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<br /> ; , �p� /y y�pYc.�{a laws�nd hpuWion�, kiaaxinq,wNhoul Amutbn. ttw Arrwkani wi�h�laah��ys Ac1 12 U S C S�ction �21Qt �I ssq(and ail
<br /> , : ta�uvticn�PratufpaNd MNrr�ndw!and atl acx�lr►p ar�d IwJoi+�I�r•w�!wy�►w::w�u ra�.,�to tha Prop:rtY bY�irliH ot any hci�ral.,I�k or rnx�eipl _
<br /> . �urtnai�Y w��h gwi�ctktbn ow►th�Proparty.pns�nCy ue uK!�hW b oCw�wd and oanplt�d wuh h W mwrial nsp�d�. �ub au npnts,�o�nwa,
<br /> pam�iio,v�i Cerlifkall�01 ooCtip�rx.y(kx�rdwK�Dui no1 Mitiwcl W Iar�InQ YatiirtCas.sP�����!lot naxorlonnlnp UM�.and fnal hipicllun -
<br /> ` I apQraala).whrtlwr INnporirY or p�rtnar�nt,whict+an rtyl�rial a thi u�and oc�uparxY d tlw PropMty,PnWr►OY w a�x!�JaA b��+t�4in�d, --
<br />, � pr��urwd nnd.wh�r���tary,nrMw�d. _
<br /> � ld) C�M M��n.right�nd�s d�ity wthoriz�d w�x�cut��nd�rloirn q�ObGq�tlona ur�d�r�i Dwd ot Truu ond�w action�do na and�h�M r►a �
<br /> oonllid wGn tM provl�Ion�of�ny alatut�.r+y�;{:t�r�,ort:n:rw,a,ruta a!Lw.cantrad or olMr�prnrrrnl wMct+m�y D�W+�p on(iranta at any wi r, � ;
<br /> � Ic or�t►aU b� or thraatarwd wl�mlpht mzlorlalty a111e1 ttw Prop�rty.and
<br />' 1 (el No aGlott a proo�+dir�p Pw� ttgew�m(i�iu6nQ• �
<br /> � ((� Qf�I1tOt hi�fiOt Vblitld�71d ihii)fl01 YIO�ia11 Ny t111hlN.Y�plll�liGt1,Otd111Y(10i�fU�i 011iw.COt11ti:,l Of 01110t W th4 ONC101� �
<br /> ,, IhoN povwnklp Huatdou�Mat�rial�)wi�Ich nrphl nyl�tially aHatl itw Propacty or l�t�r'a riphts w IM�nst h ttw Ptop�rtY W�+��
<br /> Tnut. �:
<br /> y, pp�pp p�Ep�p�T�U9T. C3fNtOt t�Y�iW11t�fld W�1TfI1i�thil{h�t�w t10 pf10r dY1di 011tLi1�f1iCIk1Q illy Pit1 Of tt1�Pf0�1y�x0�1�t U1 fOAI� F
<br /> on Sct�di�B attacf�d to li�ts DMd ot Truct,wf�,h Cir�nntor a�rooa to p� atx!pKlonn In a tirrrfy rtwwMr II th�ro ar�any prbr d�C o1�nut t �
<br /> C � y
<br /> fi�anta a�MS to p�y a11 arfaunts ow�d,ond pKlorm a!I obtia�liau n�n0.undar t�ud�dMda ol Irust lind Itr kid�►ics sacund ttw�by md ._
<br /> �a�ln�th�ObYpations b wyhich�l.�txYr would b��r►titNd�th��wrw o!any o�hw�do�,l1 and�haM�ntit{o L�nder w atl hphts and nrt�dt�f oontaGrc� �
<br /> oontrad(or drad or t�onsl�r to any pwson ol W a any part of th�rwl p'opwty dacaibad h SclwdiM A,or any�t�ncllMrNn,or ot a11 a any b�wFid�l
<br /> M�l�nA In Bortowar a C,��ntor(it 8orroww or Grntor le ra1�natur�l�n or panons bN Is a oorporation,Ymiud ti�DilrtY�P�Y., ip trust,or
<br /> otl�I�pol�otiry),L�r�m�y,at it�aplfon d�clato tt►�outctan&ip bate�t�d etw l)biiQatlons p�w aocn�d inur�q thonan�dY�dua and =
<br /> P�Y�. �t.od�i s�.q�»s1.cataraor or Bortaw.►.aa uia ca:.may E.. A�mish•cortpi�l�uaMrt�nt sattfnp bM au d iGi sfod�tx�d�n.rrw�ors.or {
<br /> pvctMts,u�pptoprid�.and tt�W�rU ol 1fwM rapr�n owtw:hlp ht�nats.
<br /> 6. ASSiGl111ENT OF RENTS. In consld�ntion of 1tM Oblipatbns,wtikh aro s�auxf bY thls Daed ot Trusl.Grantu abcolutay a�si�s to Londar all �
<br /> Garskx3 owt�.�i0h1.tiW,intwast,cWm and d�ror�d now ownod a hwoafta acqulrad In aIl oxlswy�nd Ntura toaseo ot iha Prop�ty(indixing
<br /> �xt�slona.rorwwats and w6i�asas).a1l a�Nmnts ta uu and occupancy ot tM Prop�rry(au cuch lwsas and apnwrrnta w1wu�wrina�a as�1.nre
<br /> h�n�alt�r nt��d to as thr'Lcas�o'?�a��d aM puaranti�s ot wtcMS'poAomnna u��dar tho Lpazos.toqottwr vrAh th�irmwdiata end oontlnulnfl ripl�t ta
<br /> oofhet and ncdw all ol th�nrus.ineonr.r�c�ipl�,nwrwHS�fssu��,pro6t�arxJ otAK M�corro of any naAUa now a henafl�r du�(lnckidn/an Incano ol
<br /> �ny natun con9np du�durirp anY►�r+P��P�)und�r th�L�as�s a lrom a ariskp aA ol th�Prop�►ty k�ckxkp rNN�rum nrts,�d rems,
<br /> pKOw►tap�n�tt.patitbp u oortmon wa rtnk�tw�a oonuib�Wlons,tax and k�sixana cantr�Culio�s,d�fickncY rants,liqi�dabd tdbwNQ
<br /> uibW
<br /> d�taub In any L�ss�.all poo�sds PoYabl�undx any poWCy ot kwrana cawrYp bss W nnis nst�ltinp(rom unt�n�t�b�iry cius�d by or
<br /> dor;rp�to tM all prooMtic DaYabia aa a nsult of a kssw's�x�rcisa of an opuan to pur,hase the Prop�rty,all proca�dc dwiwd Gom th�
<br /> �rt�r►atlon a n on ot any l:�as�in a b�nfaupl�y or oth�r kaoNmcypr�p�d-xl al hom a�►igMs and cWrts d my klnd which Gratrior
<br /> rt1a haw�p�k�t1�ny fasiM utKMt tha LAatk or any otCUpants ol Sh�Propa�rty(all ot tho va aro h�niflar c�lwly►ntwrod to as tM TiYati'�. Thls
<br /> Lss�mdTa subj�d b th�rl�t,P�a��Y 9�to the L�to coli�ct and aPP�Y ttw Rents. This as�iprrnont Is r�ca�Nd in s000idonc�wkh
<br /> — aapYcabf�stat�ITM:tTN W�n croat�d by this ass�prurrnl Is IniwKMd to b sp�afic.p�lacl�l.and cfwat�upo� tlw of 1Ns D�d of Trusl.all as
<br /> = aov�d ey,a�caaa aaia�aw a�arr+«�d.a�om w,,.a c�rrr. as��sner.u�o aoaun una�r a,.Obligatbn s a tNs b��d d Tnu1,c.«�t+r�ns
<br /> '� Granwr a nvocabM Wowis�b oolMcl aY R�nts kom ttw Laasas whwi and to us�wch pr000ado in(iranta'o busL�euop�a Howo�w.L�a�
<br /> may at any tlrrw nquka Grantor to d�potit aY R�nts into an aecount maY�tak»d by Granta or Laridsr at Lw►dw'�hstdution. Upon�d�tauM In th�PaY��
<br /> of,or In 1he P��d.�Y ol th�061iQ�Uoru,L��d1r rtr�y at qs aption tak�poti�t=foe ot tlt�Pro�pwb and h�ve.hoid,rt�naps,{oas��nd operat�tlw
<br /> prop�en Mmw and fo:a p�riod W Urtr that I.w�d�►drwn prop�r. L�r�de m�y pnxMd to coY�et-and roc�Vo oll R�nti irom tM popwtb.ond L��
<br /> .'] ah�M l�a�tu?i pr�wer to rttifri alt�raioru.nnovations.npaks a npl�o�rtwtts to 1h�P�o�tY as l.mdK rtry ciNm prop�r. Utxl�►mr+Y+#XY�S�arris fn
<br /> Lx�'s sata dscntfan to payrrwn ot sh�ObN�tio o���Y P�Y ooct of wch aqwatiorts.ran�vado�u,np�k�and nPiaowr�'t�and anY
<br /> � e�nMS irxkiont to taklnq end pPos�ssslon and tta rt�napw�w�t and.�o11M PmpKty. I.,enda mtY t�sse
<br /> ptupKly pcot�ly Inwnd and troY�sct►�a�Y t�w�.�s.cl�iris,ac�as:r►rnts and Wtwc Yw�s w • �y_accn�. Tha a�rua and wst of
<br /> " ,cUon,rt;.yb�_pid n�«n th.R.rrts►ec.N.a.y,a any unpala murns shaM ba add.a m m.prindpal of u�.o0lipauons. Tt�s.,motn►s,toQw�w�n
<br /> � othr oosts,ih�r h�oorte P�r1 of th�OhlipaYar►s Weur�d by Uilo D�.d ot Uwt.
<br /> _ � �. t.EAS�B AND 07HER AGREEMEHT3.Gronia shalt not taks or tad to tak�any action wHM may c�:sQ or pm�th�Nmtlramon w the wil�fwfdirg of
<br /> •ry r�s�=�=""��---�"'�"'w..��w..n.,r oriw aQwrirnt('A�rTwu�P�ahin0 to tAe Frcp�ttY. In adc�don.Grenta.wNhotA Lr�r's ptior wMtMw►
<br /> J Cptliiiit,thy'I f1LA:(0)CotleL1 altY��PSY���� �p��mo��1h1t10M R1d1tlS T`0dvW10t�(b)�TOd�Y itI►��:fc3�or�7oa r
<br /> IMn. wairitY N�Nnst a oth��axr�ina to b�P��uP�Grontara ripht:,tida anrt�r�t i�uid to ony A�wrtwrt a th� arnant�P�Y�
<br /> - iMrw�;or(d)t�m�ir►aU a carxN any A�nnt exap to►t� YrtwU d any wm or a�hx matwial broxh by tl»ottwr p�ty thKata. tf Granta
<br /> noMwa at any timo orry writt�n comrtuAeatiai acswUnp a d�taull�or ur�►an ARvarnm or prporthp to urtr9nat�or canoal orty Agi�an�ri.
<br />-- Grarrtor ctWA forvrard a eopy ot wch�tion(and anY wbsa�+ait camuu�ont tela�9 thanto)to Lw�ds►. Atl weh Apr+rxmr�es and
<br /> ���q���y�wridar ar�hant�y aasfQ►ad lo Lorxi�r as atidoional�curitY for tt�Obiip�tia�s•
<br />� 7. COLLECTiON OF WOEBTEDNESS FRa117HIRD PARTY. L��sh�A b�ntid�d to rxcsf,;a��quk�Grantor to anY t�d WnY(�dud��Q.bu►
<br /> - not lirti�d w,baaas.liowic�.po�wm►nartal yittwriU�s�nd ku�w+r�cortp ai�ko)to pnt Cc+�r any Indadtxlwu�avinD to Gramor wAh
<br />_= na�c1 to th� Pro�rtY (a�w�Nnd�bt�ss�wh�ihar or rwt a d��tl�xists�rxi�r-Yds O�ed oi Tnist. Gronta stuA d�ipmtly caYaU Qis
<br /> Ind�bN��s a�wkip to C,rantor tr�om thfrd partlec txnil Hw ghri�p of s;t�"a no�or�. kt!t�aent tltiat Gr�rNCK Po�wc�s or r�o�i�s P��d
<br /> �ny instru�twtts or a�nmittar�o�s witi►nsp�ct to th�Ind�»ss b�n'yi 1M�ivUg of stkh no6fie�a it th�lnstrtrrrrns or od�t e�rrittanas
<br /> - oo�ule d�Lx�paYrtrnt ot anY Ind�t,MdnKS ar ttw paynwN of any inw��c+c�or aotid�rtnatlon proc'.wd�.�a1or shaN hoid wch kutrutf��s at�atlw
<br /> nrtitlMio�s R nust ior L�r�aport(com its a0l�ptopaRy.�ndorsa tl»Muovrrnts and otlNr ramtttanas to i�rb�r,md lrmrda�N1Y Prwld�L�ndM wAh
<br /> pott��ion of 7�r tnstrurrnMs and Wh�r tarit�anoa�- L�nciar shaY 6a�mitNd.but not raQiind.lo aoWd(bY f�i Proc�drgs o►oth�wls�),�xt�r�d tfM
<br /> � yr��pr paym�rg,oortprortiw.exctwyo or nisot�anY a��'l�r or ooltat�nl.or otl�wia�s�tla ryof tM k�d�h4drwss wfMthK or not sn w�rA ol d�taull
<br /> •�:u�r4rs 11Q.«twia. t.«id..shaY not b.li�bt.w e�Ya��tor ta ar.y aetion.Kro►.rr,Iaai�.«,9�ston a d.lay p�td�np to tho aWora d.scrfb.d�in 4iis
<br />='� praQ�h a snY drn�p�o �� thwNran NoarAtictr�in0 1M tonpo�q, n�1�� FNnin stWl ca�� I�ncir to b� dwtrrd •
<br />� !` USE A27D I�AANiTENANCE OF PROPEATY. Gr�ntor shaN tafu aY xtbns and maiu ony ropaks nwd�d b mohtain tl»Prop�rty N pood oa�dtion.
<br /> `s� (3rarqor st�Y no�oortmtt u pwrdt any wact�w bo cartrrittod wdh raspoct to rtw Prap�r.y. Gnrrtor�haN uw tM Prop�rty sot�ty in cortpifnoa wlth
<br />� appWeaW�I�w and lnwrana poWci�s. Gnnta thaN nat rr�any aRenUons.addiUon�ys�ravKrrnls to 4M Prop�Ay witlwut L�rxl�s prior wtANn
<br /> = w l�i�d�ir.sh�.r na�b�'Dnnnwd��'w�t,oa t�.en�a.r�wr�oor xt..�and�ba m�ode�ot G�aprpror'�y+.�.up.ns.`ubjx�to tn.6u,.fiaal Inasrua a+onpic�p
<br /> � A LOSS OR DAYAGE GrarAor s,hall ba:c r.'w o�the rtslc of any(oss.tl�(i',destrucCion a dart�(curtutativNy'Loss or D�rt�ap��to tM Fro�xnyr or arry
<br />';� portion tF�aof fran anY c�ucs wt�atsoover Ir 1he w�wA of arry Loss a Dai�,Gr�ma shaY.at tt�opUon a L�ndn.npair ttw atf�G�d{A+:�rty to i!=
<br /> prwlous oa�dtion a pay or cauae b b poid w L�icNr th�dw�as�in th�t�ir morkM vaYr of ttN atf�cMd Proprty
<br /> � 14 WSURAMCE Tha PropKtY wiN bo kapl insund for its fc�l insurabh vakw( cost)a�gakut aY harrd�k�dudnp lo�s or d�map�caus�i bY
<br />'� pood,wtl�talc�,tomada end tfn.th�H or other w�uafsy w tlw oxtait by Len�!¢r- Grontor rtny ot��Ins+x�on tlw Propany irom surf� .
<br /> ���as an acc�tabte to Laxiw h its sda aiscrotbn. Ths lnuuanca poRdes shaH ro�(rv 9w insivarxia caryony to provkk I�W�r w�at rwst
<br /> � - ' 3� dzys'r�r^�ert na�r�beihre wch polidas aro altwed or e�rxallod ln any manrw►. 1tw inuuanrw policks sfiaY r►art�Londr as a losa
<br /> r- P�lfp r��" F��t r'���s'�-...�ert cP C-tart!or a enY ot�r dulf�'�a dw rlgM of lx�dar to b�p�id 1�1i k►s�Yar�Ptoca�dc Rct�1r'!ny ta tt�a .
<br />•�f: b.s a�of ffw Pta�h�.M n"'•�������s�id k�isur'ar��coa�s�i aY b�a en�`°aw�a Y�bo a b�winp�k srist�
<br />�: In its dccfrlioa proau�'
<br /> � d�sa�d In Par�aph ana saa�rod hetaby.Grarsia stfaY hxNsh witl�avid�000 ct kuur�noo indcatinp tM roQyctid covxap�• Lrx�r maY act
<br /> �. as atta►kY�tn-tad for C�artWr in rt�ickp and settYng ctalnks ur�r lns+racxo Polkles. pnc�sllP arry o�l or�r�dorc{ng oraniors nartr on arry dratt a
<br /> �hs�rrwr�draum by any insuror. /UI wcfi insurancs shall b�Im�da�Y � .ppw�god and d�iiverer3 ta LAr�u�rtl»r s�ariN
<br /> � tor 1h�ObApaBo�s. In the evant af lasc,Grantor shatl inmiadia���'a Lend�r writton r�a600 and lwider Is aulhorizod to moka proof ot locs. Fac6
<br /> hnr��rtp�Y Is dirocWd to m�ka payrtrwnts tirodhj to La►dor inrtawi of ta Leridx and Gr�nta. La�cNr shad ha�w tha r1gM.at Rs sofo option W
<br /> � i�ly i!lC�1 fT10t1Uf 10Wifd Uli ObMgiti0llL Of IOWiM U19 ODit Of fObU116fIQ�Ild itiW�It1O @li P�O�RY. A(ly 8rICUflt9 R1Hy 81 LBfXIIf's opion b�appli�d h
<br /> ; 1tw inv�rs�ordr ot ttr dw dat�s thwaof.
<br /> 1t. ZGNMIG Al�1D PRIVATE COVENANTS. Granta shatl not irw8ate a oonsent to any d�ang�In the toning provisans or Rxivate co�r�nantc�fqcW�p tt�
<br /> usa o1 ttN Propwty wAtw�n l.or�s prior wrmen consent. It Gr�ntors usa of tlw Propxity b�cort�s e nor�oonfortNrq usa un�Mr arry zonYig slon,
<br /> ca�arstw:r,aw ow causa or psmia wcl,us.to a a�s�oomir�ued o►abondon�a w�tliotn sFw pri«,w►•m«�cons�na of l.er�. Grant«wiY� provido
<br /> L,�r�wNh w�itt�n ratiea ot ar►Y Propos�d d�npas to Oa zw�4p pravis+or►c or pivaM eovx�rAS aKaetrp t�w ProP�1Y•
<br /> 12 CONDEMiAT10N. Gru�tor shaY kmwaatdy provida LaxJor with writtan notico of arry octwl a thr�torad cond4rttution a arrina�l dort�ein
<br /> � b ttw paYrr�xN o1�Lx��neY���os,I��xpentas and othir costi(hcwdrp apP►a1c�l��twt1 wl�a'a�n w h ��ma0bn or err
<br /> dortr�in Proaadt�end tiwn.al the opwn of landar.to the payrrora d tbe Ohiipttions ar ttto nsforation or r�p�r of the Proporty.
<br /> NGDOIS RN.11A� Paq2 d 6 � V�
<br />