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.� _ ; .. ._�r._ <br /> k».. „ _ -: <br /> . ^�e' . . .d4dG;'�M�+` 1.,. , .. .,�.'-=.. <br /> �� _ � '....:..Li�-+'Yl'.l.�'�_-_ . <br /> .+. n <br /> �"x "_� .. <br /> . . �io , • _ ._.�_ � <br /> ���•r:�:;:�i � � �. .10f�►363 <br /> -- 92 <br /> • period�tlwt Lcndcr requir��. Thc insurnnce carticr praviding�he ineurnnce xhull bc cho�cn by Borrower subJcct to L.ender'a <br /> - approva!which shull not bo unnasonubly wfthl�cld. If Borrowcr fuils to maintuin covernge dercribed abnve.Lender mpy.nt <br /> - -- L,ender'a aptian,obtain coverage to protect l.enderk r�ghts in the Praperty in accardonce with parng�ph 7. <br /> � All insurance policieq and�nowals shall bo aceeptuMle to Lender uiul xhall iarlude u stundard mortgage clAUSC. L.ender <br /> 'a�.•� shall have the�ight ta hold tho poticies und ret�ewals. If L.ender rcyuirex,Bnrrowcr�hull prompdy give to Lender all receipta <br /> ���• of paid prcmiums and rcnewul noticex. In ihe event af loss,Borrower shall�{ive prompt notice to the insur�:e csrrler And _ <br /> - I.cnder. Lender may ma�e proof of losa if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> ��--�'+%- Unless l.ender nnd Borrower otherwiu Agree in w�iting,insurance pnxceda shull be upplicd to re��aration ar repair of r <br /> "�'` ` the Pro�eAy damoged, if thc restorution or rcmpair is cconomicully fouxible aiJ LenJerk ►ccurity ir nut Icsscned. lf�he - <br /> `���� _�.�,��s;.;;��;.,S�, %. restorenon or repair is not economicully feusible or Lender� ,ccu�ity would be lessened,the insurnnce prceeeds shall be <br /> �;�i a c,;�ewj� npplied ro ttrc sums secuned by this Securi�y Instrument. whether or n�t then due, with any excess paid to Bortower. If <br /> -�;��.,�:;s��►;�:,s�� Borrower abandons the Properry.or does not answer within 30 day� u notice from Lender that the insurance ca��ier ha.c <br /> �'`4��"�'-�`� offercd to settle a claim,then l.ender mAy collect thc inaurance proceeds. Lender may u+;e the praceeds to rcpnir or restore <br /> j=*=�•.� ,�r:.�;_��;� the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whelher or nat Ihen due. The 30-day period wlll bcgin when _ <br /> �—=-� -�� the rrotice is given. __ <br /> �� - V�y� Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwise agree in writing.any application af praceeds to principul rihull not extend or <br /> --� :�. •:•..)�•• <br /> ,,�. , postpone the due date of the monthly pAymen[s referrcd to in p�rngrnpha I und 2 or chunge the umount af the payments. 1 <br /> eS�~;x;:�;*;'�::,�� under puragraph 21 the Properry is Acquired 6y Lender. Borrower�right to any insurunce policies and proceeds resulting <br /> — °W'��:::• from damage to thc Property pdor ro the acquisition shall paxs to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> ��#���k'' . ' Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. -- <br /> -- • b. Oocupancy. Preservatlon, Maintenance and Protection ot the Propeny; Borrower's Loan Appllcwdon; <br /> ' �* • Leaseholds. Borrower shull occupy.establish.and use the Property os 9orrower's principul residence within sixty days after <br /> ,�� ;-;t�-�<- �_ <br /> -• � �., ,; � , :.. . the executiun uf this Securiry Instrument And ahall continue to a:cupy the Property as Borrower is principal residence for at -_ <br /> �• . least one year after the date of accupancy, unless L�nder athervvise ngrees in writing. which consent shal! not be _ <br />- .• �..',+` unreusonebly withheld,ar unless extanuating circumatances exist which ure 6eyond Borrower's control. Bortower shaQ not <br /> , • ,.•�. destroy,damage or impair the Prapeny.ullow the Property to deteriixAte,ar commit wuste on the Property. Borrnwcr sholl _ <br />, ,,, . ;�� „ be ln default if any farfeiture ac[ion or prceeeding,whether civil or criminal,ix begun that in Lender s good fuith judgment <br /> could result in forfeiture af t}ie Property ar olherwise materially impair the lien crented by ihis Security Instn.�ment or <br /> � -�•�•�-�%x 1 x-nde.rk r,ecurity intetesL Barrower may cure such a default and reinstnte,Aa provided in pamgrnph 18,by causing the action �-=,.: <br /> ° � 'Y ��� or proceeding to bc diamissed with a ruling that,in Lender's good tai�h determination,precludes forfeimre oithe Burruwer� � <br />° `�""''�"�"'� ' interest in the Prapeny or othar material impairment of the Uen creuted by thix Security Instrument or l.ender's security <br /> ' � ��q�`.�su: intereat. BoROwer shall also be in default if Borrower, during the lonn applicntion process. gave muterially false or <br /> su <br /> inuccurnte information or atatementr,to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any meterial information)in connection wf�h �^ <br /> '���w��a � Ihe loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representutions concerning Borrower's occupancy of the — <br />--_ ._ ..:�:;, _ _ . Property us a princlpul residence. If this Security InKtrument is ex�u kusehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisians <br /> ---.; �""T' °`- '� of the leu�e. If Borrower acquires fee eide�u tix Pru�rty.ihe feascltiold artd ihe fee tisle sha!!not tsstrge unless Lender egr�R -_- <br /> t.":r.,_ :..,:.. ta the mergcr in writing. <br /> � ������,� 7. Protectbn oP I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to pertorm the covenants and agrcements <br /> , ,�,:;;�., ' • eontained in this Security Inslrument, or Ihere is u Iegul praceeding thut may .r•igni�cantly affect Lender§ rights in 1he — <br /> .. � e, � property(such as a praceedin�in bankrupicy.probate,for condemnution or forfei�ure or to enforce luws or regulalions),then _ <br /> Lender may do and pny for whatever is necessury to protect the vulue of the Property und Lenderk r�ghts in the Propedy. <br /> " R�• . ... Lender 4 actions may include paying:uiy sums secured hy u lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument,appearing �^ <br /> , ' .� .• � :�. . in caurt,paying reusonable attorneys'fees und entering on the Propeny �o mnke repui�. Althaugh Lender may take action <br /> '� " � under this parngraph 7,l,ender dces not have ta do xo. <br /> ��, � ,,�, ;� Any umountti disbursed by Lendcr under this parugraph 7 shall becume s�dditianal Jebt of Borcower secured by this ��..- <br /> _�' , . Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lcnder ugree to other tcrni�ot'puyment,thc�c umoums shull beE►r interest from�he vr__�- <br /> �� date of disbursement ut the Note rstc und shall be payuble. with interex�, upan noticc 1'rom Lendcr to Borrower requesting <br /> �?' ' � puyment. =— <br /> r' ' ��'�� �� �� 8. Mortgage Insurance. IF Lender required mortguge insurnnre us a condition of mnking the loan secured by this <br />� ' � .. . , ° Security Instn�ment, Borrower xhall pay the premium, required to muimi�in the moAguge insurunce in effect. If,for any _ <br /> ' t reoson, the mortgage insurunce coverugc reyuircd by Lcndcr lupscs or reaties to Ixx in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> 4.;�� prcmiums requircd to obtain covrruge substantiully eyuivulent to the monguge insurunce previously in effect, at a wst i._ <br /> ':�:;• xubstantiully equivulent to the cast �o Borrower of the mon u e inxurnnce rcviousl in effect,from un Altemate mort o e <br /> S B p Y S B �:.;, <br /> • • insurer approved by Lendcr. If substuntiully cyuivulent monguge insuruncc coveragc is not uvuilable,Borrower shall pAy to <br />. c •� Lender eurh momh c�sum cyual to one-twclfth of�hc yeurly mongugc insuruncc prcmium bcing paid by Bortower when the <br /> � " , insurance rovernge lopxed ur�eused to be in effect. LenJer will uccept,use•rnd reluin Ihese payment�us a loss reserve in lieu <br /> ' ' ' -- ''- • .. of mortgage insurunce. Loss reserve puyments muy no lunger he rcquired,ut �he opiion of Lender, if moAgage insurance <br />. coverage(in�he umount und for thc period�hai Lcnder reyuiresl pruviJcd by un insurcr�►pprovcd by Lender usnin becomes -_ <br /> `.;;;�:...,;... uvuilable und is obtuined.Borrower,hall pay the premiums reyuired to maimuin mungugc insurunce in effec�,or to provide a 1�=�� <br /> _ � loss re�ervc,until the rcyuirement tbr moitguge insurunce end,in uccordunce with any wri�trn agreement beiween Borrower <br /> � • nnd Lender or appliruble luw. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lcnder or itx ugent m:�y m�kc reu.onuNlc rntric.u�m unJ iiu�rtions af thc Property. Lender shnll ,._ <br /> � y". give Borrower notire at thr time of ur p�ior w;ui imFxction.prcifying rcuxonuhle cau�r li►r thc insp�rtiun. <br /> ��. ° 10. Condemnation. The pnxceds of any:�ward or rlaim fi�r Jamug�+.dircrt nr run�ryucnti•rl,in r��nncction with any <br /> � Singlc F•rmily--Funnir 11ue/F►etldie\fwc UhIF11N�1 INtiTRV14:1iT•-l�nifarm Cuvcnunt. 9I90 1p�.¢r.i,�jn�gesl <br /> �i' Gre�l wtei eux�nrs va,ro.�nt■ . <br /> `' tb UM 1'.�0:IAOOb�76A793 C7 FAK IIB�7BI�1131 <br /> 1, <br /> • ' �. <br /> �U ' . . � . . . - � . ...- ..�,.......�.��-. .. . . . . <br /> ___.' _ _ _ .. " . . � . �.e..��.iw <br /> .� <br /> ] <br /> 'II__'_._ _.:. fli�.�4•.—..e.`_._._—_-:-__.—.__—.___ _ _'""_"_. . . <br /> � <br /> •, I <br /> ' • �•1 I .. , <br /> • • 1 <br /> � i <br /> ',:/ � - -— - . .�J. ---- -- ------- - - .. <br />