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F <br /> HORKUw'GR CY)VENANT5 thYt kk�m►N•er i�lawfully►ei�at of�l�c cati►tc txrnhy�v�o��eyal:uxl h�.c ihc riyht to Q�r�tii:ux1 -- <br /> ..unc�• Ak Pn+pen�• u,►J tlwe �he Pn�cny ic unencun�►�ai. cxc.�+t G�r c:�cwubruxe�uf r�v,n1. W�m�w•cr warc�tusi wxl will _ <br /> tkt�i�1�c�x�ally the litk tu II�c Pi.�>>>�ait�.l all clainu tttxl ticnt:►n1s, wbjcct tv u��•��ku;��rir�:.s cjf��ucl. i <br /> 'f'i115 5i:t'URiTti IIVti1l2UI�1ENT�Y►n�+iue:u�ufi�r►►i ra�LCiunts fw'►utl�n�1 u�c ar�s1�w►•u�ati�+u�ti��endtus wilh lintitod _ <br /> vari�iw�..h�,�l1fISllll'1►1N1 Ul lY�1lU1ILLIC:1 Ui11f.tTA1 SLtiUTIIy' �tU1T1i111CitF CGYMIII$T:z)(►t�y�eny. - <br /> �INi1�Un�1 Ci)VGtiAI�TS. &,rct�u�zr•.ni txndcr rn�•tna�u wu!aercc as fi�lluwa: whd� due the -- <br /> 1. Pyymeal uf iM�wriptil �ad latera,t: f'rePs�swwt vad L.ate Chxc�tr. Sarraw�er shall �u�un�+tlY {�:►)' - <br /> prirkip:!of;uxf intercst on the deLw e�•ideriae�cf b�the Note�rl w►Y FurpaYm:ru�nd l:�te cl�r�es�dur under the Nc�te. — <br /> 2. Fua� for Twer attd lasw'aace. S+►bjrct to y�plicable law ur t��•r written w•�+i�er by l.etxkr.Borrow•cr shall pay ta _ <br /> Len;tcr on the cia�•nwiuhly p�ynxius are due uixter the Note.ucuil the Noce is p�id in full,u wm('Funds')far:(al yearly taxes <br /> ancl a�sr��xnts which n�y:ut�in priority o�•er this Sc�urity Inu�ument as a lien cx�tl�Propeny:(b)y�arly leaselwld paymcius <br /> or grau�d rents nn the Prc�+�ny,if any:(cl y ear{v haz�rd or propeny insurunoe�tuums:(dl yearly ilood insur�nce pKnuums; <br /> if any: (el 5'eariy nxutgu�e insurance prenuunu. if any: aad ltl any wn►s payable by Borrow•er co Lender, in s�ceontancr <br /> the pmvisions of parqtniph 8.ih lieu of the p�>�ment o�nartga�e iiuur�nce preauums.71xse itemc are calleci 'Escrow[teuu." <br /> Lender c�uy. at uny tinx. collxt and hold Funds in an anxwnt not to exceed the ataximum zuu�ount a lender for u fedcrally <br /> retatod a�ongage lc�an�uy roguiee for Borrow•er's escrow aa.rowu under the foderal Re�l Guate SetUanent Proc�dum Act of <br /> 1974 u,c anxndod from time to tin�,. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 rt seq. ("RESPA"1,unlas andhet law tl�t applies to the Fuir,Ss <br /> . sets a les�er amount. if so. l.ecKkr m�y. u �+�y time.oallect atd hold Funds ia an a�nount rnot to ezc�d tt►e lesser am�oac�t, <br /> Lender m�y� atimate the an�aunt of Fuculs duc on die[�.,sis of curc�eat daw and reasonable euiu�tes of expenditures of futuce <br /> Escmw Ituns or eKherwiu i�a�oc�tYlanoe witti;t��plic�hi�L•►w. inutwnecw�[ity. or eotic}r "` <br /> The Funds shall be held in an iauitution WHc�sc d�posits are iitsural by a foderal agency. �,.. <br /> (ineluding Leucler. if l.a�dor is wch an inscitution)a im auy Foderal Home I.oao Bauk.La�der s�t�a11 zPPly the�IS to pay tQ�: <br /> Escrow Itans. [.�nder n�ay not ch�rge&�rrower for E�okfit�and s�pp{yinr tbe Funds.amwally ac�ajyzing tbe escrow�ecounc,�r <br /> �uifYins tt�e Escrow Itans. unless L.ender pays BorroWV�ac interest an the Fundc and zppl�cable I•rw p�-rmus lxnder to m�ke sucR� <br /> • a chuge.HoK�ner,Lerder rn�y nquirc Borrow•er to�y a oir-rime ctwrge for an independati cr�l�tace tax rcpo�UnB�'� _ <br /> usod by Lcttider in connection with this lou�. udess �pticabk law provides otherwise. URtte.cs an agreetnent is �u�de w _; <br /> appticable!aw requires inumt to be pa�d. i.ender sh�ll not be roquind to pay Borrower any inteaest or eamings on the Fuads. � <br /> Borrowtr aod I.ender may �,gree in wridog, twwe���at interat st�all be ptid on the F�nds. I.�der st�ll give to BoRnwu. <br /> '' without charge.u�annual �coounting of the Fundc. showing crodiis a�td dobiu w tAe Fw�ds�ww9 ehe purpose for w�ieb each <br /> � debit to the Funds w�s m�de.The Funds ue plodged as addition�l security for all su:m socured�}�tl►is Securiry ti�utn+nxnt- _- <br /> If the Funds held bp�ader exceod the amou:us perautud to be txkf by app�icab]e law,l.ender st�ll acuouat to Bon+�wer _ <br /> f�x the excess Fuods in�ecvcdarxe with ttr requirunesus of applicable law. If the amoucu of the Fuads txld b�I.entla at u�y <br /> • dme is oot sat�tC"�cic�t to pay the Escrow Uzs�zs whe:n due.t�raeder may so notify Borrowu in writcc� suc��e Barro�es <br /> shall pay to�'r the amount na�essary ua a�lce up the defieiency. Borrower shal!make up t�x 3eficieoc.Z+ is uo moc�e•tG�;scn <br /> _ L':".�9C:!"'.�l�.�`���vwvntc,11t Ir.f�der'ss�Pie(�i51`SetioO. ---.----_ <br /> UPon PaYment ia fuil of all suros sz�aa�f by this Sa..^uriry Iaurumrnt. Lender shall 1x�omlxly refua0 0�tionvvva m9 -- <br /> Ftwds held by Lendcr.If,under paragrapb 21,Lendei st�ll acquire or sell the Property,l.ender.Prior to the aoqvisitiou or sak _ <br /> �. of the Property.shaq apply any Funds 6rJ'r,L by l.a�der at the time of aoquisition or sale as a creci�t�sintt the sums socund by <br /> . this Sxuriry inshlunent. <br /> . ' 3.Applicotion d'P�ymeots.Unless applicable law provides othuwise.�ll paymetus�ix��B lby I.etder uuckt pars$ra�rhs <br /> � fi:ind 2 shall be a�plied: fra5t,to anY P�P�Yment ctu,.�;:s duc under the Note: sec�avad, to�unounts payable under paragr�ph 2: -. <br /> ' 'tlxis'd.W inteirst due:fov�,�w ptincipal ci�e:and lasff,t�,a any lat�charges due undec she Note. <br /> 4.C'�arqes; Lie�e. Bamnwa shatl(x�y all taxes. acsessments.cisarges.fiaes aad impositions attritwtab�:tu tbo Propesty <br /> which uszy attain pROrity' over this Secucs�:fnstnia�es�t.aad leasetwld payencnts or g�+au�d reats. if any. Bomowa stulY�+ - <br /> thae obligstioas in the cc;t�xw provided ia P�ragrapD�,or if not ptid ia that manner.Borrower s6�ll piy tl�em on time dis�n.'�J1y <br /> �tAe person owed paym�u[.Borrowu sh�ll promptik C'rrmish w L.endor all notioes of amounts w be paid aader this p�rsgc�• <br /> ' ��iL Bostewer mak�s these pru�uxuts dirxtly,Borrow�er�']pmmptlY fumish w l.eader rooeipts evidtacing tb��ents. <br /> Borrower stsall promptfy disclLarge aay lien wisi��s priority over this Socurity iastnuoeac uokss Bo�scs�:fa)�ees in <br /> � �riting to the prya�a�c of the obligarioa se+�-ured by tbe liea in a maaaer acceptable to l.ender: Eb)�in good faith tIse.Gr� <br /> . by. or defeads against eaforoemenc oF tL'�e lien i�1r�3a1 ProaodinSs which ia the L.ender's opinion opa�te w W+e"ent t!� <br /> eaforcemrnt of the IieA:or(c)securrs from the hoU,�ar of the lien an a4greeatwt satisfactory to I.a�dec subot+dinatin8 ibe lieu w <br /> this Security Iaurument_ LL'Emder determines that�,part of the Propwty is sulslact co a liet�which m�y att�in priority ova <br /> . this Sech:rity lr�suva�eat,Leader mzy giYe Borrowu a not�oe idustifying the liea.�iorrower shall satisfy the lim or take oae or <br /> more of tt�a xtioas set foN��bova wi�itirx IO days of ttx giving of notice. <br /> � � iom�3G28 Yl90 <br /> � wp.�as <br /> i <br /> f . . <br />