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<br /> : �`.�.�•,," . ORDINANCE NO. 7816 (ConW) 92—���'7
<br /> �:, r".r�;''-'^+t�
<br /> :a._:�.
<br /> t �'`'�`•- of Lot S, Block 11� Kernohan and Decker Additioo; t6ence easterly on tLe
<br /> � ,•� . •- . y•
<br /> � •�� North lines of Lota 3�6. sad 7. Bloctc il�Kernohan�nd Decker Addition, to
<br /> , ° ,;;; � the Northeast corner of Lot 7. Block 11. Kernob�n �ad Decker Addition;
<br /> ��-�,L���;�_,...,,�.,�; ehenee northerly an e line for a dl�tance of]6 feet to tLe Southeast comer �_ _______
<br /> � ; • of Lot 2, Hlock 11� Kernohan �nd UukCr Addition; theace we:terly on the
<br /> `�'�✓� '.-�'�Y � aoutbetly line�uf Luts 2,3� �od 4� Block i i�Kerno6an and Deaker Additian�
<br /> �:.� :�.. ,� �;. .' � '4,c. .
<br /> -�=_�° ��• to the Soutbwat corner ot Lot 4�Blocic li�Keroo6�n�nd Decker Addidon;
<br /> L=`�� �� � � " ' � thence northerly on the F.ast liae of Moaroe Street fot a di�tance of 132 feet �n� .,�,
<br /> __ �° r � 'n ��. to the point of beginning,�ll�s ahown on the plat marked Exhiblt A attached R�
<br /> :� �:';°;' .. ,� 6ereto aad incosporated 6eroin by refereace. "`"-�
<br /> . � �'_ 1" ` N`.-
<br /> ��
<br /> 1��'�'EY.�' .. • • .
<br /> -" � ' � be.�nd hereby�„vacated� provlded sn�candidoned�tbat tbe Clly ot C3nad I�l�ad hereby
<br /> ��
<br /> T:;•
<br /> -_-.- � . � �. reserva sll of sucb alley and street for ex�tiag sewer�witer�eleatriQ storm draia��a���u,
<br />.. . . v...'"_ ., . 1M. .. .
<br /> ` �. and other public utilitics easemeats and all r�ghts and s�ppuKe�iaace� theroto. and further � F �� ��
<br /> � . ,�w,,,��,-.
<br /> , - ' � ., provIded and conditioaed t6at We City of (irand I�laad �haU scqui�e sad receive We � , ��
<br /> . j(
<br /> ' , -; .� follotiving additional rlghts oi way along West 5econd Street: - —
<br /> ' � B�gianiag �t the Southwest corner of Lot S�Block 11, Kernoh�n �nd Decker ��� �
<br /> �. Addition in the City of Grend tsland�Hall County� Nebraaka;theace easterly --
<br /> oa the southeriy lines of Lots 3�6�and 7. Block 11. Kernohan snd Decker =
<br /> .-- �►dditio» for �distance of 198 feet io ihe Suuihee�i �raee v€ Lc�i ?� Biuek ��.�•�«��
<br /> , �� '� i l�Kernohan and Uecker Addition;thence northerly on the East line of Lot �`
<br /> 7.Block 11�Kernohan and Decker Addition� for a distance of 10 feet;tbence —•a- ---
<br /> westerly on a Une 10 feet North of aad parallel to t6e �outherly lines of Lou �s'`3��-
<br /> S, 6, aad 7, Block I1� Kernohaa and Decker Addition, to a polnt 10 feet
<br /> � • ° � NorW of the Southwest coraer of Lot S� 81ock il� Keraohan and Decker ��±� '
<br /> , Addition; Weace aoutherly on the West Ijae of Lot 3, Block i]� Kernohaa --�._
<br /> `� . • and Decker Addidon�for a distance of 10 feet to the peint of be�inaia�;and ���-�-�
<br /> � •
<br />