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■ tK �_ ��.. . .. `�_.. <br /> �' y■ MaA:• . �. .. 'n•'�`��_ <br /> . . � . N�� ■I I ���i Ir .. � _ . � `�i+�•�.�.. <br /> IV ^r.,J 'y[(� ``^' � l�—._lP:a�.--- <br /> R �� �' � <br /> - �.. .'7. ._ . _, <br />_ ' .�. . ..--._� —_ _ �__' <br /> �° �� 10&'3�9 <br /> TOUETHHR WITH�II Ihe improvements naw or hereafter erected on the proper� ments.oppurte�.�ud <br /> — - tixturea now or hereafter a purt af �he PropertY. Aii repfac�cmcmta wul aiWitio�u a�wll Ww be cover�d try thi� Suurfty <br /> - — G�rtrument. All of the faregaing is referred to in this Security Instrument as thc "Property." <br /> HORROWBR COV@NANTS that Borrower is lawfully�eisod of thc estate hereby conveyed�td has the�ight to grant s+nd <br /> �_ convey thc Property and that�h�c Property Is unencumbered, except for eocumbrances of record. Borrower warrantc and wUl <br /> _.•�; defend genernlly the titla to the Ptopeny against all claims And Jemands,subJect ta any encumbrcu�ces of record. <br /> •- THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUb1EM' cambines uniform cavenants far nationul use and nan-uniform covenorN�with limitod <br /> vs�riuions by juri�di�Kion to constitute o uniform security instrument covering rcal property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENAN7'5.Borruwer ancl l.encler�tirvenant uml agree as folluws: <br /> _ - 1. Payment o� Peincipol anid Iroterest; Prepoymeal and I.wte Clwrges. Horcower slu►II promptlY paY when due the� <br /> _ p�incipal of and interest on the debt�videnced by the Note wid nny pnepayment ou►d late charges due uncier the Note. <br /> 2. FY�ndr for Twces wnd Inserance.Subject to applicable law or to a w�ltten waiver by Lender. Bomue�er shall pay to <br /> --____= i.ender an the day monthly paymente�ore due under the Note,until the Nute is pald in full,a sum("Funds")far: (a>yearly taxes <br /> _—=--___�� and asses�ments which may attain priadty over this Security Instrument as a lien un the Property:(b)yearly leasehold payments <br /> � ` -- ��� or ground rents on the Prape�y. if uny;(c►yeurly huzani ar propeny insurance premiums; (d)yeariy f1ooJ insurww�e premiums, <br /> if ony; (e)yearly mo�igage itw�rance premiumc, if uny;and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in accordance with <br /> the provisions of p�rttgreph S,in lieu of ttie payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are�xilled "Escrow Items.' <br /> ������ I.ender may, u[ any tima. colloct orul hald Funds in an arr,ount not to excced the maximum iunount a lender for a federally <br /> �.Y.� related mortgage loan may require for Barrower's escrow account under the foderal Renl Estate Settlement Pracedures Acc of <br /> 1974 as amended fram time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"). unless another fuw that applies to the Funda <br /> �'O�' sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender tnay. at any time, collect and hold Funds in un Amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br /> 6 __...;_.-.,...� <br /> _ � ,. L.ender m�ey estimate thc amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonoble estimates of expenditures of future <br /> �� ��-����_��� Escrow Items or othenvise in xcordance with applicable fuw. <br /> _.. i� ':'� -" "'.� The Funds shall t+e held in an instiwtion whose deposits are insured by u federal agency, instrumentality. or entiry <br /> ,..�...��,._� ._�,f�.,i <br /> ��� ' (including l.ender,if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Ixnder shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> :_�� '' '�` Escraw Items.Lender may not cluuge Bornnwer for holdiog and upplying the Funds,annuaily analyzing the escrow accaunt,ar <br />-��,�,�;�.:;_' �y�:.,.� vedfying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicable law permits l.cnder to malce such <br /> a ,• - " o charge. However,Lxnder may require Borrower to pay a one-time rharge for an iixiependent rcul estate tax repoRing service <br /> �k'� used b l.ender in connection with lhis laan, unless a licable law rovides otherwise. Unless un o reement is made or <br /> .:wi.:.G.t.:.�;;t�'.::,• • Y PP P R <br /> -�' '" - �',��`��' applicable Iaw requires interest to be paid,L.ender shull not be rcquired to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> — ri'�°w' � Borrower und Lender ma a ree in writin however, that interest shall be uid on the Rund.r•. L.ender ehall �ve to Borrower, <br /> �r.orz�;a,. Y B B• p � B� <br /> — ��''''--°��'="���v�' without churge, an annual ucmunting of the Funds, shnwing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpase for which each <br /> �,�- �F-;- debit to the Funds wn.g made.The Funds are pledged as udditionul security for ull sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> � �`�,.;...:, . [f the Funds held by Lender excced the urnounts permitted to be held by s�pplicuble luw, Lender shull account to Borrower <br /> � for the excess Funds in acrnrdance with the rcyuiremenls of applicable luw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> -� ��~�i� time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Burrower in writing,and,in such r►se Borrower - <br /> � �r.�-•.��, • shall pay to Lender the nmount necessary to m�ke up the deticiency. Borrower�hall muke up the deficiency in no more than <br /> -= �,��4 .,,;wt�:. .� twelve monthly payments,ut Lender's sole discrction. <br /> --i ,���,;,� Upon payment in full of sill sums s�xured by this Security Instn�ment, Lender sl►ull prumpdy refund w Borrower uny <br /> -•� Funds held by l.encier.If, under paragn�ph 21, LenJer shall ucquire or sell 1he Property,Lender, prior to the ucyuisition or sale <br /> _ '�,,_"�-:''�"`�`. of the P�vperty, shall apply any Funds heW by Lender at the time of arquisition or sule ay a credit aguinst the sums�ecured by <br />� � ..;, �• ''" this Security Instrument. <br /> ; •. . 3.AppUcpdon of PAytnents.Unless applic•rble(uw provides utherwise,ull payments recciv��l by l.ender under paragraphs <br /> �, �"" ,,.,,,,,,,,,,, I und 2 shall be applicd: first,to any prepayment chargcs Jue unJer the Nutc; hccund,to umounts payable under p:uagraph 2; <br /> . � interest due; fourth,to principal Jue:uncl last,to uny late churges Jue unJer the Note. <br /> `' �= ;;;�• • �• 4. Cl��ges;Llen4. Bormwcr shali pay all taaes,uskssment+, chargca, tines and impositi�ms uttributable ro the Property <br /> � ,�;���.,... a..S� which may attnin priority ovcr this Sccuri�y Instrumcnt, :md Ic;uehold payments ur gruunJ rents, if uny. Borrower shall pay <br /> � .�a,r. these obligations in�he munner providcd in parAgraph 2,ur if nut paid in that manner, Borrowcr shull pay them on time directly , <br /> a. " �' , to the penon owed payment. Borrower sh;ill promptly furni,h tu LcnJer all noticr���f:unuuntti to bc puid undcr this paragraph. <br />���� ''y"`'� lf 8orroaer mukcs Ihcse prymentsdirectly,Borruwer tihall promptly furnish tu L.cnJcr rccciptti rvidcncing the p•rymenG�c. <br /> ��i� .. , <br /> �^::•. �• . Borrower shall pmmpdy discharge nny licn whirh ha,priority u��cr thi�S��urit�� [natrument unlcss Borrowcr: (ul ugrces in <br />-=� � writing to t6e payment of the obligution�ecured by the licn in a m•rnnrr•rrceptable w Lender;(b1 rontcst+in g�wd thith the lien <br />_,T;• a. : by, ur dcfcncls ugainst enforcernent of the li�n in, hgul pnk�tirling. which in thr l.cndcr'r upiniun op�rrtc to prevent thc <br /> ��1 =•• enfi►rcemint of thc lirrr ur(r)���vrrs frum thc huldrr of the lien an ugreenknt.atisfarto to l.ender sutwrdinatin� the lien to <br /> '� rY b <br /> Y-Y ., �.-- this 5ecurity In�trumcnt. If[.ender dcterniines Ihat any pan ot'thc Proprrty i� whjrrt tu a licn which may auuin priority ovcr _ <br /> :� Ihis Sccurity In�trument, l.rnder may givc&►rruwer u nutire idcnti(ying tlu licn. BurruN�cr�hall ,ati.fy the lirn ur take une or <br /> _ �� ° more of the uctiuns set foRh+�bove within IU d•rys uf thc giving of n��tice. _ <br /> . . � Form 3028 9I80 � <br /> Ppp 2 0�8 <br /> : i:� <br /> i <br /> � _ • <br /> . t' -_. .—..——_-_..--.—__.' _. . ___'__-_..' '' _ <br /> .. h.a..r......_ . ., . . ._. . _' ._—.�_��x'���— <br /> l.L.` .. � . .. -. - �.� ` .. . . . . u.�.S�wa�w+i:�/1:i11:.A�-�cti"+�_.. ..^.f+l�..µ�..�.,,�.�..•._ � <br /> ' � . . ' .. .. . .. <br />-=�� �i�-"` ..y_ :iafL�t�:rl�-- <br /> �._-:. <br />. • � " • ' ' " . , . <br /> u • <br /> 1 , ' , <br /> 00 � . ,. ' . - . <br /> � =��'� .. , . • ' <br /> � <br /> . � u <br />