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<br /> - '�"�, pe�iods thut Lender rcqui►ea. Th�insuranca conie�providing the insurance aholl be choxen by Borrower subject�o Lenders
<br /> . '2�+' � qpprovn!which sh�ll not be unronwnably withheld. If Bortower fails to muinwin coverage descritxJ above.txnder may.at
<br /> • Lxndar`�option.obtain eovera�o to prorect Lender's�i�hu�in ehe Pcoperty in accordance with pua�raph 7.
<br /> , �y.i�. . All insurance policies and rcnewal�ahuli be acceptable to Lender and slwll include a stondard mortgage clauce. Lender
<br /> ,. ���,;,��, ah�ll twve�he�ight to hold the policles arW rcnewols. If Lender rcquircs,B�rtower shall promptly�ive�o Lender all recoipts
<br /> � of paid premiums and renewal noticos. In the event of loss, Barower shnll�ive prompt notice to�he in�uronce camer and
<br /> . � ._.,� Lender. Lender muy makr proof of los�if not male prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortoa�er otherwise agrce in wridng.insurance proceeds shull be opplied to restorution or repnir of
<br /> '''`�' � ' '' ""�' the Pcoperty damated, ff the rc+toretion or rcp�ir is ecnnomically feasible und Lender's secudty is not lesuned. If the �
<br /> �:�';,:�. rcstorati�n or rcpair is not economically fearible or Lender's 5ecurity would be lessened.the insurnnce proceeds shnll be
<br /> .� ."`�,"'=' � appUed to tiw sums secured by this Security Instrument, whe�hcr or not then due, with ony excess puid to Bocrower. If
<br /> '.```°" Borrower abandons 1he 1'cope�ty.or daa not answer within 30 dnys a nntice from Lender that the insurnnce carrier has
<br /> =.�:,;�i�w�":�� � offercd to senle a claim,�hen Lender moy collect the insuronce proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or�es[om
<br /> ;•., � `.�+'�•, the property or to pay sums secured by thi�Security Inatrument,whether or not then due. 'I7►a 30-day period will be�in when _
<br /> r�+��a*#'-j^�' � the notice Is given.
<br /> ��:���w �` Unless Lender and Homower otherwise ngrce in writing,any opplicutfon of praceeds to principal shsill not eatend or ___
<br /> �- ,� :..�,� pestEwne the due date of�he mon�hly payments rcferred to in parag�phs l wW 2 or changc[he amcwnt�f che payments. If
<br />� '�';+�`.��.� ,., onder paragrnph 21 the Prope� is ncquired by Lender. Borrower's nght to any Insurance pol(cies and praceeds resulting
<br /> -�'b+�%�' �' from damnge to the Property pnor to the acquisidon shall pass to Lender[o the extent of the sums setured by this Securiry
<br /> ''�"" �"' � '' ° � lnsuument immediatcly prior tu thc ucquisit�on.
<br /> ��'`•... '"� '''' 6. Occupaacy, Preservatioa, M1�lalaleaance and Protection ot tNe Propert�; Borrower'� La�a AppUcatlon;
<br /> —..„ : . ",, Leasedolds. Bocrower shall accupy.establish.and use the Property as Horrower s prine�pnl rcstdence withM sixry duys after
<br /> -� `��.;�, the execuNon of this Securicy Insmiment nnd shell conttnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's p�incipal residence for u
<br /> _ :- --�.'� . � least one ywr ufter the dace of occupancy, unless LenJer wherwise u�rees in wricing. whlch consent shall not be =
<br /> -_. ;�r.:_ , unreasonably witht+eld.or unless extenuaci�g circumstances exist which ore beyond Bortower's contral. Horrower shaU not --
<br /> - �� destroy,damage or impair the Property,ullow the Property to detertornte,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> v�� � �� be fn default if any forfelture uccion or proceeding,whether civit or criminul,is begun that in Lender's gaad faith judgment _
<br /> — could rcsult in forFeimro of the Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien cresued by this Security Instrument or
<br /> -° � ° - Lender�security intercst Borrower mny cure such a default and rcinstnte,ns provided in paragraph l8,by cuusing the action
<br /> --.,�, . . or pracading w be dismissed with u ruli►�g that,in Lender's good Fsuth detcrmination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower�s
<br /> _,� , .. intercst in the Property or other mauriul impainnent of the lien created by this Securiry Insaument or Lender's security
<br /> �:,� „ • � ` fnteresG Borrower sholl also be in defstult if Borrower, during the loan applicncion process, gave materially false or
<br /> —� Y . �, innccurnte information or seatements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with
<br /> = the loan evidenced by thc Note,including, but not limited to. representuaons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> � Pmpetty us a principal residence. if this Security Insuument is on u leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisiona
<br /> _ ,�.- „----,-•,= of the lense. If Borrower acquires fa title to the Property,the lesissehold and the fee ade shall not merge unless Lender ugras
<br /> to the mcrger in writing.
<br /> `� . . � , 7. Protectbn of Lender's Rights in the Property. Tf Borrower fails to perForm the covennnts and ogreements
<br /> contaned in this Securiry instrument,or there is u leg�l praceeding thpt muy signi8cantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �'"' • t"�• • pmperty(such as a procading in bunktuptcy,probate,far condemnurion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulntions),then
<br /> -"' ��� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessory to protect the vsilue of the Properry and Lender's rights in the Prope�ty.
<br /> .,�r;:'•.:'"� :.
<br /> - . � � Lender's actions may include paying any sums securcd by u lien which hrs prioriry over this Securiry Instrument,nppearing
<br /> � " ' � fn court,paying reasonuble anorneys'fee�and entering on the Propeity to mcike�epa'us. Although Lrnder may mke action
<br /> -. o • � � �''."�t'" � under this paragrnph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> r, �""''�"'"" Any amounts disbursed by Lander under�his paragrnph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br /> •• � •• � �• ' � Security lnswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agr�e ro other tertns of payme�t.�t►ese amounts shull bear interest from the
<br /> 'T' ' ' date of disbutsement at the Note rate and shall be payuble, with interest, upon notice from Lrnder w Borrower rcquesting =-
<br /> R.
<br /> :��F- � puymenG �:..
<br /> - • . 8. Mortgage Iosurance. If Lender reyuired mortgnge insurnnce as u condition of mafcing the loan secured by this '"
<br /> -- _ � Securiry Instrument, Borrower shalt pay the premiums required ta muintnin the mortgage insurance in effece If. for any
<br /> �`� " rcason, the mortgage insurance covernge required by I.ender lupses or ceuses to be in effect, Bomower shuU pay the !,
<br /> �T • premiums rcquiced to obtnin covernge substantiully equivulent to the morcgoge insumnce prcviously in effect, at u cast __
<br /> _- 1,���, ,. substnntinlly equivalent to che cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurance previously in effect,from an altemute mortgage
<br /> insurer opproved by Lender. [f substantially eyuivalent mortgage insurance coveroge is not avuiluble,Borrower shull pay to —
<br /> ` i Lender each month n sum equ�l to one•twelfth of the yearly mnrtgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower when the --_
<br /> - ' • insurance coverage lapsed ur ceused tu be in effect. Lender will:ucept.use nnd retain these payments us u loss reserve in tieu
<br /> - of mortgage insurance. I.oss reserve payments may no longer be requircd,nt the option of Lender,if mongage insurance
<br /> -'°� .; ' covernge(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurcr approved by Lender agoin becomes ;'.
<br /> •r.",- > avuiluble and is obtnined.Borrower shall puy the premiums reyuircd to mnintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a �
<br /> �.,�; '�.:: �• loss reserve.until the rcquirement for mongage insurance ends in accordnnce with any wri[ten agreement between Borrower ���.
<br /> �`�,k' " " and Lender or applicuble luw.
<br /> �;': _ 9. Inspectlon. Lender or iis agent muy make re;uonuble entries upon:u�d inspections of the Property. Lender shall ;
<br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to:u�inspection�pecifying reasonuble cau,e for the inspection. �
<br />_ 10. Condemnation. The proeeeds of any uward or claim for Janwges,direct or consequential,in connection with any �
<br /> • � Sinyk lymily••Faaak N�Freddk 11nc U�i1FOR5f INSTRL'�fE�T••Uniform Cuvenants 9190 Ipdke j��J4/auRcrl ;
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