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<br /> � At the a ton of lendee,all or any part of the a�reed fees and ch�rges, accrued interest and principal
<br />. shall become immeailately due and payabte� aker glving notice If requlred bY law� upon the occurrence -
<br /> � of a default or anytime thereafter. In addition, Lender shall be entitled to all ehe re��edles pravided by
<br /> law, the te�ms of the Secured Debt� this Security Instrumenc and any related documents, including -
<br />- � without Hm(tatlon,the power to seil the Property. -
<br /> If there ls a default� Trustee shall, In additlan to any other permltted remedy� at the request of the
<br /> r Lender, advenise and sell the P�operty as a whole or in separate parcels at publlc auctlon to the highest -
<br /> bidde�for cash and convey absolute titie free and clear of all righc,title and interest of Crantor ac such
<br /> time and plaee as Trustee designates. Trustee shall give notiee of sale ineludlng the time, terrns and
<br /> place of sale and a description of the proparry to be sold as required by the applicable law in effect at
<br /> the time of the proposed sale.
<br /> Upon sale of the propeny and to the extent not prohlbited by law, Trustee shall make and deliver a
<br />= �� deed to the Property sold which conveys absolute tftle to the purehaser.and afte�flrst paying all fees,
<br /> charges and costs, shall pay to lender all moneys advanced for repairs� caxes, insuranGe, Ilens,
<br /> assessments and p�io� encumbrances and Interest thereon. and the principal and interest on the
<br />-� Secured Debt�paying the surplus, if aat?,to Grantor. Lende�rnay purchase the Property.The recitals in _
<br /> any deed of eonveyance shail be p�ima fa�ie evldence of the fazts set fonh therein.
<br /> AI� rernedies are distinct, curnuiative and not exclusive� and the Lender is entitled to all remedies
<br />'=� �ovic3ed at law or equity,v�9�ether or not expressiy set fonh. The aceeptance by Lender of any s�am in _
<br /> `� payment or panialpa ymen� on the Secured Debt aRer the balance is due o� is accelerated or after
<br /> _:� forec�osure proceedings are flled shall not constitut� a wa�er of Lende�'s right to require complete
<br />-� cure of any existing default. By not exe�dsing any remedy on �Grantor's default, lender does not waive _
<br /> - Lender's right to later consider the event a default if it contirtues or happens agaln. _
<br />-� prohibited by law, Grantor agre�s to pay all of Lende�'s expenses if Grantor breaches any eovenant in
<br /> this Security Instrument.Grantor w111 also pay on demand any amount incu��ed by Lender for insuring,
<br />_� inspecting, preserving or otherwlse protecdng the Property and Lende�'s security interest. These _
<br />_� ex�penses wlll bear Interest from the date of the payment unt« p�id in full at the highesa interest rate in _
<br /> efFect as provided in the terms of the S�cu►ed Oebt. Granto�r agrees to pay ail costs and expenses
<br /> -= Incecrred by Lender in collecting� enforcing o� protect�ng t�nde►'t rights and remedies under this
<br /> '� Security Instrumenc.Thi: amount may include, but is not limited to. attorneys' fees, court costs.and
<br /> � etheP Iegal expenses. This Security Instrument shaU remaln in effect until released. Crantor agrees co
<br />-� pay for any recordation costs of such release.
<br />=� 17. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARiiOUS SUBSTANtES.As used in this secsion� (1) Environme�tal
<br /> �,�W ;;��,.�_� ��Iln��t !t�lr?r�n�j th� emm��ehensive Environmental Response. Compensation and
<br />- � Liability Att (CERCLA 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.)� and all othtr federai, state and loc�l laws, regutations,
<br />_= ordinances court or�ers,attorney general opinions or interprethre letters concerning the public health,
<br />-= safety,wel�are,environment or a haza�dous substance;and(2)Hazardous Substance means any toxic,
<br />-- radioauive ar hazardous materi a l, wraste� po l lutant or contam inan t w h le h h a s c h a r a c t e r i s t i e s w h i c h
<br /> ronder the substance dangerous or poteatlalfy dangerous to the public health� safety, welfare or
<br />— environment. The term incTudes� witlaaut Iimitation� any substanees deflned as "hazardous material;
<br />_- 'coki�substances,""hazardous w�ste'e:'hazardmaas substance'under any Environmecetat Law.
<br />�� Gra�t�r�eptese�ts,warranu and agrees that:
<br /> q. Exce�t as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writ�ng to Lende�. no Hazatdous Substance is
<br /> - or w I be I�cated�Stared or released on or in the Prope�t�v.This restricNon does n�r.apply to small
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Substances that are qeneraf4�e reeognized to be apRropriate for the
<br /> normal use and maincenance of the P�openy.
<br /> = B. Except as previously disdosed and acknowtedged in wrlting to lender, Grantor and every tenant
<br /> - have been,are.and shall�emoin in full com�ance wlth any applicable Envlronmental Law.
<br /> - �, Grantor shall immediately notifti,r Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous
<br /> = Substance oaurs on,under or alxecct the Property or there Is a violation of any Environmental Law
<br /> - conceming the Property. In sucR in ever.t. Grantor shall take �II necessary romedial aulon in
<br />-= accorda�nce with any Environmental Law.
<br />�� D. Grantor shail immediately notify Lender in w�ritfng as soon as Grantor has reason to believe cFtere
<br />=� is any pending or threatened irrvestigatior�, clalm. or proceeding relating to the release or
<br /> threatenecf release of any Hazardaus Substance or the vloluion of any Environmental lav�r.
<br /> °�� 18. CONDEMNATWN.Grantor wlll give Lecsder prompt notice of any pending or thr�atened action� by
<br /> ;� � private or public entities ta purchase or take any aQ all of the Property through condtmnation, eminent
<br /> �'�` domain, or any other meaxts. Grantor authorizes Lsnder to intervene in Grantor's naree in arty o¢the
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