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<br /> �� � ;;�,;,.:�,";� prior writt�n aonaont o! B�n�liciery. Trustor shali aompl�t� or
<br /> ••'0.�''`'"°""', re�tor� promptly and in good workannl ik� ma�ru�or any improvra�nt
<br /> ���:a,-��� on th� Proparty whiah may ba dataag�d or d�stroyod and pay, wh�n
<br /> '` ���-"� �i4;t,
<br /> :;�!:..� .,y.,, .,;.•, dae, ail alaima !or labor pertorm�d and matsrial• !ur»i�h�d
<br /> ' '��r.'"... ..." thoreforQ and for any altarationa tharoc�. �
<br /> 1�
<br /> " , '� �� "';. 4. ��Qii nce with Lawa. Trustor �hall aomply with all
<br /> � ,r `+'�r� laws, ordinanaQe, regulations, aovenanta, conditiona and
<br /> °"�A ��' "� '�'��``"' restriationa �ftaatinq tho Proparty and not aommit, 4utfer, or
<br /> �;:.,:,:&�,,.: R`~� � permit any a�t to bo dons in or upon the Property in viol�tion of
<br /> ="�`"-"_'�'�= °��`�• any law, ordinanae, requlation, covanant, aondition or
<br /> -e•�. �._. "� '�
<br /> � rQOtriation.
<br /> �.:..ry.* .
<br /> �� 5. =nsuranae. Trustor, at ita expense, will maintain
<br /> — :� s - ��t� with insurera approvad by Bensfiaiary, ineuranae with reapect to
<br /> j '� �`��»«��--� the Improvemente and porsonal property, constftutinq the -
<br /> � � Pro ert a ainet loae b firQ, lightnin tornado and other F --
<br /> � - � �� � -' �" ��r ' perils And hazards aovered by atandard extended coverege �-
<br /> ��� " endorsoraent, in an amount equal to at least one hundred pera4nt
<br /> _ � " . � (100�) o! tha Pull replacement value theraof and insuranco
<br />-=;.;:� �. � � °,, � aqainst auch other hazarde and in such amounts as is customarily -�
<br /> _- y carried by cwners and operatore o! similar properties or as
<br /> `:";:�� Benefiaiary may requfre for its protection. Truator will comply
<br /> �� ��,�k � ' with suah other requirements as Heneficiary may from time to time _
<br /> F - � � request for the protaation by insurance oP the interests o! the
<br /> - respeative parties. All inauranae poliafes maintained pursuant ��
<br /> �° '� . �� to thie Deed ot Truet shall name Trustor and Senefiaiary as
<br /> --- insureds, as their respective interesta may appear, and provido �^
<br /> — - - �iaL 4�Hc�Yd aYia3.I �ie flv aaflcellatior. a� moBiPiaatian un2sss at -
<br /> least fifteen (15) days pricr written notification thereot is
<br /> �, �,��-�:::',��� actually deliverad to Truatee and Seneliciary. In the event any
<br /> � poliay hareunder is not renewQd on or before !ilteen (15) days
<br />- ,y„�„�, �� "' prior to its expiration date, Trustee or Beneficiary may procure `�'��
<br /> �.:, ° � � � such insurance in aacordance with the provisione of Paragrsph 7 r�'�`
<br />- � hereof. Trustor shall deliver to Beneliciary the oriqinal
<br /> _- ; � poliaies o! insurance and renewals thereo! or memo aopies ot _
<br /> .�;.�.. such policies and renewals thereol. Failure to furnish such
<br /> � . . insurance by Trustor, or renewals as required heroundor ahall, a� �
<br /> � , the option of Beneficiary, constitute a default.
<br />_� .
<br />_ . �• .. ' 6. Taxes. Assessments. and Charaes. Trustor shall pay all -
<br /> �„�,; ��r;,,,�„ taxea, assessments and other chargas, includinq, without
<br /> , limitation, fines and impoaitions attributable to the Property,
<br /> - �' and leasehold payments or qround rents, if any, before the same
<br /> �� f � � ��� beaome delinquQnt. Trustor shall promptly Purniah to 8oneficiary
<br /> , � all notices of amounts due under this pnraqraph, and in the avent --
<br /> ,��. � Trustor shall make pay�aent directly, Trustor shall promptly
<br /> . � furnish to Beneficiary receipts evidencing such paymente. =
<br /> � � '`� � � Trustor shall pay all taxes and asseasmenta which may bQ levied -�
<br /> �"�''r"� ���� upon Henefiaiary's interest herein or upon this Deed of Truat �'� -
<br /> ',.�``` without regard to any law that may be enacted imposing payment ot �
<br /> „ - the whole or any part thereof upon the Beneficiary. l
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