�f; � m;
<br /> ' .�� 1� ` w.. .� � y . . ,._-"'=
<br /> •��..• }�� . .. ...r:nt"�edta,
<br /> •`- ' --°�r�rrwG..�iMi�l� � --. . . .—_— -- -------
<br /> 92-- �os�s3
<br /> -.-- ----- otas�le,aad the eale,lnclud(ng Me p�yment ot the'i�ustee's fcea�ctu�lly Incurred,nM to exceed 3•Q 96 uf
<br /> fhe princy►d ao�oua�d�he nde at the ttme ot the declaratloa al del�ufb�nd nrson.bte anorneya�fee�wx permitted
<br /> by IAwi tbl W�II s�uas Kcured Ay tW�S�curity lartruaneat=�ad Ic►Aoy excesr to tbe perron or percow leiafly eadlkd
<br /> a�.
<br /> 22. Reconvay�nce, Upon puymcnt of ull rum� sccured by thix Scru�fry Instrumcrn,l.endcr r:6ai1 rcyucxo 7tutilee tn
<br /> _ neconvey Ihe Property �nd shaQ eurrender this Sec�r�ty Instrument wnd�II notes evidendng debt cecur+ed by lhis Secu�ity
<br /> ,�, Ingtrument to'ihistee. 7tustee ahall reconvey Ihe Propeny withaul warrunty and without charge la �he pe�aon or(+ensonti
<br /> Ie�ally entilled to it. Such pc:rzun ur persuns shaU pay uny rccordation cnsts. -
<br /> 23. 3ubstlWte'tiruata. Lender,ut its uption,may from timc to�ime remove 71u�tcc And uppoim a succcssor truxlce to
<br /> any 7tustee appointod hereunder by an instrument r�corded in the counry in whicl� ihiec Security Insirument is recorded.
<br /> -- — Without conveyance of th�Piropeny,the suceessor tru�tee shall suceeed to aU the tide. power and duties conferrecl upon
<br /> 7lustee hereln and by applicable law.
<br /> �-- 24. Request�ior NNlcea Borrower requests ihat copiex of 1hc nodces�of defwult and sal�be sent to Borrowcr'�Address
<br /> __- ' --- which is�he Property Address.
<br /> —�--T--- ----� 25. Riders tu lhis Security lasMumenG If one or more riders Are executed by 8orrower nnd recorded rogether with
<br /> this Secudty Inspvment,the covenants and Agrceme�ts af eACh such rider shnll be incorparuted into und ahaU 9mend und
<br /> �..�,� supplement 1he covenwrts and agreement�of this Securiry Instrumenl as it 1he riderts)we�+ee a pert of this Securlty insuument.
<br /> (Cdeck applicable box(ec1J .
<br /> �Adjus�ble R�te Rider �Condominium Rider a I-4 Family Rider
<br /> °�---- ---==-- �GruJwUeci Payment Rider �Plar�ncd U�it Dcvclopment tc�der �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />- - ..,..:::.:�:..�� ,
<br /> �'°�`�F'�'���� �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Hame Rider
<br /> ��4,�,`��
<br /> —��'�``�=�� �X Other(�)(speclfY] Acknowledgement and Asaigniaent of Renta Rider
<br /> �,y�,�i��•:,:�
<br /> <�I�L�I�7'et�.t�...ir�
<br />„��.• ;���:�• BY SIGNING BELOW,Bomawer uccepis and agrees to the tem�s ond covennr�ta contained in[hi: �ecurity i�trument `
<br /> � and in any rider(�)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> — ,�. �`. �;
<br /> _ .��•��.::... ..q•�r, Witnesses: +
<br /> ,s,.L=�=-�'V�^�.�► //�' /� -
<br /> —.,�_s.-}f_�•-- 1 / I_9 /(�,�,�1
<br /> - __—_ _- \JGSS� �
<br /> — .•��-.:.. � ' eonard E. Sloan -�'R11MOf
<br /> -��..sst�:.,5���" ' Soci urity Number y"� —
<br /> � - _ ;
<br /> '�I�.��..�iMi+xi
<br /> � , (Scal)
<br /> =� . ., anice J. oan •ewrower
<br /> `'�. �`t-~h`- , ial Secudry Number �08 3 6 3d 7�
<br />,: � � ., ,'.�,-�,
<br /> � �,� .��, STATE OF NEBRASKA, yp(,], County�s:
<br />�'i ._,.,..._ . -��°� =
<br /> '"'�"" • •• - On[his 9th dAy of July 1992 .beforc me,the undersigned,a Notary Public -
<br /> ���' ' . � , duly commissioned and quAlified for said county,personally cane Leonerd E. Sloan end
<br /> . �" • � ' •� A .to me known to be the
<br />-�' .�,_ � Janice J. �loan, Huaband and Wife r
<br />�� identical persons(s)whose namels) pre subscrihed to �he foregoing instrument und ucknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> a��,,. ., ' -
<br /> `��'�"'°''r: ".y � theit voluntary act and decd.
<br /> ��T Y Grand Island, Nebr. Y
<br /> ±� Witneas m hund and notnriul seal ut in said count ,the --
<br /> _- `�;��' : , d �` •
<br />-' • �,,_�.,;., C�biB�►�ot wbro� :�1L+�
<br />_ ' }�' Nol�y Public
<br /> �+�' .. CHRIS L KASKIE
<br />.���""- � � ` �1'�^^�•E�•�•�� ��� REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> ,� '�_.. jr"
<br /> T TRU TEE:
<br />_��'" ' � The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by Ihis Deed of 7tust. Said notc or notes,togethcr with ull
<br /> • ..;�� �,,:• � J " other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7ivst.have been paid in ful I. You ure hen:by direcled lo cuncel said nole or note�
<br /> �. C
<br />- ° and this Deed of 7ivst,which um delivercJ hcn:by,and lo mconvey,wiU�uu�w�rr•rnty,all 1he estate now held by you under
<br /> �•'• . ` this Deed uf 1iv9t to the petson or persuns legally enliUed therelo.
<br /> + i-
<br /> � ., ". Dute:
<br /> . '",'�.. Form J�28 9/90 UbRr 6 njArwgesl =
<br /> � ' , • _
<br /> �
<br /> � " � . . �_. �_ . � --.� .. - —. • _ t� - --- —�--,- �- - - ._ . _ .�.. _ ._-
<br /> .
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