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<br /> T(�EZ HER WITF! all the impru�•cnxtus�aw ar hert.�iler crectod a�tht pru�cnp.wxl ull c:ucu►r�u..upi'�rt:rwr.:�c,i�xi
<br /> tixtures now �u hereafter a part uf tt�r p����:rty. All r*+lxtmenty sa1 s�kiiti�ui.� �lwl� �1,�� b+: �Yn•craf by this� S�xurity
<br /> t�uuumcnt.All oF tfk faccEoing is refcrrrd ta in this 5ecuri.y ln�icun�ent ux�he`Pn�crty.'
<br /> BURROWER COVENANTS tlut E3orrawcr ls lawiully- uis.�!oi'thc estate her���rnm'ry�c'�1+++x1 fws�thc n�ht ta gr.uu astJ
<br /> c.xn•c}� tlu Prc+peny and ttut the Property is ui�ikun�ra3.eXCe.�t for encwubr.uuu of rrcotd. BluYt�WCf�Y9iidlUs. ittlt�1�lII
<br /> defend generally thc titte w thc Propcny�aiast;ill cl:ums aru!Je»tv�cis.wbject t��any eixun�t+ranccs nf Rc�url.
<br /> TizIS SEfURt'II'Y:NSTRlJAlEN1'combiZes unifomt co�'et�rNs fur nati�uwl use�uid nutt'utu�°r�u'."��ct�u�t'��iUt Uu�ited
<br /> variationc by juriuiiction u>amstitute a u�iiforni sauri�y i��trunient c�z��cri� rcal propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'!'S. &�rmveer and I.ender mcc�eun:ux1 agr���fc�llow•s:
<br /> !. Ps�yuzent ot Priaeip�! stad Iuterat: Prep+�Yment oad l.s►te Ct�es. Bormw•er st�all promptlY P�Y wh�a �u tlu:
<br /> principal of a�x!interest on thc debt evidenood by the Note and any prepaynxnt�xi late charges due undtr�he Ncxe,
<br /> 2. Flu�ds for'T�uces wad Insurauee. Subject to applicaAk law or to� written waiver by I.ender,Borrower sl►alE puj w
<br /> i.ender on the d�y montt:iy ps+yn�u are due under the Notc:.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds')far:(�)ye,�'ly luxes
<br /> and ussesanents which m�y nttsin prioriry over this Security inurument as�litn on the Propeary:(b))'earty leaseiwld p�yn�e:►ts
<br /> or ground rents on the F'ropeny, if any:(c)yearly hazard or property insursnce praniums:ldl yearly flood insurance prenuuu�.c.
<br /> if any: le)Yearly rnonga4$e insurance premiums.if any:und(� �►y sums Payable by Barmwcr to l.ender. in xcordance with
<br /> the orovisions of par�raph B, in lieu of the paymeru of martgage insurance. prmiumc. Thcse items ure called 'Escrow Itemc."
<br /> Ixnder may, su any ame.oalloct ud hold Funds in an anwunt not to excoed�he muimum amounc a tender for a federally
<br /> tr,latod mortg�ge loan may require far Borrowzr's escmw a�coount w�der the fakral Real Estate SetdeR�ent Prceeduns Act of
<br /> 1974 as amea�dod frc�m time to time. 12 U.S.C. Secti�on 2601 et s�q. ("RESPA").unless arwther law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. I.ender may, at any time.collect and hold Fiueds in an:unount �wt to excad the lesser a�nount.
<br /> l,ender m�y estimate the s�a�ount of Funds due on the batis of currcat data and t+easanablc estimates of expenditures af futune
<br /> Fscrow Items or othenvise in accordance with spplicable law.
<br /> 'The Funds shal! be held in an institution whose deposits ue insured by a foderal agency. irsstnuz�entaliry• or entity
<br /> (inclurling Lender.if Lender is wch aa institutiun)or in any Federal Home L,oan Banic.Lender shall aPP�y che Funds to puy the
<br /> Escrow Items.Lu�der may not charge Borrowzs for holding u�d applying the Funds,annually analy�ng the escrow x�ount,or
<br /> vuifying the Escrow Items,unless L,ender pays Borrower inutest on the Fuads and appiic�ble law permits L,ender to m�1ce such
<br /> a charge. However. I�raaic�r way require Bort�owu to pay�one-time charge for an indepuxlent rcal e.uate t�c t'epomn8 u�"ia
<br /> used by Lender in cQanection with this loan. unless applicable law provides oehejvuise. Unless su► agr�nt is made or
<br /> �pplicabtc law requires in�rest to be paid,Lendu shall not be required co paY BonoW+u any iuterest or earnings on thc Funds.
<br /> Borrowtr anr,!Lender may�ree ia wsi�ang,however.that intea+�c�st�all be paid on the FursaG. Lender shall givt to Borrowzr,
<br /> wittwtit chttrge, w �4ua1 aocounCr►g of the Funds. showing ct�fits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Fwds w�a:tade.The Funds are pledged.as additional security for all stunc socured by ttus Senuicy Instrument.
<br /> � . If the Funds het�Dy l.eneier exaeed the amoLaty permittod to be held by applicable law.I.ender sh�LE c::�rount w BocrorYer
<br /> - ' for the exasx Funds in aaordance with the re9uinemencs of�pplicable taw. if t�e amount of the Func��t by 1�nder at anY
<br /> - --�'e�rx G�ffirirnc to�y the Escrow Item�w}ten due,Lerder tmy w no6fy Bortuwrs in writing.ac�d.:a�such case Borrower
<br /> si�li pay to Lerrler Q�e aow�nt ne�ssasY w m�lce�thc deficiracy. Borrowa shall rodce up the deficie� in m more t11an..
<br /> � twdve monthlY payments.at 1-ond�r's sole discretion.
<br /> ` UP�P�Y�aent ia full of all sum5 securod by this Security Inurumeni. L�ender sl�all prompdy refund to Borrowu aay
<br /> _ Funds held by LaWer.If,urider p1r{graph 21,Lender shall acq�ire or sell the�roperty.Lencler.prior to ttu acquisition or sale
<br /> . of the Propercy,sha1�app1Y anY Funds deld by Lrnder at the time of acquisition or sale as a c�odit against the suias se�au�bY
<br /> this Security Irutrumnt.
<br /> ' 3.Appik�tl�ot p�ymeats.Unless applicable law provid�txherwise.all paytnetus reoeived by I,ender utda p�r�gtaptu
<br /> 1 oad 2 shall be applied:first,W anY P�Y���es due under the Note:s000nd.to amounts payafi�under pu'i8nph 2: .
<br /> ' tbitd�w interest due;foutth.W principal due:�nd last.W any laie charges dwe ui�der the Note.
<br /> 4.CharQer:I.iais.Bom�wer s1�a11 pay all tu�s.assesunents, cha*8es.fina aod imposidor�attributabk to tbe Property
<br /> w}�ich may atwin priority over this Sacuriry Instrwnent, and leasehald payments or ground r�cnts.if any. Sorrowu slull paY
<br /> tbae obligacioas in th�muu�er providud in paragraph 2,or if not p�id in that n�aner.Borrow�r shaU Pay tlKm ort�time dirxtly .
<br /> to the person owed gas•r,oait.Boirower shall pr�mpcly fumish to Lender a11 mcices of�nounts to be paid under this paragcaph.
<br /> - If Borrower m�lca ti�cs,e paymerus dirxdy,Borrower sl�all promptly fumish to Lender roceipts evidencing the payma�ts.
<br /> Bocrower shall prnmptly discharge any lien which h�s priority over this Serurity Iauturaent unless Bomower:(a)a8ms in
<br /> writit�g cv t7se paycnent of the obligation secural by t3u liun in a m�nner axeptabk to LaidG:(b)oontests in good f�ith dae liea
<br /> by, or d�fa�ds against enforcenxnt of the lien in. ltgal proceedings which in the I�oder's opinion operate to Pt'evau the
<br /> , a�forcement of the[ic�: ot(c)saYU�es from the holder of ihe lien an agrament s�tisf�cwry to Lender sw`nurdinatieg the lien to
<br /> this Security IasintrQ�k.if Lender determines tliaae any part oE the E'roperty is subjoct w a lien which cu:cy attain priority over
<br /> this Securiry iastnuaac,l.ender m�y give Borrower a ootice ideiuifying thc lien.Borrower shaU suisfy the liea or taice ore or
<br /> . mone of tbe�sa fonh sbo��e widhia !0 days o€tbe giving of notice.
<br /> '• F�o 3028 81i0
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