily is not lesscned. If the <br /> -- rcstoratian or repnir is not econamically feosible or Lender�security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> �''y''�"�'��'�� upplied to the sums secur+ed by thia Security Inatrument, whether or not then due. with any excess puid to Burrower. If <br /> �"�"����'�'�,"':";' 8orrower nbandons thc Property,ar daes not answer wiihin�0 duys n notice from Lender�hat the insumnce currier hes <br /> � '��-'�'�•�` '� '�` offered to senle a clalm,then Lender may collect the insurunce pmceeds. Lender mAy use the proceeda to r�pair or restore <br /> �""°'!�• the Propeny or to pay sums securcd by this Security Insuument. whcther or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when <br /> ."`:' ,. - �;.�e�� the nodce is given. <br /> �_�,.;;�___,s;.,�t Unless Lender and Bormwer otherwlse agree in wdting, siny applicution of ptnceeds to p�incipal shnll not extend a� <br /> °=" •.,,. - postpone the due date of the monthly paymenle refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> � ` �"" "��.;.,•�.� under pamgraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Bortoweris right to any insurance policies and proceeda resulting <br /> - •� � from dumage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition eholl pacs to Lender to the extent of the aumr securcd by this Security <br /> , .. _ "';_,� instrument immediately prlor to the acquisition. _ <br /> -�� _��.`�`J:�:;,�• 6. Occupancy. Preservelion, hlaintenwnc�e �nd Protecllon oP the Property; Rorrower's Loan Applkatlon; - <br /> -��—, --��w� l.easeholds. Barruwer shall accupy,estublish,and use the Propeny us Borrower's pdncipnl resldence withln sixt�duys efter <br /> „ the executian af this Securiry Instrument nnd ahall cantinue�o accupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal rcsidence for at <br /> '��_�:-• � least one year afler the dale af occupancy, unless Lender aherwise ogrees in writing. which consent shall not be <br /> _ . unreaxonably withheld,or unleas extenuoting circumstuncea ezist which erc beyond Borrowenc�antrol. Borrower ahall not <br /> ;�r , v' destroy,damagc or impuir the Piropeny,allow the Propeny ta deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Horrower ahall <br /> -_ ` ^��`� � '�° be in default if any fbrFeiture action or praceeding,whe�her civil or criminal,is begun thet in Lender's good fallh judgment <br /> -- � "� could result in farf'eilure of the Property or otherwise matcrinlly impuir the lien c�ealed by thls Security Instrument or _ <br /> __� ;��r.:'�:`=`� Lender?s secudty intereKt. Borrower may cure such a defuult and reinstAte,ns provided in paragmph 18,by causing the action <br /> ;.•_�r- or proceeding ta be dismissed wl�h a ruling that,fn Lender x good faith detem�ination,precludes forfeiture of the BaTOwer's <br /> �..-� ;' ' ' . interest in the Property or other mnterial impairtnent of the lien creoted by this Seeuriry instrument or Lender's security -- <br /> �� ^ � interest. Borrower shall nlso .,e in default if Bortower. during thc loan upplicatbn process, gave materially felse or <br /> "-_^ .-,,�ri�'s,�. inaccurate informAtion or statements�o Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any mate�lal Iniormation)in connection wlth <br /> - -_ __ -� <br /> — � "� �` ���g��, tNe lonn evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, representationa conceming Borrower�s oecupAncy of <br /> ' ��'"•�•�� •°• ' Properry ati a principnl rcxldence. If�hi�:Security In�trument ix on a leacehold,Borrower shall comply with ell the provisions <br /> � • '.. of the lease. If Borrower acqui�s fee title to the Praperty,the leuxehold and 1he fee tide shall not merge unless l.ander AIIreea <br /> =� , - to the merger in writing. <br /> �: �. 7. Protectbn of l.ende�•s Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform•the covenents w�d ag�ne nts <br /> :,�:�+, „�, coniained in this Security Instrument, or �here is u Iegal praceeding thut may significantly uffect Lender's dghts in the <br /> - '"`4 �� ' Propeny(such as o praceeding in bunkn�ptcy,probate, for condemnution or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or regulation�).then <br />—__ �• ,. :•-' •• I.ender may do und pay for whutever is necessary to protecl�he vAlue of the Property nnd Lender's dghts in the Property. - <br />— •• - •� l.ender's actians mAy include puying any sums secured by a lien which has priarity over Ihis Security Inspument,appeazing <br /> -_ . in coun,puying reawiwble ultorneys'feex and entering on tbe Property to make repalrs.Although Lender may take acdon <br /> ° ' o••�'�• under this pumgrnph 7,Lender does not huvc to cb so. <br /> -:, , � Any umounts disbuned by Lender undcr this purugraph 7 shall ix:come udditionnl debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> _ ��. � .,,a„_, � Securily Instrument. Unlcss Borrowcr und Lender ugrce lo olher�ermti of puyment,these umounts shall bear intercst from the <br /> ' date of distwrsement at�he Note rate und shull be payuble,with intercst,upon notice frum Lender to Hornower requeeting <br />'�� payment. <br />" � . d"'"'""'�"" S. Mor! a e Insurance. If Lender re uired moA u e insurunce us u condition of mukin the loan secured b this <br />=:;�: . ' AB 9 � RS 8 Y <br /> � ,�', y,. Security Instnimem. Barower sh311 pay �he premiumx ree�uired to muintuin the monguge insuronce in effect. If.for any <br />_��,� � •> � �' • reusan, the mortguge inxumnce coveruge reyuirrd by l.ender lupsrs or crc��s �o t� in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> - � ,� premiums requir+ed �o obtain coverAge �ubx�untiully equivulent to thr monguge insuruix:e pmviously in effect, at a cost <br />�� ^'?-� •• - °• substantially equivulem�o the cost to Borrower oF�he mortgube in,urance previously in effcct, from an altema�c mortguge <br /> o , lnsurer approvcd by Lender. (f substuntially eyuivalenl mortguge inwrnnre covcruge is nut uvailable,Borcower s7�all puy to = <br /> " Lender each month n sum eyunl to onc-twelflh of the yrarly nx.ngugr inxurunce premium being puid by Borrower when the <br />'�"�. .,-'�1tl" insurunce cave�uge lapsed or ccatied to tx in cffect. Lender will uccept,use anJ rets�in these payment�i u.c a loss reserve in lieu - <br /> ��` � of mortgagc imurance. Loss rexerve puyment+muy no longrr hr rcyuired,ut thr option oF Lender, if monguge insurunce <br />�P• , ,�,�y_ "� coveruge(in the umount und for Ihe periai thut Lender n�yuire.)proviJed by un inwrcr approved by Lender ogain becames � <br /> ' fi`' uvuilable and is obtnined.Bortower shull p•ry Ihr premium. reyuircJ tu muiniuin monEuFc in.urunrc in effect,or to provide u _ <br /> '�f�;��� � . " Inxs reserve,until the nyuirement f'or mortguur insurunce rnd�in urcordimce wi�h uny wrinen agreement betwcen Borrower - <br /> - � � •• � and Lender or upplicuble Inw. _ <br /> .. 9. Inspectlon. L.endrr or i�+ngcn�muy muke rcu.onnhlr cntri�.u�xm anJ in.�xrliom of the Property. Lcnder sh•rll � <br /> � ,� ., give Bonuwer na�ice u�thr time of or prior to un inx�xction ,pecifyinE re��onublr rae.e liir the intiFxc�ion. ` <br /> � � • ; 10. Condemnetlon. Thc pnxccJ,of i�n�•uward or rlaim ti�r Jamag�.,dirert��r c�m�ryucn�ial,in ronnection with uny �. <br /> � T . . . SingkFamfl�••trnnlel►Ire/Freddkll�cl�NIF11K�11titiTNl'�1F:NT••l�niwm�Co�cnaa�, 9I4D i/wXe?ufApurt�•s� � <br /> - � . •. �real INrn Nuslneio■ <br /> •� Tn IMWr I:al IAO6fi36D393 O YA%61&791•�191 <br /> ii.. t <br />.s .. .. ..., l <br /> � ��� �� �' <br /> �� r�, � � ------ - - - -�-.�<. -.- . . . . . . , , .. <br /> ..., <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> . , ��;z�, .. � <br /> , . .. . ��, .t. <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> ,�� ' <br /> �' �-j _ - _- - <br />