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�i. i .. ; ' v�'.awt.r�.�'4"L,.�..Z:: <br /> . ',� .. _�, �, vl�,.;, .�.�:��� -fl1�C = -__ <br /> _ _ rlKy.�!'.: '— _ <br /> �yS`"_+.1�_"__.- <br /> ��� . � <br /> , _.,�_...____ <br /> ' ���rrnw�---• ♦ -_--�..-..._� .--..___; __' ' <br /> n 7�� •�E-'. ,. • •'�,=. _ <br /> .. � � ,.=� ,j� i,:++lp�b� ��� -- � <br /> . --• � ��,.�ra�A', I II �tr, �_�,,: =- '_�� <br /> .. .. •y� , -_.:a �7f�'—� <br /> � 92-- 1�6412 <br /> ' �i condemnalion or other taking of any p�ut of 1he Property.or for conveyoncc in lieu of condemnAtion.erc hereby assi�ned wid <br /> -- j; �tu�ll be paid to Lendor. <br /> — -- �; ln the event of a wtel taking of the Pruperty, the procecds shall be upplied to the sums Recured by thia Security <br /> -- - ��°;, Instrument,whether ar nat then due,with any excess paid to Borrawer. In the avent oF n puniul tuking of the Property ln <br /> '� which the fuir m�rket value of thc Praperty immediately before the taking i�equul to or greuter ihun ihe umount of the sums <br /> _ --� secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the toking,unle4s Borrower and Lender otherwixe agree in writing, <br /> ""����� the sums securcd by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following �_ <br /> `;;,,—�...._�: fraction: (a)the tatul amount of the sums xccurcd immediately bePore the taking,divided by(b)Ihe fair market valus of the _. <br /> PropeAy immediately 6efore the taking. Any balsutce shall be paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a puAiul taking of thc <br /> ;,� Propeny in whtch Ihe fair m�uket value of Ihe Pmperty immedietely before the taking iR less than the umount of Ihe gums <br /> �n����� secured immedia[ely before the taking. unless Horrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicnble law <br /> --- -- otherwise provides,the proceeds shnll tw opplied�o Ihe sums secured by this Securiry Instrument whether or not the suma are <br /> —�'"°'"�� ttun due. <br /> — - - - If the Property i�abandoned by Bortower.or if,after notice by Lender ro Borrower�hat the condemnor offers to make <br /> _.�r.,.�,_,�.M._ <br /> �'-'�� ' nn uwarcl or setde u claim far damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lender witS�in 30 duys ufter the dute the notice is given, <br /> ----.=__--- Lender ia uuthorized to collect and apply the proceed�:,at ita option.either to restoratian or repair of the Property or to the <br /> - sums secured by this Securlty tnstrument,whether or not then due. <br /> �— = Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting, any upplicution of praceeds to principal shall na extend or <br /> — --- postpone the due date of thc mon�hly payments refeRed to in paragmpha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> ------ il. Borrower Not Relewsed; Forbearance By Lender Not A Waiver. ExtcnRion of the tlme for payment or <br /> ' modification of amortizatian of the sums securcd by this Security Iriatrument granted by Lender to any succe9sor in interest <br /> - _���� of Botrower shall nat operote to releagc the liability of the originui Borrower or Bor�ower's successors in int�tcst.Lcnder - <br /> —��"t;.- r. shall n�t 6e requircd to commence proceedings agumst nny succes�or in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or <br /> 1Y—�;��'�"�'��'�� , otherwlse madify amortization of the aums secured by thig Securiry lnapument by reason of uny demand mnde by the orfginel <br /> }' �` 'F'^ � s ' Borcower or Borrower:s successo�s in interest. Any forbes�rance by Lender in exercising any rlght or rernedy shall not 6e a <br /> .='.�.��°'_V,�t-`n��+�t;��.� � wdver of or prcclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> —=��" � � ';.; 12. Successors and As4lgns Bound;Joint a�d Several Liability;Casigners. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> . ����, Securiiy Inatrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,aubJect to lhe provisions of <br /> ara m h l7.Borrowers covenunts ond a reemen�s shall be 'oint and several. M Borrower who co-signs thie Security <br /> °,`�`...:�:.;,•:. �h � P S P 8 J Y <br /> � � b„w,+�;r.•:��::�:. Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secudty Instrument unly to mortgage,grant and convey that <br /> ,w,.. <br /> r-�.u�'t+L,�,',k��.��1'�.';��;;, Barowers incer+est in the Property unde�the terms of this Security Inatrument; (b)is nat personally obligated ta pay the sums <br /> -=� ,�;,�,r,;,,,F� secured by this Security In9�n�ment;and(c)agrees thut Lender and uny other Bocrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear <br /> �.��K:j•�•: or muke any accommodations with regad to the terms of�his Security Instrument or the Nate without that Borrower's <br /> cansent. <br /> ,, '�`'r' l3. I.oan Chwrgea. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a luw which sets ma+cimum ioan <br /> � �, ' cherges,and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges colkcted or ta be collected in connection <br /> `-',`�� .�•'."'� �°"�"� with the laan exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)any such loan charge shall be redueed by the amount necesssiry to reduce <br /> _ s � .: ��" �. the ciwrge t��he pertnined limir,und(b)uny sumx alreudy callected fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> -�-".� �,.,��,;,;",;,�� :;, refunded to Borcower. Lender may choose to muke�his refund by reducing the principul awed under the NMe or by mnking u <br /> °�' � ��2.: ' ��s direct puymeN to Borrower. If a refund reduce�principnl. the reduction will be treated n.4 a psutial prepayment without any <br /> . 4� � ' prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> � "'"�" ' 14. Notices. Any notice to Bormwer pmvided for in this Security Instrument shAll be given by delivering ft or by <br />— �° � m�iling it by first clnss muil unless applicuble luw requires use ot'su�other method.The notice sholl be dfrected to the Properry <br /> _ ��s ' h,i � • � Address or any other uddress Borrower dexignutec by nouce to Lendcr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fi�t class <br /> --` '` '"-; mail to Lender's addresx smted hemin or nny other uddrez+Lender de�ignutex by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> ••� -��y-�' I in this Securiry Instrument tihull Ix dcemcnl to huve lx�en given to Borrower or Lender when given ar provided in this <br /> _'?.�' .. ... ., "".. I P�rngtaph. <br />_�,:Y' °• ' ", � i IS. Governing Law; Severabillty. This Securiry Ins�rument shull bc govemed by fedeml law and the law of the <br /> "'"' I jurisdktion in which the Piropeny iz Icxuted. In�hr.evcnt that uny provision or cluuse of this Security Im�rument or the Note <br />='""` ",4"�"'"0�"0�"" ` ' contlicts with applicuble luw,such conflict+hull not ufi'ect other provisions of'this Security ln+trument or the Note which con _ <br /> -��` ° '�'+ � � be given effecl without�he cunFlicting provixion. To thi� end the pmvisions of�his Security Inxtrument and the Note ure <br /> `� . � .N^�:, � : ' declarcd to be�vcruble. <br />-_ . � l6. Borrower's Copy. gormwer shull tx Fiven one cunl'urmrd rupy of�he No�e unJ of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> ' i�'" r � 17. 7�ransfer of the Property or a Beneficlul Intcrest in Borrower. If all or uny p�rt of the Propr:rty or any interest in <br /> ,I�'�� it is sold or �romferred(or ii'u heneficial intrresi in Borrowcr is sold or trumfernJ nnd Borrower is not u nuwrul person) _ <br /> ':,t. ,.. <br /> _�;, �;. •._-,.•• : without Lender's prior written con�cnt,Lcndcr muy.ut it. opiion.rryuire immedia�e paymcnt in full of ull sums secured by <br /> `'��- - -�"'`-`_�=�` tBi� Sctiurity In�trum�nt. I luwevci,[his c�tion tihall not bc cxcrei�xd by Lender if exercise i�prohlbiled by fedeml luw�.,of . <br /> ' �,;:" „. '� • the date of this Security Instrumum. <br /> � • �• �� If Lender exercises this optian.LrnJcr shull give Burrowrr notice ot'uccel�rution. The noUce shull provide n periad of <br /> "�9�„ J not less thun 30 duys from�he Ju�e tlx notice i.Jelivered��r muilcJ within which Borrowcr mu.t puy all xumx securcd by this <br /> , Securi�y Instrumem. If Borrowcr fails �o pay rhexe sums pri��r tu �hr cxpiration��f Ihis peri�xl, Lendcr muy invoke uny <br /> ,. , •• remedies perniitted by this Sccurity Instrwnrnt without further notice or Jemund on Bi�rrower. <br /> `D� , 18. Borrower's RiRht to Rein+tate. lt' B�xruwcr mceh ccrtuin ronJitions, Borrowrr +hall have the right to huve = <br /> ;,� . enf'or+eement of'this Security Inclniment disconlinueJ at •rny tiine priar t�i thr curlicr uf: lal S dry�lor wch other p�:riai:�. = <br /> Sm�leFam�ly•-FinnkM�N6Yeddle!lfocl!NIFORNIVti'fRl'�1F�'I'•-VmN,mic'�wenunt, 9l9q rywgeJo)np��rxi � <br /> r <br /> � .� ..__ ._...----. _,._ <br /> ...._-. . . . . . . __«;;�. . . ., ..._. . . . ,. -:r.Y'.av...!s�n r� _. • <br /> . t6wnaY:_•n._:a'.�•:i-:+NS.k`+�-fiA.n�e,:�:YJ:�?�e?'NG1- <br /> y.� � <br /> .ci.____ '!1!L''..: ""_ "'�___!"Y_ _.__._ _._-_ . _�:""'-_'""".. .. . . <br /> . { � • ` � <br /> . t <br /> ��. + . <br /> � •• �� <br /> ` � _ _� ,I _' ' i <br />. = . - 4�•' � . <br /> � • � � <br /> 3 � <br /> � . ' <br /> . � <br />