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�� <br /> �� _ <br /> '� _ .._..� ,� _ - <br /> � � ''-� .� �.� - _ _ - _ _. <br /> �:�..r <br /> �:r <br /> '"�... �.��':-, . . _ �-- ,, ,�- z.: .. • . .�.� -�w=: �, � - <br /> _ ,t....�� . , �, . r�.� <br /> ...i.�iir�.=�__�..r, <br /> _. . -�.y:^...'���. � � . �.. . .. --°--s:.:�. _-_ _. <br /> � ' --- �--.. r._.,__s_._..�..r.�..,�.,... _1._0== <br /> _:�� - - -� <br /> - _ <br /> �"' $,�t7�i� <br /> WY���nts nuy r��ta��er br reyuirc�t.:u the«pti�u�ut txn►ler,if nwng:�c iiuur,uKC�Y�rcrx�e tin A�:unxw�u utxl fut the F►r.riod <br /> th�t ix�xicr rtyuirzsl pcovi�lxl by w�iiuurer a;+pro�•��1 t►y l.c�wlcr�+y;ain bca�uixr;►vlitable+uxi i.���i:dix�f. tl:xntiu�r slul!pa9 <br /> thc praiuunu nx{uired to main�ai���ixutgagc ijisuran�e ii�eff�Yt.or a►n�u�•i�tc u la�s resen�c.wuil ihe R�{uiren�iu fur nwnr:►�c <br /> isnurr►i:�e�Lis in x:�rJru��with�ny w•riuen agmmciu betweea BorruNCr u�1 l.rn�lc�ur uppli�abl�I�w. <br /> 9.lm,pectbst. Lc�xier cu itc age�u nwy mzkc r..�+mahle ent�ic+u�ai :ux!in�p.�;tau�c of thc Pru��e[ly. l.e�xkr shrll`iti•c <br /> Bocm�•er neuice+u the tin�e oi'or prior ta un inspectiva spaiPying r����u�+ie c:auk fu�the i��,i}�ecti�ui. <br /> 10. Cuuclana�tt[on• '11�e Pra�e�C of any uu•:ud or cl:um fuc cLnugcs, Jir�t o< <��u:��+l• ii: cuiutcetion with any <br /> n,�xiem�uti„n.0 uther tal•in,�of xny pstt ai thr Pcc��xny. or fur��unve}ancc in lieu af cw�lenu�ation,arc hcr.Dy ussignMt:uxl <br /> shall be p�id tc�l.�nder. <br /> in the e�•ent of a total taking of the Property,the procecd.�sh311 be appliod to the swiu xsural by this Se�:urity Inurument. <br /> whether or nw then due. with any excess paid to Borrow•cr. In the cvent uf a(►:uti:sl taicing af the Property in whi�h tF� f�ir <br /> market �•:ilue at the Property inunediately before the taking is equ�!ta or gre�ter tt�n th��mount uf the wnu securai by this <br /> ��ty I���i��i�tely pzfore the t�kins.unless Borrower and lxndcr otherwise aBre�i�writi��.the sunu secured Dy <br /> this Sxurity instnur�eru shall be reduced hy the an�ou� of the prc�ceals tnultiplied by the following frxtion: !a n��Y <br /> amowu of tbe wcus secured imn�ediuely befare the taicing.divided by lb? �fair market valuc of thc �� which the fair <br /> before the talcin8. Any b:ila�ue s�l b� P�d to Batmwer. Ia th�event of a pactial t�Scing of the Prc�e Y <br /> cna�rkot value of the PropenY im�r�di�cely before the tal-ing is las t1�n the ainount of the sunu se�ured immediately befare the <br /> talcing.unitss Borrower and L.entler otherwise agree in writit►g or u�applicable law ott�enuise providcs. �he p�oc�s shaU <br /> be applied to the s�uns ucur�l by this Security Iaurument whether or not the sums arP then due. <br /> If the Ptoperty iy�banda�bY�*ro�•er.or if.after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the condtmiwr offers�n�ven. <br /> award vc sdde a d�im fur dw�es. Barrowu fails to respa�d to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is g' <br /> lxndcr is+�wthorized to collect an1:t;�ly the opciou.eitber w r�toration or repair of the Prope�ty or to the wmc <br /> se�:uresi.� this Securcry Instrumenc,rahethes or not then due. 1�� �f p� � pri�� shall not extcad or <br /> ' �J►iless L,ender uud Bomawc°r v�erwise agree in wridng, any app�� <br /> P�P�the duo clst��f the montlur•payments referred to in par.�raPhc 1 and 2 ar cdange the a�swunt of such payments. <br /> 1�.Bon�owen c�r1�R��sed:�Furbearan�t By l.eodes Not s�Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modificatioa <br /> of a��of the sums s�cum�t by this Security Itut�uaxat granted by Lxcder to any successor in intercst of Biorrower shall <br /> not q-ner.ut to release the liabiliry u:the original Borrowa or Borrowu's sucoes.tiors in incerest.Leader shall not be roquired to <br /> coma�u�oe P�oceedi�8s agtinst aAy wocessor in inurest or refiue to euend time for payment w otherwise modify amu�ti�tioa <br /> of the sums socured by this Savrity Inswment by reason of any danarxt cuade by the original Borrower or Borrowa's <br /> wocessors in intct+est.My forbrarance by Lender ia eaeercising any right ot remedy s1�lt not bt a waiver of or pt�eclude tl�e <br /> �encix�af any right or remody. .� �v�� � ��of this <br /> YZ. Suocescots aad As�ns Bouad+Joiat aod Sever�l LisWlity; Cos�oas. <br /> Sewrity Insuuuxnt s6a11 bind �nd benefit the suocasors tiad assigns of l�eoder �nd Iiorrow�er. subjxt to the pravisions of <br /> �ravraph 17. Bonowu's covenants and agroanrnts shaDl be joau aad several. My Borrower w6o oo-signs this Socurity - - <br /> tnstnuneat lx:s does not exe�vte the Note• !a) u co-si�ring ws �a.w�ty ��.:.-x;,W'y a^�"�. �^r and aonvey tLat <br /> obii to she su�s <br /> Borrowu's interest in the Prapetty undes'the uims af this Sxurity insttuu�au: (b)is aot P e r s°n a 1 1Y 8� P aY <br /> SeCU[e8 by IhiS SOCUii�y+ire�.M+ms,��+►;and(c)�Srxs tl�at l.etder u�d any other Borrowcr may agree to extersd, mndify.forbear or <br /> �,�"�y���tio�u wich r�ard to the terms of this Security Incinunent or the Note without that Borrowa's oonsau• <br /> 13.I�oan C6ar�s. 1f the la�n socured by this Securiiy Itutrument is subjeci to a law which seu iuuimutn�oan chat8es. <br /> and tt�t l�w is finally inurp�so that the interat or other loan ehzrges eollecKed ot to be collected in ooac�ection with tbe <br /> loaa ez000d the permittod limita.tlren: (a)any wch lo�n charge shall be r+educed by the att�ount neassar�'to raluoe the cbarge <br /> to tt�poamitted limit;ud fb)an�•sams already oolle�xad ft+om Borrower which exaeded{xruuuod limiu wiU be refucded to <br /> Borrowa. l.r�cfer may clwose ua malce this rcfund by roducing the principal owed usair.r the Note or by m�icio$ a dirocc <br /> P�Y� w Sorroarer. If a refatd reduces pri�+Pal. the raluctioa rxil3 be treatod as a p�rtial Prep�Yment wid�t auy <br /> WrPaY��'Be w�der the Note- <br /> 14.Notioes.My notioe to Ba*eower provided for in this Security I�nau shall be$�von by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first cl�ss mail wiless applica8le law tequires tue of aiather method- 'tlse notioe s1�a11 be direcced to the FropertY Addcess <br /> or any otl�er address Borrowa�signates by notioc w Leader. Any notice w l.a�der shalf be given by first class mail to <br /> L.eader's�ddress st�ted herein or any otlxx address l.mder designates by ootice to Borrower. My notia providod for in this <br /> Sxurity Instnumnt sha116e daaxd w haYe beat given to Borrowu or IeucSet when givea as provided in this p�rsgr�ph- <br /> 15.Goverdne Law; &va�bilitY. 'Fit"ts Security Insttument shaF3 be govamed by federaf [aw wd the law of the <br /> jutisdiction in which the Propeity is loc�tod. In the event Ift�.t�ry provisioa ar cl�use of this Security U�sutunenc or the NoLe <br /> confllets with applicable law. suc��ronflict shall nat�ffect ocP�r provisions of this Security Inuru�or the Note wi3ich c�n be <br /> givan effect witlw�u the conilictin�g provisiva.To this eud the provisio�of thic Socu�ity Instrutnent aad the Note are deelu�ed <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Borro�er's Copy.Bosrawer st�all be given one confonrred copy af the Note and of tlus Security Instrumeai. <br /> Foan 3028 91�0 <br /> p.�awe <br />