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<br /> • - ot sple,aad ide sAle,iacludinQ the payment ot lhe 7lrustee's Pees actually(ncerred,not to exceed 3 a qb oi
<br /> .._ = the princip�l amount o�the nMe At tbe tlme of the deciw�tlon ot defoult,and rea�onpbie attorneys�tees as permitled
<br /> _;'� by law;(b)to ali wnt�cured by th(s 3ecurity Iastrument;pnd(c)nnny exaxss to Ihe peraon ar persons IeQally entitled
<br /> - to iw
<br /> ' '" 22. Reconveyaace. Upon puyment of all aums secured by this Security Inatrument, Lcnder shall request'Ihstec lo
<br /> - reconvey the Property ond ebell sumender this Secu�ity lnstrument�d all nate4 evfdencing debt secured by thia Secudty
<br /> Instrumcnt to 7lvstee. 'Itustee shull rerunvey the Property v�ithout wurrunty and without charge to the person or persons
<br /> '.,-• legplly entitled to It. Such pereon or pensona shall pay any recordation coats.
<br /> 23. 3ubstitute 7Fu�tee. l.ender,at its option,may from time to time remove 7tuatee and eppoint a successar trustee to _
<br /> �- ` I� I� . � I �I any 7tustee appointed hereunder by An instrument recarded in the county M which thia Security instrument is recorded.
<br /> � "�°' Without canveyance of the Property, the successor trustee ahali aucceed to uU the dtle, power and duties conferred upon
<br /> ��"'��� 7ivetee herein and by epplkable law.
<br /> ��-� 24. Request Por Nqikea Borrower requests that copiea of the notices of default and sele be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> _°'" which is the Property Address. _
<br /> �=��-:;�;�:� 2S. Riders to tbis Securlty Inst�umen� If one or mare dders�ue executed by Borrower and recorded together wi�h -
<br /> �� _-.fl���:.,, ihis Security Instrument. Ihe covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shali amend and
<br />- ��'..�'":;; supplement the covenm�ts and agreements of this Seauriry Inabument as if tha rider(s)were a part of ttiis Security lnsuumeM.
<br /> '• ``.°'� [Checkapplicablebox(es)1
<br /> .�.����
<br /> Pr-'..,-.
<br /> ����`.� ' ''� �AdjastaMe Rate Rider �Condominium Rider 1-4 Family Rider ��,
<br /> - �• a,�...
<br /> ��' ,
<br />� " ��,: :'°��' ;'-;;;";�,,, �(irrduated Payrnent Rider �Planned Unit Uevelopment Kider �Biweekly Payment Rider �_
<br /> , •_ ��'•' - :s�,• o,,,,s.
<br /> -- �� '�»����*�'� . �Belloon Rider �Rate lmprovement Rider �Second Home Rider ,
<br /> _ ,
<br /> �����': .:: �X other(s)lspec�fYl =—
<br /> "_ �, • � �^�, �. BY SI(iNING BELOW.Borrower accepls und ugrees to the tartns and covenants contained in this Security Insuument
<br /> ���"' �, and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> -_ ., • . .:� �
<br /> :��ti��;:--. �•�.,:,T Witnesses:
<br /> ti..: y 1,�,. �
<br /> _- �,�,,•�,r..s��' L �� �r���-.,1 �Seai� --
<br /> �.,. . KENNETH R. ANDERSON •��rro+er
<br /> ,, :w„ � Social Security Numbe� 506-46-2C90
<br /> ;� .
<br /> . "�s. . e' °�C�S`''�� �'/f�'�+n°�"��^-� (Seal) --
<br /> �' ��_.. FAE D. ANDERSON -Bnrrower
<br /> ry- _ Social Security Number�❑R_4H_3H03
<br /> � . :•yy�,•,. —
<br /> ,����.>�..:.,,�,,,,.. STATE OF NE6RASKA. HALL County ss:
<br /> �' ., "`�" � On this pzNp duy of JULY, 1992 ,before me,the undersigned,u Ncuury Public _
<br /> �` „��;���" duly commissioned and qualit`ied for said county,personelly came KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND FAE 0. ANDERSDN, _
<br /> �a ' HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to mc known to bc ihe
<br /> `:t• .w,�;� � identicul persons(�) whosc nume(s)nre subscribed to thc foregoing ins�rument and eclrnowledged the execution thereof to �v-
<br /> ' Y� ���"'l � T H E I R volunwry uct ond deed.
<br /> �:,�'.�;� ,Q Wimess my hund und notarial seul ut Gf�AND ISLAND, NE6RASKA in said counry.�he
<br /> ���,:, . dute aforesnid. ������ ,
<br /> -,.� -a�=�'-�---• My Commisaionezpi • p���L
<br /> Vv,'w"'''y�`.: IYqI Wmin.f1t NOII.23.1995 Noury F�uDYc �-'�
<br /> � .d � � �
<br /> at�*..r1�dE `� b TO TRUS'i'EE: --
<br /> ,, �a.. � • The undersigned is �he holdcr of thc notc or notes secured by this Deed of'ilust. Suid note or notes,together with all �`
<br /> ' ''''�' � , other indebtedness secured by this Dced oF'IYuxt,have becn paid in full. You :uc hcrcby directed to cuncel u►id note or noles
<br /> ^ and this Deed of 7tust,which are delivered hereby,and to rcconvey,without wurranty,all the estote now held by you under �N,
<br /> • ,�,� -, .
<br /> • this Deed of 7Fuyt to the person or persuns legally entided thereto.
<br /> i
<br /> � : �4 �:� . Date: '' � � �s.
<br /> ..� . Form 302K 9/90 (�wRe A nJ6 pa�rsl E►.��
<br /> . .. �r-.
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