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<br /> � ��"��`�`�'`r ACKNOWLEDOEMENT OF DEED QF TRUST 92� 10��6 _
<br /> � ,•":�^'�'�'`:• . TRUSTOH RFJ1D THI9 BEFORE 910NIN0:
<br /> r_„
<br /> �'� 7rustor und�nfand�tAat th�docum�nt th�t Tru�Wr li�bou1 to sxeauts Is�D�d of Trust and nol s mortp�ps�nd that ths pow�r
<br /> - � � '�.• of wt�provld�d for In Uw DMd af Tru�t provldu aubstantl�lly dlflannt rlyhts�nd obllpaQon�to Trwtor th�n�mortape In th�w�nt
<br /> � � of a dNault or bnach of oblipaUon undor the D�ed of Tru�t,includinp,but ot Ilmltsd to,ths L�nder's rlpht to hsv�the Property wld
<br /> �' �,; . � by the Tru�tos wlthout�ny Judiolal prxNdinp.Truitor r�preNna erranq th thia�cknowl�dpemenf was executed by
<br /> � ��' �+a�t:�� 7rusWr bNon th��x�outlon al th�ONd of Tnin.
<br /> i�. `, . �_ --• ---
<br /> „ �F -- - �
<br /> . .r. . _,_�,h-_:t.
<br /> � • - Tru�lor
<br /> �— "•9 P � � . . �.. �
<br /> :.•.,,�.: . .�.. .�S Trwtar
<br /> , • . �.
<br /> — , t �.. .
<br />���, � THIS DEED OF TRU8T, i�mAde as of tho 17th �y of ��i• ,�g 92 by and amonp
<br /> l�,�_ . ;�
<br /> ���,_ � � Yl�■�y Pat�io� i DORIS J PATSIOS , hu�bmd and rii�
<br /> �.� .. . tha Trustor, .
<br /> "• � . t� o �y �r o� ran
<br /> -�= � " '��'�: (herein"Truetor;'whether one or more),
<br /> .� �,. � who�e irwilfnp eddr�u Is .
<br /> — L�- , iv� P�+.��• B�n'•. • N�bruka Corpor�tion
<br /> . . .
<br /> -- ., '- _ , - .: � Ihe TrusWs� , --
<br /> - P.O. Box 13�7 tir�nd I�l�nd, M6 68902
<br /> .: ,. �:: whoso mallfnp eddress Is (�►eln"Truotao"►,and
<br /> � Fiv� Point� 8�nk
<br /> . ,. , " the BenoHclary, .
<br /> _ •� +'' whose meili�p addrea�is P•0. Box 1307 (irand I�land. UB. 66802-iS07
<br /> (herein"Lender").
<br /> „ � Vl��ry P�Ldoa
<br /> .. FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATION,includk�p Lender's extensfon ol credif Identifled hereln to
<br /> - • i DORIS J PATSI08 (hereln"eorrower^,whether one or more)end the Uuet heroin created, "�'°''
<br />- � ' . fhe recelpt of which Is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby Irrevocebly prants,trenafera,conveys and asaipns to Trustee, IN
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,forthe benellt and aecurity of Lender,under and aubject to the terms end conditlona herelnefter�t �:..-°: �
<br /> � �.•; . _ , __ -��� f �r 1 r i fo • . o��,i�::r•
<br /> -- . - �16�'�.�.�`��i �i�° ��"siitit� TiiE �tEB'f Z�.23 OF !AT L�IG!!T l8l. 4!£ST -_... _ -_-
<br /> i � " � '
<br /> • , Topether with all buildinga,improvements,fixtures,streets,alleys,passageweys,easements,rights,privlleges and appurte- --
<br /> nences loceted thereon or In anywlse pertefning thereto,and the rents.Issuea and protits,reverslons and remelnders thereol,end °��v�
<br /> � '` 4•� auch personal property that Isetteched to the Improvements so as to canstitute a Ilxture,fncludinp,but not limited to,heatlnp end ��'"���4-
<br /> �. coolinp equipment;and toyether with the homestead or marital Intereats,II any,which Intereats are hereby released end walved:ell [��
<br /> �._. .. .. .�: of which,Includinp replecements and edditions thereto,is hereby declr�red to be a pert of the real eatete eecured by the Nen of lhis G 'a Y�,
<br /> Dead oi Truat and ell o(the foreyolnp belnfl referred to hereln as the"Property".
<br /> � , > . �g�T�=
<br /> .(' � , This Deed of Truel shell aecure(a)the peyment of the principel sum and intereat evidenced by a promissory note or crudit �`��?--` �`
<br /> '' �� Jonuar 18Lh 1993 �'Y��'�
<br /> ;;,�-•. .• July 17th 1992 Y �
<br /> ,,,�.., ,. ayreement deted ,haviny a maturlty data of ,
<br /> ��. �� . In the o►i I�al prl�cipal amouM ot S ����� ,and any and ell modificatlona,extensfons and renewals ==_=
<br />