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<br /> ..-` ABSTQNM�NT OF RENTS RID�It 92'"' 10��,
<br /> , , , ��.}js«.�
<br /> ' " � � THIS A88iaNMENT OF RENTS RIDER ie made and exec�uted thie
<br /> ,° ' 16th day of Jul , 19 92, and ie inaorporated� into and eha�l
<br /> . ... . .,
<br /> : °. 1�;,;;;,:;;;�,: ;;a.� . ' Fie deemed to amen and eupp�ment the Mortgage or Deed of Txuat,
<br /> � �- �°�" �� � � ` hereinafter referred to ae the "8eaurity Instrumont", of the eame �--- _ --
<br /> . s'�I'ii:AfY�+1ue'�i`tl3�iu3i
<br /> � �•F- ,�:= dete given by the undereigned, hereinafter referred to ae tbe
<br /> '6�"'L'�"�'�'' ' ��Borrower��, to secure Borrower�s indebtedness, hereinafter
<br /> �,: ��.s . .
<br /> h :K:+:,�.V. referred to as the ��Note°, to HpME FSDERAL SAVINaB AND LOAN
<br /> ` "`` �� � � ASSOCIATION OF (3RAND ISLAND, hereinafter referred to ae the
<br /> �"� � � " ��Lender", of the same date and covering the property described in
<br /> - -- � ' � ����;'` the 8ecuri.ty Inetrwaen� and located at s
<br /> ......,�., ..` � _ �,
<br /> • ' 2512 Cochin, Grand Island� Nebreske 68801
<br />_���•x�r� r� .-�� (Property A ess)
<br /> h
<br /> /�:!�.....,�:�:.�'�°�.�: �,
<br /> ---- WITNE88t�TH s
<br /> :_�:�---�-� . : : • T ---
<br /> -�`-' WHBREAB� Borrower a�nd Lender ha�ve ngreed that eny rents and ___ _
<br /> {� � ,� . ., _� .'
<br /> •} ':' , .. profits attributable to the property ehould constitutie additional
<br /> security to the Lender for the payment of the Notef __
<br /> �-
<br /> � "� NoW, THEREFORE, 11: is aqreed that the Security Inetrwnant
<br /> - _. °`�` shell be amended'hereby and deemed to inalude tho followittq pro-
<br /> ` ��r'�` visions s
<br /> � � �
<br />--:.r �� .�� :� 1. Ase{�+�ent of Rente and L�nder Renta]��ollection Riarhte.
<br /> Horrower hereby absolutely and unaonditiont�lly aseigae all rents, ��.� N
<br /> �' • •'� ' �'- = i�suss �nd profite nf *hA property to Beneficiary. Lender shall ,
<br /> „ .
<br /> � have the right, power and authority durinq the continuance of the ��;-
<br /> � Security Inatrument to collect the rents, issues and profits of =.
<br /> ;;,:; the property and of any personal proper�y �ocated thereon with or � �'`
<br /> •� without takinq passession of the property affeCted hereby. �+�.;_.
<br /> � Lender, however, hereby cansente to Borrower�s collection and `
<br /> retention of auch rents, iseues and profite as they accrue and �'
<br /> � L.v..���_.�.:
<br /> "',�^w� �� become payable, ea lonq as Borrower is not, at such time, in �::�
<br /> � ...,r. default with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured �����
<br /> � +"� hereby, or in the performance of any agraement hereunder. �_:_� `
<br /> * , 2. �oointment of Recetver. If any event of default in �_�,.,
<br /> �� respact to the Seaurity Instrument shall have ocaurred and be =�"' - -
<br /> i continuinq, Lender, as a matter of right and withaut notice to �
<br /> � `,�y'TMf,.. „ Borrower or anyone claiminq under Borrower, and without regard to ----
<br /> � ' ' � �he value oE the trust estate or the interest of �he Borrower �r�..�,
<br /> � � therein, shall have the right to apply to any cour� havinq juris- �'���=��= �
<br /> "�� ' diction to appoint a receiver of the property. G==° -
<br /> � _ _=
<br /> �•�� � , 3. $,�.aht to Poesession. In case of default in the payment �='-���
<br /> ' ' �' of the eaid principal Note or interest, or any part thereof, as ��'�'' _
<br /> it shall mature, or in the case of feilure to keep or perform any �.': ,•. '`�k
<br /> :=�� I•� of the covenants or agreements contained in the Security Instru- � ��
<br /> ' y ment, then the Lender, ite euccessora or aseigns, shall be and is � , .
<br /> hereby autliorized and empowered to take immediate posseseion of j
<br /> ti ttie said pr.emisea therein described and to collect the rents
<br /> � therefrom, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of �
<br /> � the Note. ;:
<br /> r'
<br /> 4. gQolication of Rents. issuea and Profita. Al1 rente � �
<br /> , collected by Lender or the receiver ehall be epplied first to
<br /> payment of the costs of management of the property and collection .
<br /> ` of rents, including, but nut limited to, reoeiver's fees, premi- '
<br /> .�.__� ums on receiver•e bonde and reaeonable attorney�s fees, and then �
<br /> � �o the eums secured by the security Instrument. Lender and the
<br /> receiver shall be liable to account only for thvse rents actually
<br /> received.
<br /> 5. Constructioa of provisione. Each of the provieiane con-
<br /> � tained in thie Aeaiqnment of Itente Rider and the security InBtru-
<br /> ment shall, unless otherwise specifically required, be construed
<br /> i in accordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any provision
<br /> { herein or therein contained shall be determined by a court of
<br /> I c�mpetent juriediction to be unenforceable, the eame shall be
<br /> � � construed as though such' unenforceable provieion were not a part
<br /> hereof or thereof.
<br /> � i 1 �
<br /> ► � . ,
<br />