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�.:. <br /> �� • --� -.-4. -:-�--_. <br /> �' _ <br /> M�- _. . -�»wm= <br /> - � ' - --_ - - � <br />, , E�. <br />,. a.:� <br />: � ���+T� 9�_ 1�� � . <br /> 1. hy�rMM►ta. [io+row�r �prM� to rn�ko �A payrTMnts on tM a�cur�d M�t wMn dw. Ur��a 8aruwar � lan3sr�res OMa+�vl�e. Rny �- <br /> paymants L�ndu rac�iwy f�om 6arow�r or lor So+rowc:'s M!raht w�tl h� �(x�ilsd fwct to any srt►ow�ts klor►ow�r owu on tTw �YCwYO daLt _ <br /> �xcwsiw of int�r��t a princip�, �coixl W k►t�Ihi�a��aMir�dW,w�pald k��h�i,l W�paY�nwu W tM�au,rsJ ds5i oCeari for any nr�an.ft w;�! <br /> not nduc�a weuw�ny�ch�d�8�d DaV�►t � <br /> Z.�y��p�wi j'��;,�.�x;oµ:: �;i!! p�y aM tezN,suMamMts.Md othw chwpq IttriDutsbii to lh� oputy wMn dw�nd wiN drf�nd titb <br /> to tM P►���kNt MY ci�lms whith wouW i+nDsk�wPP�ti�laCor r�ta+41s ta�Imprcw�o�y�imalitiWn th��WoD�tYK��ti rqht�.cfilmi ar � ,_ <br />' � drl��u w sawsr maY A�w�aiMt D+rtw� <br /> 3.�yM�,8orraw�r wiP kNpr th� proM�tY i�����tw-rtw se-c�ptaDN to l�ndar�t Barow�+'a�xpm���nd ta L�ndK'�D�n�tit. Ali � , <br /> � kK+xa+xa pW!c+a stuU kxlud�� �tww�ud n+atpaQ�c�au�aw thin Lr�iridi+'��d.`aui�n,to'wrfl M r�itaa4owYw rtp� c1 tt►s d�� P+Y��tY <br /> kuurattia po!,c�.Any Insura�uA procswii may b��pP�du�c�,Bo�rovwr+Orw�to rtWnta�n weh ina�rar►c�ta�s IonG aa l�nJ�t�quk�c. <br /> or to tM s�cur�d d�W.M Lw�d�r npuirw matpaW wuur <br /> �°=- <br />� 4.P�op�rH.Dwrow�+wiu kwp tew D��tY�0�conditlori and mak�sll r�psks nuo+wWV Musswv ' <br /> �•-.: <br /> 6.6xp�nsN.BorrowK sprNS to WY+�L��'����•���iMi0MD1��tlOiMyi'fw�.U Borrowet Dr��k��ny cownrnt�In thi�dMd �- <br /> oi truat or in�ny obNGatlon s�cund by thl�tiNd ol Vust.Bar�ow�r will pay tMaa�mcunU to Lw�s�D�ovtd�d{n Cownant 9 of tNs dMd of �_.. <br /> uwt. �i- <br /> �.p�Sac�ritv�ntN�aq.tlnMss BorrowN twst oDtaino L�ndK'a art(K�n eawnt.Bonow�r wi11 not mtks a p�rmk any cAanp�i to sny{xia 4'_- <br /> cacurity int�r�c�s. 8orraw�r wiil p�rtam 1�11 ot Ba►owu'a oblipation� undM any Prb� mortpsp�. dMd ot uust a otMt Ncutity pr�nt, _. <br />; inciudUip BotrowN'a cov�n�w+t�to msla paym�nts whu�dw. = <br /> 7.A of RN�ts�nd►ro�'�.Borrov�yt tsslpnfl to UtxNt th�rK►t���d ptofit�of th�propKtY. UNaw Bonaw�t�nd LW�Asve�OtMd � <br /> oth� c�I�wrltinp,Bc+row�r m�Y colhct and naln tM ronts �s lonq as Bonow�+ is not in d�fwtt. If Ba�owe d�tw�tc, L�nd�►. Undw'i `_ <br /> ay�nL or a court�ppoi�t�d r�csivw may tak� po�aos�ion�nd rt+�n�p�1M P��Y a^d�ct tM ��nts.Any nnts Undw colMcu s1w11 W <br />_ appl9�d tirst to tha costs o!msn+pi�p tM property, includinp c.ouA costs and �ttorn�at�����t��o��h�^t�nl�s+�y°� <br />_ �y nlat�d�xp�r�s��.?h��M+�+�O�+�+^�of nnL1 wilf th�n apNY to D=V�� --- <br /> 8 ����y,�q�q����p���U�t p�v�iopn�►q.Borrower+�pre�s to comt+N with tM previsionc of�ny k�ce H thic dNd ot t�uat ic o� <br /> a �autwid.If tNS dNd of uust 4 0��wut In a wndomk�Ium a�D�+�xwd w+it d�v�bpm�nt Borcoww wiN pwtorm�II of 8ortoww'�duti�t <br />_ � • unuar tt�wevw►ts.bY-�ws,or rquiations of th�condort��ium a P�wwd unit d�wkaPm�nt• — <br /> 9.Autl�o�ity of LMb�to P�lo�n�fa dottoww.It BwrowK fail�to pwform aoy ot Baravw►'s dutip undK tAU dMd o}trust.L�r�r maY <br />- p�rrorm or caus•ch�rn to b.pKsorm.a. Laxi�may slpn eortavwr•s n�m. «pa y any�mo��t i1�auw�o�+��.�t any — <br />!� caxuuction on tMptopwty 4 disco�tk�wd or not can»d o�in a nssomhl�ma►�r.LwWw may do what�wr b rnc�swY to prot�ct UndK'� <br /> tacurity inir�st in tM O��N. TNs ntay incM�oort�pt�tin0 ths oonstruetion. <br />�� l�ndK'�taiYr�m P�orm wiY not P��cM�d�I.�nd�r irom sxwelsinp anY u1 its ottw rlphta urb�th�law a tl�dMd o!trust. - <br /> a ant!w�Y�bwUi t�ui tiom�tMtdaU of�tlNLps�Ym�nt u�n�l'�Daidt n�ivll at tt+�i hUr�is�t nDUY hi(f��ct on th�s�c�id d�bamounu wiU b�dw on d�rtw�d <br /> -'� 10. ONM+It�nd Aoai��eion. If Borrow�r fats to mai.s anY P+Y�t whe^ d'»°r brNka any cownant� wW�r tN�dMd of trust or snY <br /> d ma d irt�st�WYm�nt�nd may h��i p�O+��at sa i�ind�e'Y���rnid�� p�rmRt�d C�atWPYcabN 1aw�ity ot tt�s�axW d�ht K�d <br />- � ».R.a+••e fo.Noae.oe ah.,�r�.ev naws�.a n++e�o�.e�cn.�o�c.s o�ara� s�.a.«u eo.,on p.►.on wno :..w�r <br /> ttw bdr�ot�ach wch CKSO�+.�+sst tortl�Mnin. <br />--� 12.Povru of tal�.If tf+�Urw�InvokM ti+�Pcvr�cf sa1�,the Tnwta sh�Il gint rwwd i�th�offia af tlM nyitt�r of dMd�of ach counry . <br /> wh�ntr�tM Vust prop�rhl a wrtN P+�t a 9K��'�f is sitwtld a notiu ot O�fsu1R cont ttN Intormation r�qukW by law.Tft�TnutM <br /> � shaM�o mail copMs o}tM notla of d�fadt to t!w 6ortowK. to�ach p�wn who w�P+rtY��to.and to otMr prtons u pr�a1b��d�Y <br />._'! �plicaW� Isw. Not Nu th�n on�n+a�aftK tt� TnutM ncords tM notic�of d�f�ult. a two months it fi�trwt p�°P�rtY� <br /> ] incorPorat�d cit5►or�+U+4�and 'u us�d in farminpop�atiorn ca►riW on bY tM vu�t«. tl�rnutw sh�M piw W+��notla ot aaN to tM pKSOne <br /> and in tM mxw�O��saib�d b M►��law.TrwtN,without d�mmd on Borrow�►�ahs0 tNf tM P��tN�t D��auctlon to tM I�iOMit <br />—a T�maY�postpaw NN of��ll�Y Daraltof�D�aPK►Y bY pu�a oHw�n�t u t�h��W'rn�in�d�iPlaa of MYrP�vio�uN sd�d�� <br /> Iaid�r ot Rs dniww msY D����P��Y u�1P ssN. <br /> Upon r�� �t of pa t of d� D�1c�bid,TrwtM itw:i da:ivx ta the P��+�Tniatee'e deed oonwYU+9�P��l►.Th�r�citiW cOnt�if»0 tn _ <br />— Tru�t�s dad�D��tacM avkli�nc�of tM ttuth of th�sUt�rtwnts contairrd 4��k+.TrwtM shsll�pplY th�ProcMds of th�saM it�th� <br />— tc�Yowinp ordK: (N to �11 �xp�rrss of tM ssM, i�cq+din0, but �ot Gmit�d to, nssawbt� TnutN's i�, nuonaW� attom�y's fNS and <br /> rw�stst�u tMS:(bl to all wnw s�cund bY thU ds�d of uw�md(G ttw Wlana,if th�Dwsans fWaWY MK*Wd to naiw R. <br /> 13.Fa�e�r�.At I.�r�r'�optbrt.Ws dMd of uust msy D�fonciw�d in ths maMe�Drovide by a�7icaEf�law tor ta�cioc+x�of matpapa <br />—_ on��al PropwtY• <br />— 14.Insp�etlon.L��der may�nt�r tM PropsrtY to inepact it if tand�r piwa Bo�rowr e+ode�b�foahand.Th��otic� must stat�tM►�a�onahw , <br /> -; caus�tw I.�ndu s rrpktion. <br /> tb.Co�d�nnWor�.BoROww n�to UndK th�p�oeMds ot any awrd a ctalm for ms�s ca+n�ciad with a wod�mnation or othM taklrW <br /> � Thla�M��+W�t to tM wrm of any priu <br /> � of�W���1tw D��Y�uch OrocMds will b��DD�d a P�ovb�d in Cov�tiant 1. <br /> 16.W�.By�xwcislrp�nY � avail�bt�to l��►.L�ndr dou not awup��*W riphu to I�t�r us��ny otMr nmsdY•BY rot �x�rcislnG <br /> _ . any►r�dY upon Bonowr'�d�twtt, doa�ot waiw�nY rlpht to btw con�d�r sh�v�nt�d�faua a a n�pp�w q�ln. <br />_ 77. Joist �nd EMral WO�e1I'�Cv-�►ws:�+eeMSOn �nd Aul�w taa�d. AW dutlw und�r Ws dMd of irwt an jdnt �nd�wrM. Any <br /> - Borrow�r who co-sl�tt�d of trust but dws not casipn tM und�rlvino 6�bt InsVUrtfwu(sl dus w onlY to�nnt and conwy tfWt <br /> —= Borrowws i��st in tt�prop�rry to tM TnistN undK tM tKm�of thU dMd oftrust.In aOditJa+,wch a Bonow�r syr�s tf►�t th�L�snd <br /> - sny otlwr Bortoww undK thk dwd of Vust may uct�nd.eadifti a m�k��ny otMr chwg�s in tM tKms of thi�dNd of trust or ttw s�cur�d <br />�, d�bt witAOUt th�t Barow�'i ca�w�►t�nd without nMawip that aorcovvw nom th�tKnr o thi�dMd of Vu�i. <br /> -�' Th�duws�nd b�n�fits of tNs dwd of Uwt st�aU hind and bu�fit tM auccaaon�nd aulOM ol Lwd�r and Bortoww. <br />'� 1f.Notky.UnNss ottwrwia r�quirsd by law, anv notla to Borrow�r sha116��iwn Dy dNiwrirq it or by m�ilin0 it by cwtif'Nd msii addnss�d to <br /> � Ba►own at tM prpp�ry ad�reu or�_ roU»r sddras th�t 8onow�r hac alvrri to L�nd�r.Borto`wr wiN plw�ny noUa to Undw by c�rtiflb <br />._� mail W U+�de's sddr�u on PaW 1 at titis d��d ot trutL or to any ottw�ddrss�wAich L�ndr has d�sipn�d.My oUrr noUc�to L�rwlr shY� _ <br /> ��t t,o l,�nd�s•�addrw as statsd ce paps 1 of thb dwd of vwt. <br />:=', My rotiu nhaY O�dw�d to hrv�bwn ylwn to BarowK or Lwd�r wh�n qiwn in c!w man�stst�d abow. <br />.�=� 19.Tnnaiu of ttM PeupwtY or�B�nMaiN Y�qrMt tw tM EoROw�r.M�II a any pK-t o}th�Prop�rty or any intaest N it is sofd o. trmsfsrcw� <br />��.� witfaut L�Wr's piw writun�+4 �«��Y 6�msn4 inwn�d'i�t� D�Y�+►ent of ths s�cund d�bt. Le�dte rnay Ww d�rtand imrtwdiau <br />•_�=� d�m�and piymen�tlw�sbo�n�siw��rt�poh bt�d by t�at�i ai ot�r d�tgi o�f��dNd of V«us� far�t. How�wr. L�d�r may not <br />�� 20.R�eonNY�.Wh�n tfN oDliQati�e^s�ai►�d by this dwd of trust haa b�P�id u►d L.��dor hss no turtMr cClqatlon to mai�e�dvsnc�s - <br />—� wbM tM insUUm�+its ac �m s�cuad DY thic dMd of�TnntM ehal�upon writt�n nqustt bY tlrs Und�r.nconvsy tfw trutt <br /> "_ prop�rty.TM Urd1��hafl�wr to t!w t�Borrow�r'.wccasw in iap�t�a.tM t�ut dNd snd th�rrr�w othu.vkMnce of the <br /> _.�, o6Yqatan so satisfi�.Bwrow�r ihaY WY any ncordation costs. <br /> �� <br />°� 21. Suoe�wa Tn»w. L�rnt�r� �t L�nd�r'e optan, may nmovs TnutN s�d appolnt a sucussor trutte�by fkst, rt►a'�inp • copy of th� <br /> wbstitudon of VuttN+s rsquirM by appNcabi�law.�nd tf�n. by fili�ths wbttitution of vustN fo�neord in tiw offia of tt��eqkta of dMde <br /> of�ach eaintll i�which tM tlust prop�rty,or sort�Pxt tMreof,is srtuat�d. Ths useaoaor trustM,without conveymce of tM PropwH.shW <br /> wca�d to�th�Pov�rw,duti���uttwnty a��d tit3�of ttw TrustM namb in ths dead o1 trust arb of any succsssor tru�tw. <br /> f <br /> . z. <br /> dp+p�2 0121 <br /> M1YIfK tYSTHIi.MC..ST.r.iOUD.1W N701 I1JOF7lT•��411 F011M OCR�ITG-ME�/1�/!1 <br />