o , r. . ,
<br /> -.__. y<•,h, �CI '- ._. .. . µ .... - __ �.rw.�r.......'�r__-aw�_=_ _
<br /> Y"�fi" • , -:r�- � -
<br /> r�..
<br /> � •�� . . - . �/ . �, , ';.•.:. _
<br /> , '�'"`�Ai.:u;';�"."� ...,.u...... . �_..... .. •.�.s"��t..�-
<br /> , 4 J --
<br /> � ''''�'�-� ���" � AUJU3TABLE RATE RIDER � •F 9�::1OSQ4Q
<br /> ;, ,
<br /> �• 11 Yeu Tra�wy Indrx•Rne Gps)
<br /> -.. �..�., -
<br /> �;'.'�
<br /> ° B, - — THIS ADJU�I'ABLH R/lTE RiDER I�m�dr tNi�_��d�Yot .ILR.Y . 19_42 ,
<br /> '` ��- - - - and b Incorporated iato end eh�ll he de�d to amend�nd cupplement the Mon�ye,Deed of 7rua,or SecurUy U�ed l�ha"Securlty ln�uument"10/
<br /> ,.: �:; ^�
<br /> ' '�;�5r+��•:�; ' the uma due{Ivsn by the undent/aed(tho"Borrower")to wcute Horrower's Adjup�ble Rue Note Uhe"Na�")lo Mt)ii8�ERALJ�iRAt.iD ` -
<br /> ° .;.....,.- `•.:•; �Q(the"[wnder••)ot the nme due�nd coverin�the ProP�Y�scribed in tbe SaudtY Inarummc wnd locn�d as
<br /> PARCEL As 1114 WFST LOUI3E PARCEL C: 2703 WEST 15T PARCEL E: 3548
<br /> �. (Property Add�eu)
<br /> _- ��,�;�R�l, . TMb wu co�w� ProrMlo�s dlowiy tor clau��a i■ my I■tereal nte��d inr moalAly
<br /> �'.> .�.,,�•�� x' p�yse�q.TAI��ot�dso Ilwfu IMt�wou�l�y I�ttnrl rntt a�cluqe�1��y oM pw��d
<br /> - �.,-.�a,,�",,,—� dto IM�Wl�ps�d IMe�i�nm►�q 1�at p�y.
<br /> �r-�- _ � r
<br /> � ife' ADDITIONAL COVENAN7'S.In�ddition[a the covenwna u+d�Rramrnq mrde in the Security I�utrument.Bonower and Lender
<br /> �.� :,
<br /> _� !a��.r. � iurther coven�nt+md��x a�follows:
<br /> �.,��,�1k..;,�iiu.
<br /> �� s.hs.:�-.�S»..:Ns.'. i
<br /> ? �' ' � The Notc provlda for an iniUal interat r�te of �-5 �11.Soction 4 of tho Noto provlda tor ch�nQa in the interat nte�nd the
<br /> �v:;�._. —
<br /> br•.•� • moathly paymenu,as followi:
<br /> 1� r • ,d�� aE� .
<br /> -•�`• . .-.�ti .. .�� ..s 1. /NTBREST RAT�AND MONTffLY PAYMBNT GHANOES - "
<br /> ; � '
<br /> ,. ��..:'!, , ... ° (A) CM��t D�ta
<br /> }. „ The interat nte 1 wlll pAy may chwnQe on�uc firct day of AUGUST ,19 9�,and on that dq every
<br /> �. � 12 _mon[hs chereaflea Each dwte on which my interat rato couW chan4e ia called a"ChonQe Date." _
<br /> , _ t .. -- _
<br /> � �:.'i.
<br /> (B) TMel�dea _
<br /> i''� � • Be�inninQ with the flr:t ChanQe Date,my inte�xst rate wfll be based on an Indea.The"Index"is the wakly averxQO yleld on United States
<br /> � " Trauury cecudtia adjwted to a con�tant matu�ity of 1 year,w mnde avwilpble by the Federol Raerve Bowd.The moct recent Index fiQurc �- °°
<br /> , " .•..._Ih.
<br /> � " , ��•, avail�ble as of the date 43 daya before each ChonQe Date Is ca11M the"Current Index."
<br /> ' . a '_t«.'4`��..'�' !f the Index i�no lon�er rvailabla,the Note Holder will chooso a new iadex which i�baad upon comparable intormqUon.The Note ��
<br /> _ ' ..l.r��'-�...4_.'6r
<br /> �+ Nolder wfll�Ive me noda of this choica.
<br /> -� � . — -
<br /> _s :� (� C�Icul�qow of C6���a
<br /> — � � _ «— F iiiR cenwae �c�ac:-
<br /> � '' Before each Ch�nae Dxte,the Note Holdcr will cakulate my new interest rAte by addin� - P�
<br /> " '� po{nt:(._L►.,_Q ni)to the Current Index and roundina ta Ihe nearest 1/6th of 1hi.eubjcet to the Ilmits stated in Sectlon 4(D)below.
<br /> � " � • , • Thi�rounded amount will be my new inlcrat rate until the next Chwnse Date. --
<br /> The Nole Holder wlll then determine�he amount of the mon�hly pryment�hpt would be sufficient to repay in iull the prfncipal t am
<br /> � ^'�� expected to awe on thot Chonpe DAte in substantinlly equsl paymcnu by�he ma�urfty datc at my new imerat rate.The result of thi:cwlculodon
<br /> " -� wlll be the naw amount of my manthly pa)�nent.
<br /> = ,e (D) 11�IU on 1�kru1 Ral�Cb�11{a
<br /> �.. • � ' The iMera� rate I am «qulred to pay at the Orst Chonge Date will not be �reatcr thon 12.5 Ni or Icu than ��'�
<br /> }� ' - 5,S �lY.Thereailcr,my interest rate wfll never bc increased or decreased on ony sip�lc Changc Date by morc thon '�►n -°-
<br /> !r ��
<br /> u�`. ,�,$rQ�.,}_from the rrte oY interest 1 have been payfnQ for thc prccedina tweive months.The minimum interes[rate on thf:lwn wlll never be _
<br /> ' �py�hu� �„5 9i ond the mnximum interat rate wfll never be Qreater than 12 5 9�• �
<br /> ��.. ,H �.i-
<br /> l ' (6) Elfectiv�f�te of CM�Kes
<br /> "' ' "d;i,,. V My new fntetat nte will become effectfve on e�ch Chanae Date.l wfll pay the amount of my new monthly paymrnt be�fnuln�on tha Ont ��
<br /> �,��� �w.:. .,n,. `-"---
<br /> y monthly payment date after�he Chan�e Date untH the amow�t oP my monthiy pnyment chanQa a�ain. � -�
<br /> �z:
<br /> (F) NoticeofClus�a � ��
<br /> " ''"`� �k The Note Holder wfll mafl or delfver to me a notice before each Chan4e Date.The notice wf II advise me of: �
<br /> . • � ., (i) 1he new interat rale on my loan as of Ihe Chonge Date;
<br /> - � �.r� �,., a . (iq the�maunt of my monthly payment followinR the Changc Datc; __
<br /> _ pll) any addltfonal mattert which the Nole Holder is required�o disclose;ond __
<br /> • �, (iv) the addreas of the aswcfation you could contact repordinp any quations obow the adjuatment notice. _—
<br /> .. . ��,:� `_ =-
<br /> � �=�'u'�' '.`• • B. CHARCE3;LIENS �'�,;,
<br /> ,. . Un{form Covenanl4 of the Security Instrument is omended to rwd as follows: �
<br /> � i 1, CYu�ai�•�rrowcr shall pay all toxa,ossasmenls,and other charges,ffnes,and impa�sf�fons attributable to the Property whieh mny
<br /> ' attain�priority over this Security Instrumcnt,and leasehold payments of ground rents,if any,in the manner provided under par�raph 2 hereof
<br /> � or,ft not�+ald in such manner,by Borrowcr makfng payment,when due,directly to the payee thereof.Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender
<br /> all notices of amounts due under Ihia paraaraph,and in the event Borrower shall makc payment direc�ly,Borrower shall promptly furnish Io
<br /> � , l.ender recelpts evidencing such pnyments. Borrower sholl promptly discharQe any fien which has priorily over this 5ecurlty Instrument;
<br /> � howcver, Borrower shall not be requlred to discharge any such Ilen so long as Borrower:Iv)�hall agree in wriUng �o the payment of the
<br /> i oblfaation sceured by such lien In the menner acceptable to l.ender;(b►shall fn good fai�h eontest such Hen by,ur defend again��enforcement of j
<br /> such Ifen in,k�al proradings whkh in the opMfon of Lender aperate to prevent thc cnforecment of the Hen or forfefture of the Property or any i
<br /> � part Ihereof;or(c1 shall secure ftom the holder of such Ifen an agreement in a form eatisf�ctory to Lender subordinating such lien to thfs F
<br /> ' �' ' Security Instrument. f
<br /> If I.ender determines lhot ull or any perl of the Propeny ic�ubje�l to u lien which may n��nin a priority over Ihis Serurft y Instrument, �
<br /> . Lender sha0 givc Borrowcr a notice idenNfying su�h Ifcn.Borrower shall satfsry such Ifen or�Akc one or more ot�ne ac�iona sei iorm aoovc r
<br /> ' wlthfn�en days of�he Qivfn�of the notfce. j
<br /> I
<br /> C. NOTICE I
<br /> � Unfform Covman114 uf the Sccurf�y Instrumenl is amcnded�o rcad a�followti:
<br /> 11. Notice.Ex�ept for nny nutfce required under applicable IAw�u hc given in anmhcr monner, lal onp notice tu B�rrower prrnided for in thh
<br /> f' ` Security Instrumcnt shall be gfven by dcNverfng it or by mniling it by fir.t cla5s mail ro Horrowcr at thc Property Addrrc+or at wch��thcr addre�. �
<br /> ' as Borrower may designate by no�ice to I ender us provided herein,ond Ih)any no�icr tn l rnder tihull be given hy firat clu��mnil tu Lender'�
<br /> �� " � address stalcd hcrcfn ctt w.�ch other addre+ti as!ender ma�•detiigna�e hy ru�irc to Horrower ati nm�ideJ hrrcin.Anp nrnirc prouJcd fur m thn
<br /> • Security Instrumem shall be deemed eo have lxen gicen w Hurruw�r ur I.ender uhen gi�en in th¢munncr de,ignatcJ hcrein.
<br /> i: , -b't
<br /> � �.�
<br /> 1 . -- -
<br />